Part 1!Chapter 1

The war... that was all I could think about as I tried to sleep. I was used to nightmares, the cold sweat I would often be covered in when I woke with a start. Kara stirred across the room. We'd managed to claim the house as our own. A month had passed and I had become friends with several of the locals, it was useful to be seen as someone completely normal. Fitting in on Raxaan was easy enough. There was more to this planet than met the eye and I knew it. The republic and separatists had fought to control Raxaan due to the shipyards. They rivalled those of Kuat. I never knew why these shipyards had been so important, but in truth I mostly didn't care. My job at The Shipyards, or graveyard, was to inspect the ships for salvageable items, weapons and other similar things. I was distracted by Kara's voice. "Czar?" I stood; it was nearly time for me to wake up anyway. The battle I had dreamt about was one of the worst in the clone wars. Whenever I told people I fought I said I was part of a small planetary militia. I could still hear the voices screaming in my head. Men begging to die, just so the pain could end. Then there was the camp. It was the place me and my Master had been held, we saw them starve people, beat them. Women, Children, all taken prisoner for the most minor reasons. The freedom I had fought for once was gone, replaced by the same oppression that I had fought. I thought back to the battle. We had been trying to scale cliffs, some of the highest I had ever seen. So many died in ruthless firefights, explosions, and I couldn't save them. I had fought alongside many men that day. We had clones with us, but they weren't our main force. My Master had taken advice from Rahm Kota of all people. The man didn't trust clones. We used our own militia, people of the republic, trained by Military professionals to shoot, fight and everything. "I'm ok" I say, realising I hadn't answered Kara's question. She knew I had nightmares, but that I was unwilling to talk about them. It didn't surprise me that she looked extremely concerned. We finally escaped the camp, my master had survived for a few weeks, before being arrested and killed by Clones, who had been transitioned into Stormtroopers. "You sure?" she asked "You were muttering quite loudly; it woke me from the other room..." she finished. I nodded my head, and got up so I could get ready, it was always raining and dark on Raxxaan, but we knew it was time to get moving. "I'll meet you outside" I said. And got about getting ready. I had kept my Lightsaber, though very rarely did I ever use it, and hit it in the one place the Empire wouldn't expect. Out in the open, in a gadget I had made. It was a sheath, that made the hilt look like a cannister. I examined the last thing my master had given me: A Holocron. I don't know why I was looking at it now, but I put it in it's hiding place, sheathed my Lightsaber hilt, and went out the door, into the pouring rain. Kara looked at me, still concerned, but I nodded to her, confirming that I was ok. As we walked, we saw Imperial Probe Droids patrolling around, hunting, searching, watching. We kept walking, heading for the shipyards. As we walked, I looked up, and the clouds were just as dark as always. Ships were coming and going, carrying parts that had been salvaged off to the moon for inspection, and collecting parts that were ready to be brought back here. I was in the Graveyard itself, which was the most dangerous place of the shipyard network to be. When Kara and I were almost there, I sensed someone, then heard a voice. "Czar, Kara" it shouted. I turned around and saw Godar and Brody approaching, both of them like us, were very wet from the rain. Godar was a Bothan, with White Fur, brown eyes, his pointy ears squashed against his head, presumably to keep them dry. He was also our Landlord, and a good one, he was the foreman for my inspection team, so he normally let work be the currency for bills. I had not so secret suspicions that he was a part of the Bothan Spy network. Brody was a Twi'lek, tall and humanoid with Blue skin. Both he and Kara were pilots of the ships, meaning they got to stay significantly drier than me and Godar. The upside for me and Kara: I was able to search for things we might find useful, and Godar didn't really care. like all other Bothans, he hated the Empire, and Brody had no sense of fondness for them either. The four of us had a neat little smuggling operation going on. "How's it going Godar?" I asked the Bothan. A sarcastic smile touched his face. "Very wet Czar... and you hardly seem to be fairing much better" says Godar, in his usual sarcastic tone. Brody, per usual as he was the optimist, tried to raise Godar's spirits. "Hey, perhaps you'll both be more dry when you start going through one of those ships..." he offered. Godar barked a forced laugh, and we all continued walking. "Well, if you want the realistic answer, the deployment rota says you two are going through an old clone wars Jedi Cruiser" she informed us both. Godar's ears pricked up at this. "Jedi Cruiser huh...? Sounds like today might not be so bad..." I grinned ever so slightly, Godar was sometimes too easy to please. "So, how many shipments is on the quota today?" I ask Brody and Kara. Brody laughs. "Twenty each way" he replied. I looked at him as we walked through the gates in shock. "Twenty?" I ask. Kara nods. "Twenty each way, thankfully the loader teams are fast, so it should be easily done" she explained as we went into the locker rooms. I grabbed my gear, and waited for Godar. "So, who are the drinks on later?" I asked as the others got ready. The locker room was hardly even a room, if you had to change into flight suits, they were likely to be cold and wet. Luckily, Kara and Brody didn't. for me and Godar, our gear mostly consisted of welders for cutting through any doors, although when I was alone which was very often, I used my Lightsaber. It was faster. We also had large packs for putting gear inside of if we deemed it useful. "Depends who finds the most gear worth giving up to the empire when the day is done, and I can see it being a long one" said the Bothan. Kara laughed. "Or whoever gets more shipments done" she says. I shrugged in acknowledgement. "True" Brody said, grabbing the launch codes for his ship. "Well, lets get the day started I guess" Godar grumbled. Kara, Brody and I nodded, and we left the locker room. Godar and I walked towards the Jedi Cruiser we were meant to be searching through, and I quickly saw how big a job this would be. We were meant to go deck by deck, searching for things. It was slightly easier for me, given that I discreetly used the force to sense anything worth keeping. Godar and the rest of my friends put it down to me just having good eyesight, knowing where to look, or having done something like this before. We also had lights, although I occasionally used my Lightsaber for this, again, whenever I was alone. I only did this if I knew I needed to cut through something and I was certain it was safe. "How long do you think this will take?" I asked Godar. My friend studied the ship. "If its only us two, maybe all day, if there are others, maybe half of the day" was the simple answer I got. I let out a deep sigh as we approached the ship's hanger, which we normally started from. "Its gonna be a long day..." I muttered. "Lets get started I guess" Godar looked at me, the look on his face showing he understood my frustration, it did seem it would only be us two searching this entire Cruiser. It seemed like a long day was ahead, and neither of us were looking forward to it.
