Chapter 16

I was meditating in cabin when I felt the ship exit hyperspace. I guessed that we'd reached our destination. Soon enough my suspicions were confirmed when Lena knocked on my door. "We've arrived" she said simply. I opened my eyes, having withdrawn from my meditation. I nodded my thanks to her and quickly put my armour on. When I had my armour on, I attached my Lightsaber to my belt. I looked at my Master's saber. I sighed as I took it from where it was. I exited my cabin and went to the common room. Lena and Kara were both chatting. I placed my helmet down on the couch, and held out my hand with my Master's Lightsaber. "This is only for emergencies..." I said as she took it. Lena nodded. Kara gave me a curious look. "Do you know how to use a sword or any type of blade?" I asked. Lena shrugged. "Not really" she said. I nodded. "Follow me outside, I'll teach you some basics" I instructed. I activated my Lightsaber. "Stand opposite me, activate yours and stand in this position" I instructed as I activated mine and showed her. Lena did as I said. As time went on, we practiced. It wouldn't be enough against a Lightsaber user, but it would be more than enough to deflect Blaster Shots. After a couple of hours, I decided we were ready to move out. I already knew Lena could lift things to a degree. I was just going to be doing most of it. Lena deactivated the Lightsaber, and I did the same. I placed mine on my belt and put on my helmet. Kara came up close by. "So, your Master's holocron, are we hiding it here, or learning more about it?" she asked. I sighed, I still didn't like that we were on this journey. "Learning more about it, I never knew where he was going so I'm guessing he'd be searching for answers on a planet strong with the force" I explained. Kara nodded. "On the ground or in the air though?" she asked. I shrugged. "Its just you on the ship, so its your choice, not sure how good communications will be when we're inside those temples though" I answered. Kara nodded, and hugged me. "Be safe" she said, and started to walk back. I looked to Lena. "Ready to explore some tombs?" I asked. She nodded. "I just hope what we find will make a difference" she said. I couldn't help but agree.The Eighth Brother hated being embarrassed. He felt embarrassed by the rage of his superiors for the fact a jedi had made it inside the Jedi Temple to Coruscant. He stood aboard The Relentless his cold and helmeted glare somewhat frightening the crew. That was good. He was staring out the viewport as the ship moved in Hyperspace. The Eleventh Sister had departed in a smaller ship hoping to arrive wherever the Jedi had fled to faster. She was a good enough tracker that finding him should be easy enough. As he stared out at hyperspace; he thought more on what the Jedi had taken. A very particular Holocron the Jedi kept under strict guard. It hadn't taken long for him to independently verify that he had been correct. The Emperor and Lord Vader speculated that there was another layer to the force, it seemed as if the Jedi had been aware of this for a while. He stayed there standing, eventually, he felt Korrann behind him. "Well?" he asked simply. The captain cleared her throat, and to her credit, acted extremely professionally. "Imperial forces all over the galaxy are aware of the ship and how it is a priority target, however Inquisitor I do apologize because at current no one has seen it! Our spies have also deployed to the Outer-Rim worlds with no garrisons to try and pick up a trail from local rumours!" she reported. "Analysts suspect that now that he has what he wants, the Jedi will be hiding and staying out of sight if or until the trail goes cold and the heat dies down!" The Eighth Brother considered the information he had just been given. "The girl?" he asked. Captain Korrann's reply was not what he had wanted. "Besides your confirmation that she is a Force User I'm afraid we can only speculate Inquisitor. Its very unclear on if she is his padawan or someone he happened upon and 'saved' in his travels..." she answered. The Eighth brother considered everything. He motioned her away. "I leave the bridge in your hands Captain" he said simply, and made his way to his quarters. He had much to think about. Korrann was not a woman who felt intimidated easily. She motioned for her crew to carry on as she entered her office. Her first mate, Morgan, was waiting for her. "Well?" she asked. Her mood since delivering less than welcome news to the Inquisitor was not a good one. "According to High Command every spare ship from TIE Fighter to Star Destroyer is searching for the ship... after that I'm afraid we don't know!" he said. Korrann sighed. "Whats tomorrow like?" she asked. They had a briefing the next day, and it was speculated that ISB's highest ranks were likely involved in helping the Military and Inquisitors. "We have the briefing, then searches and raids on any planets that could be hiding him in the rim" answered Morgan. Korrann nodded. "What about the Inquisitor?" she asked. Morgan looked uneasy. "He's leading a group of several other Inquisitors and seems to have all of them searching for this jedi and whatever he stole from the temple..." he said. Korrann nodded. "So what about small insurgent groups left over from the CIS?" she asked. Morgan's answer here was at least somewhat more promising. "The Eleventh Sister is supposedly dealing with them, along with her special forces. If they turn up any leads, he's ordered her to report in and then we go to reinforce them!" he said. Korrann nodded. "Make sure the ship is ready regardless, I don't want us to disappoint him again!" she ordered. Morgan nodded, saluted, and went to carry out his orders. Korrann pulled up a liost of known locations the Jedi had been. As she looked over them, she could see why her analysts had depicted them as random. As she looked them over, she realised that all sightings had meaning. A holo image having been sent out had helped her realise just where he had been, and why. As she looked, she guessed that most of the planets he had been to were old Clone Wars battlegrounds. The Jedi was old enough to have fought in them, meaning he must have been searching for something. Korrann and everyone else knew automatically that this made him quite aware of military procedures, what she didn't know what he was searching for. She heard someone outside, and deactivated the map of the Jedi's travels. No one entered. Korrann waited a bit longer, but soon put it down to someone just walking past. She brought the map back up. The worlds the jedi had visited were also rumoured to have some political unrest, but nothing big enough to act on. The Imperial senators of those worlds had protested, and the senate voted in their favour for no action. The Emperor had momentarily agreed. Although it wasn't official knowledge, Korrann and others suspected that ISB agents had been sent to try and verify the reports and the Jedi may have found out. the map suggested there was evidence to support this theory. Korrann kept going over it. It was possible that she was dealing with a coincidence but it was unlikely. The Jedi may not have been looking for active rebel groups to lead a revolution, but he had been to too many of these worlds not to know they existed. Korrann kept working, feeling like she was on the right track.The Eleventh Sister was walking through the jail. She hated jails. Too much of her time had been spent in a cell after bombing the Jedi Temple. She kept walking, searching for any sign that the Jedi had been here. All she truly had was undisturbed dust, and that could have been made by any one of her Purge Troopers as they entered. There was also animal life on Raaeda, although again she couldn't be certain if any of it had gotten inside the former structure. She was stronger in the Dark Side than most inquisitors. Her number and title were one of the very few cases where higher ranked Inquisitors might not be as powerful as one higher than her. A perfect example was The Fifth brother. She often feuded with him, given how he could barely swing his Lightsaber properly. He was also less powerful than her in the force. It was his mind that made him useful. The commander of her Purge Troopers came up to her. "Have your men found anything?" she asked. The commander's answer was quick, just as she expected it to be. "Nothing Eleventh Sister" he reported. The Eleventh Sister clenched her fist. She made no comment, but simply turned and walked away, exiting without a word. Although she was a good enough tracker, The Eleventh Sister was not an expert at it. Other Inquisitors were now hunting the Jedi. She wanted him alive, at least for now. The Eighth Brother only cared about the secret the Jedi had. The commander followed her out. "What is he after Inquisitor?" he asked. She smiled, finally putting the pieces together. "He's searching for something, something very precious to the Empire!" she said simply. "He's going to be searching somewhere strong with the Force..." she said. "Such as Tython!" The commander quickly went to gather his purge troopers. The Eleventh Sister had never been there, but she knew it would be strong enough in the force to lure the Jedi there so he could try and learn more. The Eleventh Sister debated on sharing the news with The Eighth Brother. Chances were, this would be best done by setting an ambush. She knew the Jedi was likely already there, but she wouldn't need to go into the temple to learn the secrets he was trying to uncover. She'd convince him to share them to her masters. If she had her way, her masters would soon be his as well!
