Noami's POV

I woke up and took a shower. I put on some gray sweats and a white tee that I tied on the side with my white and black Roshes. I went to the kitchen and fixed Tyrone a bottle before he woke up and I picked up his toys that were in the living room.

"Good morning." Destiny said coming in.

"Good morning."

"Hey, I have a hair and nail appointment." I said.


"I was just reminding me cause you sometimes forget." I said defending myself.

"Awe, shut up."

"I'm thinking after work, I'll take Tyrone to the beach." I said.

"Little man turned 7 months today." she said.

"Yes, he did. And he loves the sand so why not." I suggested.

"I'll love to go but I gotta go to work."

"You sure you can go. I know the kinda week you had in Louisiana." I smirked.

"Shut up. Terrance and I are just boo-thangs." she said.

"I'm just saying."

"You know when I told Faith about us she seemed stand off-ish. And I think she was saying some slick sh*t in Spanish too." she said.

"Haha, Faith is always saying something slick in Spanish. But did you asked her about it?"

"No, I just continued to do what I do and that is hang with my baby."

"Haha, whatever."

Just then Tyrone started crying. I went in and grabbed him and my purse and phone.

"See you later fat man." I said kissing him then giving him to Destiny.

I left and went to work. When I got in the kids were stretching.

"Ms. Noami!" they screamed then ran up to me.

"It looks like I was missed."

"You were." one little girl said.

"Good, now everyone get in line. We got work to do." I said.

They lined up and we started exercising and then dancing.

*hours later.*

I went to the hair salon after work and got some length added to my hair. I haven't had weave in so long, I kinda think I'm addicted. After my hair, I went to get my nails done. About an hour and a half after that I pulled up to the house.

"I'm home." I said walking.

Tyrone crawled up to my side with his swimming trunks on.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Where Nana?" I asked.

I went in to her room and she was getting dressed for work.

"Thanks, for getting him ready." I said.

"No problem."

I went in my room and got dressed for the beach. I just put on an orange two piece and a green cover up. I buckled Tyrone in and we went to the beach.

When we got there I laid down the towel and took off my cover up and Tyrone's shirt.

We walked up to the water and I sat in the shallow part then he bounced up and down into the water.

"Awe, look at mama's boy go." I said.

Someone tapped me on my shoulder and I turned around. When I looked up it was Ja'Von.

"Hey." I said sitting Tyrone between my legs.


"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here with my sister and her family." he said pointing.

"That's Kadejah?" I asked.


"I teach her at the dance studio." I said.

"That's why your axs like that? I'm going to have to tell her to quit." he said.

"Haha, your crazy."

"I'm just playing. She loves to dance and she loves you because she comes home talking bout you." he said.

"Is it good?"


"She's a good kid."

"She is."

I started to stare off in space and I looked down at Tyrone to make sure he wasn't eating sand.

"Is this your beautiful baby boy?" he asked mocking me.

"Haha, yeah. This is Tyrone." I said picking him up.

"Hey there little guy." he said.

He started to giggle.

"He is handsome."

"Thank you."

"So, you're not in a relationship right because I don't want your baby daddy coming out and shooting a n*gga up." he said.

"Haha, no. We don't even live in the same state. Plus, he doesn't know where I am." I said.

"Good, so if I do the right things I can probably have you all to myself." he said.

"Probably." I said smiling.

I got up and walked back to my spot and dried off Tyrone.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked.

"Nothing, why?" I asked.

"Because I wanna take you out." he stated.

"Umm, I don't know."

"Why not."

"I just got of a relationship and I don't wanna jump back into one." I said.

"Who said we have to started off in a relationship?" he asked.

"I still don't know, how will Kadejah feel if she sees her dance instructor and her uncle together."

"You know you worry to much?" he said laughing.

"I just wanna take you out to eat and we'll see, from there, if we should continue or not."

"No, I have no one watch Tyrone." I said.

"Well, look there's a carnival tomorrow. You can bring him and we can just hang out." he said.

"I'll think on it." I said.


He sat on the sand next to me and rocked back and forth.

"What are you doing?" I asked laughing.

"I'm waiting on an answer." he said.

"Haha, I didn't mean now?" I said.

We looked up and Kadejah was walking up to us.

"Uncle Jay we're about to go." she said.

"Okay, I'm coming." he said getting up.

"Hey, Ms. Noami." she said then walked away.

He helped me up and packed up my things and walked me to my car again. I buckled up Tyrone and he opened my door.

"You said once I see you again I can get your number." he said.

"I said we'll see."

"I see that you're not sure about what kind of guy I am. But I can say that I'm a nice guy who just want to hang out with you, get to know you and see if we have a chance together." he said.

"Haha, maybe you can get it now." I said laughing.

I put my number into his phone and he put he's in mines.

"Hey, you about to get left." his sister said rolling up.

"Be cool."

"Haha, better go before you have no one to take you home." I said smirking.

"Awe, you down bad for that but I would really like for you to come to the carnival." he said.

"Okay, I just might be there." I said.

"Good, text you later." he said walking to the car.

They left and so did I. When I got home Tyrone was asleep. I washed him off in the sink and laid him down for bed. Then, I went to fix some food. The door opened and it was Destiny.

"Damn, you're up late."

"Its only 10:30." I said.

"My bad, I forgot."

"I kinda have a date tomorrow." I tried saying.

"What?! Noami, have a date? After a year of being down here you have a date? What's his name? Where y'all going?" she said taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"Haha, calm down. It's the same guy from the supermarket. He was at the beach today and he wanted to take me out but I told him I had no one to watch Tyrone so he suggested the carnival tomorrow night." I explained.

"I could've watched Tyrone. I would have just had to take off though."

"Exactly, and that's less money that you'll have." I said.

"Well, I hope you guys have fun."

"Me too."

I went in my room and my phone went off.

Unknown - hey it's Ja'Von.

me - hey it's Noami.

Ja'Von - you got jokes huh?

me - just a little.

Ja'Von - I thought you'll be sleep by now.

me - you caught me because I was on my way.

Ja'Von - well, I'm not gonna keep you up beautiful. Good night.

me - goodnight

With that I went to sleep.
