Chapter 6

Kara and Brody had arrived a few minutes after my conversation with Godar had ended. Despite their questions I hadn't elaborated on anything that had happened apart from I had been there and used medical training from my war days to treat people for shock. Thankfully, Godar hadn't said anything more, which meant I had to deal with a lot of questions from the two. Roughly an hour later, a division of Imperial troops, the type wasn't one I had ever seen before, descended on the area. I sighed, knowing what was coming but unsure how to proceed. They came and forced us all into a line, saying almost nothing apart from hushed conversations with each other. Godar was a few places down from me, and gave me a look, asking a silent question. Are you going to fight them? It asked. I shook my head once, and he looked away. Kara was next to me and Brody closer to Godar. Eventually, The Commander of the troopers came forward and began organising his men, placing them in positions that blocked any possible exit or escape. My mind was flooding with the tactical situation, and I knew I would be on the back foot if a fight due to the numbers of troops alone. The Imperial troopers kept us where we were while they waited for a superior. I had a strong feeling it would be a group like ISB, if Motti was coming, I might be able to bluff my way through this. The troopers had instructed us not to talk, and I could sense the nervousness in all the people next to me. No one could have been more nervous than me. When higher ranking Imperials did finally arrive, I was questioning even if they were Imperials. They looked more like Bounty Hunters who'd been given a group of elite Imperial troopers. One of them, he looked male, finally walked closer to us, flanked by two of the troopers. The female seemed to be waiting for his go ahead. I watched intensely, unsure of what would happen. She didn't speak, letting her black armour, billowing black cape, helmet that hid her face show she was a dangerous person to cross. The male wore similar armour, a different helmet and had no cape. Neither spoke for several long minutes. The female went over, conversed with the male briefly, and then, they stepped forward together, the male still being flanked by the two troopers. Eventually though, the male spoke to us. "You're hiding a fugitive, we are here to bring him to justice, you all get to live if you tell us who he is. Refuse to speak, and you all die!" he said. I waited for a few moments before speaking. "You're asking the wrong people, we're just workers!" I said, speaking for everyone before someone unintentionally gave me away. The female looked to her companion, but he must have motioned for her to wait. What he said next made me more concerned than I already was. "Whoever it is among you can't save you with the force, he can't use a Lightsaber, he can't perform whatever magic tricks you think he can... and he will be the cause behind your deaths...!" he said. "No one here has the force!" I yelled, trying my best to save the lives of everyone standing in this line with me. The male must have realised it was me, but he didn't outright say it. "You can't save them, not from the Empire, not from the retribution it will bring down upon them if you don't give him up!" he said. I glared at him defiantly, and so did everyone else in the line. "You'd be killing off a lot of their labourers, I don't think the Empire will be too happy with that!" I said, feeling a lot braver now that I knew the others weren't going to give me up. The male nodded to the female. "Then we kill you all, we know he's somewhere in this line, killing you all will kill him! Firing Squad form up!" she said. I clenched my fist. Kara was looking at me full of worry, and I could tell she wanted me to stop talking. "Killing us won't get you what you want! Even if there is a Jedi here there wouldn't be anyone left to tell you!" I shouted, now basically begging for everyone else to be spared. "You misunderstand how this works, there is no version of this where they get out alive unless our fugitive steps forward!" The female laughed. "So you'll kill hundreds of innocents just to kill one man! Killing everyone can't be what you want!" I yelled. "Killing everyone is exactly what I want!" she said. I saw the male standing by idly, clearly this is what they had discussed. I had to stall them. "Killing everyone here will only cause riots and revolt!" I said. This made the woman stop for a few moments, at least long enough to answer. "I am not the one who deals with such petty things beneath me, you might be wise to remember that!" she said. I glared at her. "Don't kill anyone, there's no point, if there was a Jedi he's probably already gone!" I said. My stalling strategy wasn't working. "I doubt he's gone; he wouldn't leave the innocents you claim are all in this line to die without trying to save them!" she said. I realised we were out of time and I had to make sure to time my next move perfectly. Stalling hadn't worked despite my hope that it would, and now everyone was going to die. I clenched my teeth, knowing that I had barely bought them two extra hours of life if that. "Ready!" she shouted. The troopers raised their blasters. Before she could give the order to fire, the male stepped forward. Clearly, he held rank over the female. "I won't ask again, have the Jedi step forward!" he said, and I could tell he was getting angry even without the force. When no one stepped forward, he nodded to the female. "Aim!" she said. There was nothing for it, I had to do it now. "NO!" I yelled and stepped forwards, sending the blasters to the side as the troopers fired and threw them back with the force. I had managed to save the others, and I could sense Kara staring at me in shock. The female laughed. "We have a winner!" she said. I stood my ground, watching as the two stepped further towards me. A Blaster bolt from behind me was sent towards one of the troopers. It hit him in the chest. "RUN!" Brody yelled, and I took the advice. I ran as the female and her companion both chased after me, and managed to enter the city. I did my best to lose them in the crowd and think of my next move. That plan changed when I heard the familiar snap hiss of a Lightsaber, only there were two, and both were red. I instantly knew that I was out of my depth. I saw them raise the blades to swing down at civilians, and force pushed them back before they could hit any of the innocents. I knocked the male down, stunning him, but the female leaped right at me. I dodged and ignited my own Lightsaber. I shoved her off of me, and leaped up to a service area walkway of a local powerplant. I kept trying my best to predict her fighting style. She pushed me back with the force, sending me to the ground. I got up and reignited my Lightsaber. "Who are you!?" I demanded through gritted teeth. She lunged at me with her Lightsaber as she replied, and I knew that unlike me she was fighting to kill. "I am The Eleventh Sister, an Imperial Inquisitor!" she said. I finally started to counter attack, pounding against her blade with my own, gaining ground as I pushed her back. As we fought, it became clear that she was stronger than me, but her Lightsaber skills just equalled my own. I blocked, parried and countered, largely focusing on forms three and five. She fought aggressively, more aggressively than most beings would when using Lightsaber combat. I blocked another strike, trying to focus, but the rain kept battering against my face, obstructing my vision and the roars of the wind kept distracting me. I lunged and then kicked out her stomach. I was sent flying by a force push as I tried to recover. At the very least I was buying Godar and Brody time to get the others away. Kara was either helping or she was searching for me. I forced her back still, having a new determination, the determination of a Jedi. I struck out, trying to find a way to escape as quickly as I could. Up above me I noticed a walk way, which if I did right, would knock out the Inquisitor. I just needed to get myself back far enough without her suspecting a trap. Luckily for me, it turned out to be easier than I thought. "You're not going to hurt them!" I snarl at her. The Eleventh Sister laughs slightly. "You can't save them, not from me... You're playing a futile game that you surely don't believe you can win... our pieces have been in place so much longer than yours! All you're doing is delaying the inevitable by fighting!" she says, and lunges at me again I sidestep and bat her blade down, but before I could counter attack I was force pushed back. Just as I had planned. I landed on the floor and got up in a back roll. "I'm not one to give up!" I said. I collapsed the above walkway sending it tumbling down on top of her and ran. As I reached the edge, leading right down into an ocean which I knew would swallow me up and drown me, a ship appeared with its headlamps at full blast. Kara! Just as I prepared to leap atop The Redemption something invisible grabbed me and pulled me back. It was the male Inquisitor, because I knew now, they were both part of the same unit. I ignited my Lightsaber just in time to block his strike, aimed right at my head. I managed to block, causing us to enter a saber lock. The male Inquisitor laughed and then spoke. "Going somewhere!?" he shouts and breaks the saber lock. I looked at my ship, and force pushed it away, saving Kara and knowing she would be able to make another round. All I had to do was keep the Imperial busy. "Bad idea! Now you can't get away! You and I are stuck here together!" he says. I shrugged, and held my saber in a defensive position. He activated a second blade of a double bladed Lightsaber and swings at me. I block and parry his strikes and try to counter attack where I can. As I finally gained an opportunity to open up and fight on the offensive, I pounded my Lightsaber blade against his own. I kept pounding, dodging, parrying and counter attacking. It was all useless, this Inquisitor was more powerful than me, mid-level Jedi Knight powerful. I had never finished my training, meaning I wwas constantly on the backfoot throughout the fight. I sensed The Eleventh Sister close by, and I knew it was a lost fight! I had to think of a way out of this. I shoved back at the Inquisitor with all my might. I panted, looking at my options for retreat. The Eleventh Sister arrived and stood beside her fellow Inquisitor. I saw Kara flying back, and knew I had to make the decision quickly, fight or flight. I watched as the ship got close enough and leaped atop it. I headed for the ramp, deactivating my Lightsaber, and boarded the ship as we flew away. I slid down against a wall, my terror and shock clear on my face. It was at this moment I realised that Godar was on the ship, and so was Brody. I gave them a small smile, and let myself fade into an uneasy sleep. When I eventually came to, I wasn't sure about how many hours had passed, but I could hear sounds of conversation. I got up and went forward for the main cabin. Godar, Brody and Kara were all talking. Before I entered, I checked where we were and saw we were behind Raxxaan's moon. I entered, discovering a heated argument taking place. I saw Brody lunge and try to strike Godar, but grabbed him with the force before he could, getting everyone's attention. The last thing we all needed was a fight. "Everyone care to take a few steps back?" I asked them before releasing Brody. Kara turned on me, her face not angry, but upset. Godar nodded along with Brody shooting him an almost murderous look. Kara sat down, clearly tired. Deciding that it would be best to get the bad news over with quickly, I spoke. "Brody and Godar, when night falls, me and Kara will be taking you back to Raxxaan" I said, and silenced them before they could protest. "If you stay with us, you're both bigger targets than you already are now" I explained. Reluctantly, they nodded. I looked to Kara, and decided I would rather speak with her alone for this bit. "Give us a moment?" I asked them. The two left, clearly to go elsewhere and continue their previous discussion. "We have to go to Coruscant" I said. "I have to get something before the Empire can discover it, or the whole galaxy will suffer..." I said. She finally spoke. "Ok, what are we searching for?" she asked. I took out my Holocommunicator, and placed it on the table, activating the recording of my master: Orion. The hologram captured his middle-aged self, but also his kind eyes. I press play on the recording, and allow his voice, deep, raspy and full of its usual sadness, to speak. "Czar... if this message finds you, then I know that all hope for the Jedi Order rests in your hands alone. I made a discovery that the very few in the order know of, and the Empire now seek it. When I left you before their Stormtroopers found us I had managed to find a Jedi Cruiser, where this message is saved so no prying eyes can find it! I managed to place a Holocron in the secure vault at The Jedi Temple on Coruscant before the war ended, and I have included my codes to allow you access should you decide to retrieve it. Master Yoda and I kept reserve codes should anything hjappen, I just have to hope that they did not go looking too deeply into the mainframe and discover this and purge them from the systems! I cannot explain my discovery here as I fear it will be too important to the Jedi order... Help me Czar, you are mine and the Jedi's only hope!" it said and finished playing. Kara looked at me, her eyes curious and she clearly had questions. "My Master believed that there was a hidden power of the force, one that could make someone a god, more or less..." I explained. Understandably, she looked sceptical. I nodded. "Going there is a suicide risk for a Jedi...? And who were those Imperial that chased you and attacked you?" she asked. She didn't sound angry as opposed to worried, and I sensed how sad she was I hadn't told her. "They were Inquisitors, Jedi Hunters if I had to guess" I answered. I then turned to her other point. "I owe it to the Jedi to do this mission, if I don't then I leave the whole galaxy at risk" I explained. She sighed. "Do I get to come with you?" she asked. "Or are you planning to go alone? You're sending Brody and Godar back, you going to send me as well?" she asked. I shook my head. "No, I trust you to be able to handle yourself" I said. She nodded, steeling her resolve. "So, do we go and drop them off now and then set course for Coruscant?" she asked. I shook my head. "Not without me first trying to teach myself more of the Jedi ways, and there are two places in the Galaxy I know of that could help me with that" I explained. She nodded. "ok, where?" she asked. I brought up the holomap. "Illum and Tython, both are sacred places of the Jedi Order, I just have to hope the Empire don't know about them, its likely they know of Illum, but Tython is possibly safe..." I mused. I stood up. "Before we go to either of those places though, I want to learn more about these Inquisitors" I said. Kara gives me 'you're joking' look. "You serious? They have red Lightsabers, and I know enough history to know that's not a good thing!" she said. I nodded. "I agree, but there is a way that I could learn more, I heard rumours of an incident on a moon in the outer rim known as Raaada" I explained. "The rumours said that someone with a red Lightsaber was involved, could be an Inquisitor who was there" I said. Kara thought over this for a few moments. "Alderaan took in some refugees around the same time, and then helped them relocate on a remote world called Amradaan..." she said. I considered this. "Might be worth us looking into, and I might be able to convince someone to tell us more about what happened on their old homeworld..." I said. Kara nodded. "Those Inquisitors are going to follow us you know" she said. I gave a solemn nod. "Then we can't stay anywhere longer than a couple of days..." I said. Kara nodded, and we sat there, in what could have been a peaceful galaxy, waiting for nightfall.

The Eleventh Sister was furious. She wasn't furious with The Eighth Brother, there was no reason to be, she was furious with the ISB agent in charge of this pathetic planet. He was cowering before her now, and she held nothing but hatred for him. This was obvious given how harsh she was being in her desire for answers. She stalked towards the man, swinging her Lightsaber close to his head. "You let his friends carry their blasters here in here, worse you didn't inspect them before they started their work!" she growls angrily at the terrified man. "We did we did, but they had clean records they always got on with-" he was cut off by the Lightsaber swinging at his head, and he ducked. "I am not a person who is interested in your excuses Sector Commander Motti! Your actions could have led to the start of a rebellion, something the ISB are meant to prevent unless I'm Mistaken!?" she says, and holds the saber to his throat. He nods. "Yes, yes I understand that Inquisitor. Please, give me a chance I'll find him!" he pleads to her. The Eleventh Sister throws him across his office with the force. The Eighth Brother would be watching silently and watched the man's eyes turn to him in a pleading way. He did nothing but watch. Many of his brothers often thought of him as the most aggressive of the Inquisitors, however, he was a lot more calculating than others gave him credit for. In his own mind, the man genuinely wanted a chance to make amends, however he understood his Sister's anger. The man had been lazy and neglected his duties. The Eighth Brother had let him off once before after the man disobeyed his orders to board The Relentless and was not going to be as merciful a second time. The Eighth Brother didn't deem the man of much use to the Empire, but he had instructed The Eleventh Sister to let him try and explain himself. "I am not the one to beg to for mercy commander... you have committed more than one failure today!" the man looked as if he was going to have a heart attack. He stared up The Eleventh Sister, terrified and once again turned his eyes to The Eighth Brother, begging. This time, the superior Inquisitor refused to even look at him, and sensed the fear of the man become stronger than before. He could tell how much fun The Eleventh Sister was having fun, he gave her a look that said to just get on with it. The Eleventh Sister approaches Motti and swipes at him with the saber again, and watches as he ducks again. "You had a Jedi right under your nose and you refuse to admit that you might have done anything wrong! Are Imperial protocols so lax that nearly all the workers should be allowed through without being inspected first!?" she demands coldly. He shakes his head. "No Inquisitor!" he says. She watched him squirm, using his fear to fuel her power. "There is more than one failure here Sector Commander..." she purrs in an almost maternal tone. "He's hiding something, something you were ordered by Lord Vader to learn about... He's hiding more than just himself, more than his Lightsaber, he's hiding a bigger secret than he knows! You allowed him to walk away with that secret without even thinking about it's importance!" she spat. Her helmet hid her fury and the expression on her face, but her voice in its soft nature was terrifying the man enough already. She looked to The Eighth Brother, but he remained silent, seemingly letting her do as she pleased. "We checked everything; the workers were reporting everything!" he protested. The Eleventh Sister slashed at the man's head again, this time faster, and he only barely ducked in time. "Clearly you were not checking hard enough, were you!?" she asked. "A Twi'lek and others carrying Blasters, a Jedi who had a Lightsaber and you only cared about having power that you failed to do your duty properly!" she said. Motti wisely said nothing. "Perhaps you would like to give me a reason to spare your pathetic life, or at the very least try and apologize for your failure?" she asked, watching the man shake more violently in terror. "I'll have all the offenders rounded up, curfews, executions to lure out the Jedi for you! I'll do everything to the best of my abilities!" he said, clearly begging. The Eleventh Sister didn't seem amused by this. "All things you should have been doing before this incident!" she says, and before anyone knew any better, she had cut off the man's head. She turns to Imperial troopers guarding the entrance. "Clean up the mess, have the remains hung somewhere public on this pathetic planet" she ordered, and walked away with The Eighth Brother. Eventually, when they had left the office and walked towards the landing pad, he spoke. "killing him might have been a bit much, he could have been used to accomplish our goals faster" he said. The Eleventh Sister eyed him, and responded. "He was a useless and snivelling coward, his very breath insulted The Empire" she replied simply, placing the Lightsaber on her belt. The Eighth Brother nodded his head. "Perhaps, but Lord Vader would have wanted the man to offer an explanation and then kill the fool himself..." he responded. "I care not just for the Jedi, but for whatever he might have taken from that cruiser before he revealed himself..." replied The Eleventh Sister. The Eighth Brother acknowledged this with a nod of his head. "Then we shall hunt him together?" he asked. The Eleventh Sister thought for a few seconds. "If we must, he may be holding information that leads to a greater secret than he knows, I want to be among those who discover it at our Master's sides!" she said. The Eighth Brother signal two pilots over to a shuttle. "You think you know where he will go next?" he asked. The Eleventh Sister nodded. "He can't resist saving others, put enough of these fools in enough danger and he will reveal himself to us!" she said. The Eighth Brother nodded. "Very well, you can handle him for now, I've ordered the stripping down of the cruiser to be halted pending my search!" he informed her. "I will have Squads one and two of my Purge Trooper company assist you" she replied as The Eighth Brother boarded. "Lure him out, and capture him alive!" he ordered, and she nods. Upon his departure, The Eleventh Sister turned to the commander of the Purge Troopers. "Have you Identified him?" she asked. The commander nodded. "His name is Czar Daraine, Intelligence doesn't know if its his true identity or an alias or not!" he answered, handing her a datapad. She studied it, reading the Jedi's profile. "He's powerful when using his raw potential, without the discipline of the Jedi..." she mused. She looked to the commander. "This is everything?" she asked. The clone under the armour nodded. "Its not much, but chances are he slipped off the radar, the Jedi Temple could have more, but we're waiting on High Command to provide that intel!" he said. The Eleventh Sister walks back inside the Imperial base and the commander followed. "Gather up a group of hostages, including the women and children, throw them atop a Star Destroyer that has not yet been destroyed, and send the laser drill towards it, and make it start cutting the ship to pieces... The Jedi will show himself and save them, its what he was trained to do!" she ordered. The commander nodded. "Arrangements are being made now; seven squads of Stormtroopers are being prepared to assist us with the roundup!" he replied. The Eleventh Sister nodded in approval. "I don't care how many you gather; I care about him keeping him from learning what The Eighth Brother is doing!" she said. The commander nodded. "Understood Inquisitor!" he said, and walked away to lead the operation.  
