Chapter 22

Bail Organa sat in his office in the Palace of Alderaan. It was far from ideal, but he needed to listen to the report from Fulcrum. "Our attempts to track their movements might be paying off, but The Empire are throwing everything they have at finding them..." Bail sighed. He hadn't been sleeping well. "Do you know if the Imperials have any leads?" he asked. The reply was a bit more promising. "Some of my agents have managed to put together a shortlist of worlds they will be going to. I have someone stationed at all of them, they all know Lena's code phrase" Fulcrum answered. Bail finally felt a hopeful smile tug at his mouth. "I want to talk to this Jedi personally, your Agents know who they're looking for? That said, do I even know his name...?" he asked. "No Senator, but I think have made out an ID, his name is Czar Daraine. He's a padawan who excelled in his training, despite not being as strong as others in the force. He naturally excelled at lifting objects before he was found by Jedi Master Yaddle, a female of the same race as Master Yoda" Bail's informant explained. The Senator considered this information. "How did you make the ID?" he asked. "A Smuggler from Raxxaann was questioned by ISB. I managed to convince a friend to steal the records. I arranged for him an Agent to meet him discreetly saying he was one of the pilots. The cover story worked well, a bystander who wanted to thank the man who saved him and his friend's lives. He provided us with confirmation that we were correct!" Fulcrum answered. Bail nodded. "Did he suspect he was being misled?" he asked. "The Smuggler in question is a Bothan, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't suspect that he was being used..." Fulcrum replied. "So, what worlds are on the shortlist?" Bail asked. "Bracca, Nar Shadda and other worlds that can be quite similar" Fulcrum answered. Bail thought it over. "Ok, find him before the Empire does, we need him!" he said, and then ended the transmission.

I looked around Bracca, and had the same feelings about the world as I did Raxxaann when I first arrived there. I knew there were shipyards on the planet, and we had landed far away from the main ones taking apart old Clone Wars ships. I was working on the ship, Kara and Lena had gone to a few cantinas to try and find out what news we had missed. Lena had wanted to go alone, but she said that along with her, Kara was the least recognizable. I kept making repairs and running tests. The time alone was good, but also bad. The part of Bracca we had landed at was on the outskirts of a small civilian settlement, and Imperial forces hadn't made it out this far. Given the dozen or so miles, I knew that I could train Lena some more, at least with a Lightsaber. She had blocked her mind, it was subtle, but it was there. I largely suspected this was to do with her family's deaths. I also knew that Lena wasn't looking to become a Jedi for the right reasons, and that in part she wasn't committed to learning. Lena had joined the rebellion for revenge against the Empire, if a rebellion truly existed. The only other option was that Lena herself didn't want the proper responsibilities of a Jedi deep down. I wasn't entirely surprised by that. However, over time, mostly during the mission to Tython, I had sensed Lena's desire to avenge her family, but I also sensed guilt for something. I didn't know for what, but I needed to find out. I could make a few educated guesses. Perhaps she blamed herself for not doing more, despite being only fourteen when it happened. Lena and Kara both returned a few short hours later. "How are we looking?" I asked, having finally finished repairs. Kara shrugged. "All seems ok, no Imperials normally come out this far..." she said. I looked at her and nodded. "That's good" I said. I saw Lena looking out at the horizon. "Give me some time with her, if you want to watch, then you can watch" I said. Kara didn't even question what I was going to do. "Take out your Saber young one" I said to Lena. She looked confused. "I thought you said no Lightsabers?" she asked. I nodded. "Since we're far enough out, I think we can risk it" I said. Lena didn't argue, and we both ignited our blades. "Remember the forms I taught you" I said. "Block my strikes, I'm not going to call them out for you" I said. Lena nodded, and I started a basic series of swings. She blocked perfectly. I then started to speed up. We carried on for a few minutes in this fashion, and then I switched to a more offensive style. I battered against Lena's blade, and eventually knocked her over. "You're making it too easy for me to win..." I said. Lena got up, and charged, rage taking over her. I dodged and used the force to trip her over. "Tune yourself to the force, use all the skills you have at your disposal!" I said. I had deactivated my Saber by the time she stood and reactivated her own. "You're not fighting me or the Empire, you're losing the fight you're having with yourself..." I said. Lena growled and charged at me, and dodged the strikes easily, I was almost there. "You're not committed to becoming a Jedi! You should quit while you're ahead!" I said grabbing Lena's saber hand. She kicked off my chest and did a butterfly twist. She landed on her feet, and charged at me. "I'm not quitting! I refuse to quit!" she yelled. Lena charged at me, still trying to strike, and I saw Kara's concern. "Really? This is you committed!? This is the effort you put in when you refuse to quit something!? You don't want to become a Jedi do you!? You just want revenge!" I said dodging. "But that's all you believe in isn't it? Revenge!" Lena's rage grew. "Lies!" she shouted. I reignited my Lightsaber. "THEN WHATS THE TRUTH!?" I yelled back blocking the strike. As we pushed against each other, I heard Lena's voice crack and tears start to fall down her face. "The truth... the truth is that I designed the weapon that killed my family and I led The Empire right to them!" I tensed my body, and it gave Lena the chance for her rageto take over as she started to attack me again, yelling the truth as she swung her Lightsaber. "I LOST MY MOTHER! MY FATHER! MY SISTER AND MY BROTHER! I BUILT THE WEAPON THAT KILLED THEM! When I learned what the Imperials were going to do with it, I tried to stop it, I tried to destroy it, but I failed and they targeted my family because of it...! I TRIED TO SAVE THEM, AND I FAILED!" I kept blocking, listening, I could also sense Kara's sadness. "THEY INVADED MY WORLD AND TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME, AND THEY TRIED TO MAKE A CLEAN JOB OF IT! I LED THE EMPIRE TO MY FAMILY AND I GOT THEM KILLED!" I listened, and then Lena kicked me, knocking me over. Lena didn't make another move; she just deactivated her Lightsaber and walked away. I eventually stood. Lena needed time, but I finally understood her motivations. Kara walked over to me. "I'm not sure that was the best way to get her to face her demons..." she said. I nodded. "I know, but I don't think she would have faced those demons any other way..." I replied. Kara sighed. "Let me go and talk to her" she said. I nodded, and stayed outside.

Kara found Lena in her cabin. "Can we talk?" she asked. The younger woman nodded. "Did you know he was going to do that?" Lena asked. Kara shook her head. "No, but I understand why he did" she answered honestly. "He wanted you to face your demons, I don't approve of how, but it worked!" Lena wiped the tears from her eyes. "He had no right!" she said furiously. Kara sighed. "Czar is... difficult, he doesn't want people to suffer, and I think he saw that you were suffering and wanted to help you. He did so in the best way he knew. Czar has a darkness in him. Not the Dark Side of the Force, but a darkness because of everything he has seen, endured and even lost. In his own way, what he did to you out there was justified so you didn't suffer!" Kara explained all this, and she saw Lena's angry eyes. "Oh, and he's allowed his secrets!?" she shot back. kara shrugged. "He's been quite open with you, and you need to understand his side and logic with all of this. He saved you from the Empire, The Inquisitors, and you repaid him by lying about your age, what you were doing... he wants to help you, but his secrets haven't harmed anyone, yours almost did!" Kara said. Lena's glare had hardened. Kara didn't feel like pushing the argument. "Perhaps you should talk to Czar" she said. Lena didn't seem like she was going to move. Kara nodded. "Then I'll tell him you're waiting" she said, and got up to leave.

I finished looking over the ship. I didn't doubt my skill at repairing the vessel, I just wanted to give Lena and Kara time to talk. I didn't need to have the force to know Kara didn't approve of how it had been done. "She's waiting in her cabin, try and be understanding" Kara said from behind me. "I will" I say and gave her my Lightsaber. I wouldn't need it, and if took it with me, Lena would assume I wanted another fight. One was enough for today. "Hold that for me?" I asked. She nodded. Lena was sat in her cabin, Lightsaber on her bed. I could tell she'd thrown it in anger. I summoned it to me with the force, but didn't hand it to her yet. "Are you here to blame me for my Family's deaths?" she asked. "Because if you are just turn around and leave, because I blame myself every second of everyday!" she said the last part through gritted teeth. I took a bottle of Whiskey, I couldn't remember where in the galaxy it was from, and poured a glass for me and Lena. I handed Lena her glass. "What do you want?" I asked. She looked up at me confused. "What do you mean?" she asked. The anger was still there and still burning. "What do you want? Do you want me to yell at you or do you want me to make you feel better?" I asked. Lena didn't say anything, and I sat down opposite her. "Feel better" she finally said when I didn't speak. I nodded. "Everyone goes through hardships, Jedi, or not Jedi, we're all mortal, some of just live longer than other people. I once heard a Wise Jedi say that nothing happens by accident and it is the Will of the Force that you're at my side! Everything happens for a reason" I said. Lena shrugged. "So what was the reason for them to die?" she asked. "I'm not saying they were a good family, a right family, but they were my family!" I nodded. "You're right.... They were your family, and you designed something for the Empire, that mistake is yours as well. Their deaths are yours!" I replied. "The way I see it, you have two choices. You can either blame yourself for something you had no way of knowing would happen. You can let that guilt eat you alive and you can become cold to the Universe and everyone in it. The other option is you can use that pain to drive you, to motivate you, not for revenge, but for justice. There is a difference between the two!" I explained. Lena shrugged. "How can I if you won't teach me!" she demanded. I sighed. "Lena, after my master died, I did exactly what you did, I blamed myself. I wondered for two years if I had done enough, if I should have chased after him instead of running to this ship. The truth is you will never know, whats done is done, what matters is how you choose to honour the dead..." I said. Lena nodded. I took that as my cue to leave, then she spoke. "Does the pain ever get easier?" she asked. There was no point in lying. "No, it doesn't, and where your Family's deaths are yours, my Master's death is mine. You just have to learn to live with it..." I said. Lena didn't reply verbally, but glanced out the corner of my eye and saw her nod. I handed her the Lightsaber back and walked out the room. When the door closed, I heard her start to cry. Kara must have been listening from somewhere, because she motioned for us to give Lena time to grieve. I suspected it was the first time she had truly taken the time to since it had happened. Kara and I sat in silence, listening to sobs of agony. Not for the first time, I silently began to wonder if I had said and done the right thing.
