Noami's POV

Today is my beautiful mother's wedding day. We was up early trying to finish the decorations and the food trays. Then we went to get our nails and feet done. Well, I got my feet did because my nails were already done. And we went back to the house and got our hair and makeup done.

"Can you believe you're getting married?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh, no." she said.

"Well, you're looking beautiful." I said.

"Awe, thanks baby. So are you."

Tyrone woke up from his nap and I took care of him.

"How does mommy look?" I asked.

He just started giggling and blowing spit bubbles.

"You little nasty."

"So, have you seen Tray since we've been here?" Diamond asked.

"Diamond, if I've seen Tray do you think it'll just be us sitting here?"

"She's right. He'll be all up in her kool-aid." my mom said.

We all just laughed because she wanna be hipped so bad.

"Well, I don't know because he does have a new chica." Faith said.

"Really?" my mom asked.

"Yeah, Terrance told us that day we went to the mall." Destiny said.

"Y'all saw Terrance?" Faith asked.


"So, how are y'all? Are y'all how y'all used to be?" she asked Destiny.

"Ummm, I don't know, kinda." she said.

"Oh, eso es agradable (that's nice)." she said looking back at her phone.

"Anyway, he said that he has a new girl but I don't care because I have a new guy." I said referring to Tyrone.

"Why didn't you name him a junior?" Diamond asked.

"The whole Jr. thing is not for me. I mean, they have the same initials." I said.

"Enough about y'all, we have the novia más bella (most beautiful bride) ever here and we have our girl Noami back. I think we should toast to that." Faith said pouring us champagne.

"I'll toast to that." Diamond said.

"Me too." I stated.

We all toasted and they drunk they're champagne. Then we went to get dressed. The bridesmaids had the most beautiful dress ever.

It was gold and fitted to our shapes. The problem is I have grown a butt since I had Tyrone. So, I kinda don't know how this is going to work out for me. I unzipped it and stepped in.

"Destiny, I need help." I said.

She came and helped but the dress wouldn't go up over my booty.

"Try putting it over your head." she suggested.

"It's going to mess up my makeup and hair." I pouted.

"No it's not, come on." she said lifting up the dress.

We put it over my head and it work a lot better and it made my butt bigger and cuter. I put on the pink heels and put on the pink accessories. And Destiny got Tyrone ready. She's not in the wedding, so she'll be watching Tyrone for me.

I was in the mirror in the closet looking at myself. I can even say feeling myself because my body was banging.

"What if Tray is there at the wedding?" Destiny asked.

"There is no what if because he's going to be there. I'm so confused about the whole thing. I mean how do you say, 'I'm back, you have another child?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that is kinda weird or loca (crazy), in the words of Faith." she said laughing.

"I'm not even going to think about it because today is not about me, it's about my mom." I said leaving out the closet.

"Vamos chicas. (come on guys)" Faith said.

I grabbed my bouquet and Destiny grabbed Tyrone and his stuff and we left. No one will see my mother until she walks down the aisle with grandpa. We pulled up and and went into the back while everybody started coming in. I was nervous as hell. It was time for us to line up and start to walk. I was walking alone, before my mom come out.

Diamond and Faith has already gone and it was approaching to my turn. I was past nervous this time, I don't even know what I am. It was my turn and I started taking steps down the aisle. I heard all kinds of stuff.

People gasping, questioning each other of where I've been and talking about my axs. I finally made it to my spot then they started to play 'You for Me' by Johnny Gill. Everybody stood up and the doors opened. There stood my beautiful mother, who was looking so great.

Her white laced mermaid dressed, her hair, and her gold heels that was pink at the bottom. Her and my grandpa walked down the aisle and she made her way to Nathan who was crying like a baby.

My grandpa gave her away and sat down. Through the service I even shed some tears myself. One day this will be me and then it would be Tyrone. I started looking through the crowd and my eyes went straight to Tray's. I looked away because it was time for the blended sand.

Where my mom, Nate, Nathan, and I pick a different colored sand pouring it in a cup mixing together with means that blending our family's together. After that it was time for the rings.

"We now announce to you Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Robin Sr. We may now kiss your bride." the revered said.

They kissed and everybody cheered. Then they jumped the broom and left out and we walked after them. Before we went to the reception we took pictures.

The bridesmaids.
The groomsmen.
Both together.
The bridesmaids and bride.
The groom and groomsmen.
Bride and groom.
Our now blended family.
Bride, groom, and their parents.
Bride, daughter, and Tyrone of course.
Bride and daughter.
Groom and son.
And then everybody together.

After that them heels came off my feet and Nike shoes came on, well after we walked into the reception.

"Hey, fat man." I said taking Tyrone from Destiny.

"He needs to be change." she said.

"Alright, I got it."

"No, I got it."

"Well, we'll just go together." I said laughing.

We went to the bathroom and changed Tyrone. When we came out Tray was just walking in with CJ and I guess his new 'girl' by his side.

"Estás bien chica? (you okay girl)" Faith asked coming up to me.

"Faith, English please?" I stated.

"Haha, you okay?" she asked.

"Girl, I'm fine. I got my fat man, he's not important to me anymore." I said.

"Good girl."

We walked back to the table and sat down. Then Nate and I went up to the stage.

"Everyone, may we please have your attention." I said.

"My sister and I are happy to announce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Robin." Nate said.

Everybody stood and clapped as they came in, while Nate and I got off stage.

"Now that they are married, you're going to stop hitting on me right?" I asked.

"That will never happen but I'm glad you're my sister." he said.

"Awe, thanks." I said hugging him.

"And I'm glad that axs fat." he whispered.

"Shut up." I said pushing him.

I walked back to my table and bumped into CJ.

"Don't you look good?" he said.

"Well, thanks. I try."

"Yeah, whatever. What y'all got to eat?" he asked.

"Chicken, greens, cornbread, we have a fruit station, salad.......

"CJ, Melissa wants to talk to you." Tray said walking up.

"Oh, alright." he said leaving.

When he walked off, I walked away too.

"Noami." he called.

"What?" I answered crossing my arms.

"Can we talk outside?" he asked.

"Ummm, no. My mom needs me in here." I said walking away.

I'm not ready to talk to him at the moment. And I'm especially not ready to tell him about Tyrone. The rest of the night I dance and had fun. Momma even dance with a sleeping Tyrone. It was the cutest thing ever.

Around 12 I was halfway sleep and we was headed home. I stripped Tyrone and changed him and put him to bed. And I did the same.
