Chapter 5

I finished attaching the cable and stood, wiping the rain from my face. I signalled to Godar, indicating that I had just attached my cable. I looked around and saw the drill was only one cruiser away. Godar came walking up to me. "Still waiting?" he asked. I nodded "Looks like they're about to start on it, lets get these last two cables in" I said. We started to attach the cables, and then we waited. I spied Motti leaving the guild's director's office. "Think he knows about the smuggling op?" I asked, figuring it best to get the possibility out there quickly. Godar shook his head. "I doubt it, its probably a background check, not that drifters like you have the largest background worth looking over" he replied, but I detected just enough trademarked Bothan cynicism behind the reply. I look out at the rest of the graveyard, not at all sure how to reply to my friend. After roughly another thirty minutes, the drill arrived, and went over to the edge so we could get our ride off, and go get dried off slightly. After signalling that we were all good to the hauler pilots, they told us to get clear and stand in the center, and the drill finally started to cut through the Jedi Cruiser. I watched as it cut through the ship. I knew that I was in many ways giving my master the funeral I couldn't give him when he died. Something on my face must have given Godar the idea to start asking me questions. "It reminds you of the war?" he asks. I nodded my head, deciding he deserved at least some of the truth. "In part, but what in this graveyard doesn't?" I replied. Godar gives his own somber nod. "What was it like? I never took part in anything to do with the Clone Wars, I preferred the simple life" he said. I didn't want to have this conversation, and so naturally I started trying to change the subject. "It doesn't matter, if I had known this is what the republic would have become then I would have fought for the CIS, what do you think the ISB wants with me?" I asked, my tone making clear I wasn't going to discuss the war anymore. Godar shrugged, clearly unsure. "Well you're not going to be in trouble, your work record is clean, and if you stayed here and worked for the guild the rest of your life, it would never get a blemish" he responded. I laughed slightly. "It's among the benefits of being a drifter or keeping yourself to yourself, you don't really have a reason to get in a fight with anyone if you don't know them" I explained, a sly grin on my face. Godar barked a laugh, which I could tell was forced. "Whereas for an old alien like me, a Bothan no less, would get a blemish just for their sarcastic sense of humour..." he said spitefully. I placed a hand on his shoulder, a rare show of outward reflection. "Like you said, its probably just a work review, wonder if Kara has one as well" I said, the final part being me just thinking out loud. Godar answered anyway. "Doubt it, its random, and they won't bring her in to do it at the same time as yours, they're smarter than that" he said as I sighed. The bad thing about Godar was he always had to give his opinion on everything. Before I could reply, the ship started dipping down. "Looks like we're off this ride" I said, looking at the other workers who had just been dropped off. Everything looked normal, it always did, but that's when I sensed something just as we were getting off. Right above us and with its own passengers; a ship exploded, probably engine failure. Everything was falling, I glanced back, too many lives were at risk; I looked ahead, and saw several probe droids watching and recording the entire incident. I looked upwards, everything going in slow motion, the part of the Jedi Cruiser falling, the hauler and its crew trying to keep everything level long enough to set down. I had seconds, if that, to make a decision, and it wasn't an easy one either. The storm was bad enough that there was a good chance that the probe droids wouldn't be able to ID me. "Kark it!" I yelled, and reached out with both arms, grabbed the falling objects with the force and suspending them mid air. As the workers fell, I grabbed them with my other hand, leaving only one to held up the hauler and its cargo, grinding my teeth, and sensed all eyes on me. The weight was too heavy, and I wasn't going to be able to keep this up for long. This thing was heavy, and all anyone was doing was standing there in shock. The rain and wind both slamming into my face wasn't helping matters either. I kept my grip though, keeping it tight enough that I wasn't going to drop it if I turned away, but not tight enough to crush the thing. Keeping the workers who'd fallen from the piece of debris was much harder work, and my concentration and energy were both suffering for it. I started to pull them in with great difficulty, all the while putting myself more at risk if I couldn't grab the hauler with my other hand. "Grab them! grab them!" I forced out, struggling to hold both the hauler and the workers. Godar reacted quickly, beckoning for people to help the workers I was struggling to hold with the force. As the others grabbed those who I had barely managed to pull in after yelling for some help, I had focused my attention on trying to set the ship down without killing anyone. It was Godar shouting that got my attention, although stunned me back to reality would have been a much better way of putting it. "Czar, our hauler!" I looked round, and saw that cable were tangled and starting rupture and snap, and that all the people I had just saved were right under the falling cruiser part. I summoned as much force energy as I could but I knew it wouldn't be enough to last very long. I held up the hauler with the broken engine, now realising a second had broken, and pushed back everyone under the other hauler with the force. They went flying, but for the moment at least they were all were safe. On the other hand I certainly wasn't safe, and it was getting harder and harder to keep this thing in the air, let alone move it. The other bit of good news however was that I had caught the piece that had snapped from the cables, the bad news, the rest had been released. "Come on Czar" I said, straining to keep every being there alive. I was soon screaming from the effort and the pain this was causing; there should be someone else trying to help me with this. I grabbed the cruiser part mid fall, somehow, and set it down, starting to sweat and get tired due to my exertions. The weight wasn't even taking into account the heavy cables that had been attached to the part of the Jedi Cruiser that the idiots had dropped without considering everyone already on the platform. Eventually, I managed to grab the hauler and keep it in place, the pilots were panicking, but had enough discipline to try and keep the ship flying. I slowly set it down between me and all of the other workers. When I managed to set it down, I stepped forward, saw the door was locked shut due to safety measures, and used the force to break the glass and get the crew out. I could have simply opened the door, but at that moment, I was too out of breath and too high on adrenaline to consider such a thing. The Hauler me and Godar had been on and released the cables and flown off to a safe distance. As other members of the scrapper guild salvage and rigger teams came forward to help the flight crew, who were clearly in shock, Godar ran to me. I managed to pant out two words before any questions came forwards. "Not now..." and thankfully, he said nothing. After catching my breath, I went forward to check everyone was ok. There were a lot of curious looks sent my way, but something on my face translated to the fact that I wasn't going to confirm or deny anything. "Everyone good?" I asked, my voice full of very real concern, both for them and myself. A worker spoke for everyone. "We're all ok, the crew of the hauler are in shock, but they're ok" I nodded. The probe droids were coming over now. "They won't have seen anything" said Godar. I looked at him sceptically. "You know that word of this is going to get around, don't you...?" I asked. He didn't reply, seemingly chastised. I had maybe a minute before the probe droids arrived, and used them to address the crowd. "No one saw anything, as far as you're all concerned, the pilots managed to land the haulers and we smashed the glass and got them out, got it?" I asked, and everyone nodded. The probe droids kept on approaching and were around us twenty seconds later, telling us to remain here. I had no plans of going anywhere, but my commlink sounded, and it showed someone using the force, a warning to all the workers of the guild. I kept looking around, and saw everyone had gotten the same message and alert. I was grateful that my face wasn't visible, the falling scrap metal and hauler helping the storm hide my face. It didn't change what I had just done, and I knew it was the right thing. Before I could do anything else, an announcement sounded. I listened, and found out that me and those others who had witnessed the accident were to stay put, as someone from the Empire was coming, and they had questions. "Blast it!" I said. This was not what I needed. "Wonder what they want..." says Godar, the probes finished whatever they were doing, and drifted away. I sigh. "Is it really so hard to figure out? They want me" I said bitterly. Godar, now that the others were busy talking among themselves and the probe droids had left, finally asked the question. "You're a Jedi...?" I nodded, there was no point in hiding it from him anymore. "Yes, I was a Padawan when The Empire ordered our executions" I answered. Just because he finally knew about me didn't mean I was going to tell him my entire story. "Kara doesn't know, she found me after Order 66, I'd been roaming the galaxy for a few months with my master, we were found, he was killed, but bought me time to escape..." I explained. Godar nodded in understanding. "Why haven't you told her? You both share a ship, and I doubt she'd leave you somewhere to die" he asked. I thought for a few moments. Godar had a point and I knew it, but overall, I wasn't sure what to think. "I guess keeping the secret hidden from everyone just becomes second nature" I replied simply. Godar again, nodded in understanding. "My people always held the Jedi Order in very high regard, I am no acceptation" he said in response. I nodded indicating my respectful thanks. "They didn't capture my face" I said simply. I knew it didn't matter, the Empire had my general build, and while it was broad, they'll have it narrowed down by the people the probe droids caught on their surveillance when they came over to us. "You could run, everyone here would keep your secret, you and Kara could leave" said Godar. I'd already contemplated the plan, and knew it wasn't going to help me in any way. "Doing so just marks you for death because all of you are expendable in their eyes, its better for to stay put, at least for now" I replied simply. Godar nodded, but I knew that he still considered the offer still being open. I could sense his worry, largely because in the energy rush I had forgotten to suppress the force from being too active. Given what had happened I couldn't complain too hard, although I was certainly not sure what my future now held. Somehow, I knew it wasn't going to be on this planet for much longer. "I've put you all in danger by doing that" I said, deciding to get this part out of the way with. Godar shrugged. "Perhaps you have, perhaps you haven't, it makes no difference to me, we've needed some excitement on this dammed world for a while now, and I've needed excitement in general" he replied, with a few barked laughs. I knew he was mostly being sarcastic. "They'll kill you all just to find me..." I said. Godar nods. "And they'll kill us if you leave, the way I see it we all either run and get shot, die here, or you could have let us all die, bad outcome whichever way it went..." Godar shrugged. He was right, and for all my wanting not to, I had to admit it. "I know, but I can't protect you all from whats coming, they're going to piece it together eventually..." I pointed out. "I can't run either, my only options are stay and give myself up, you'll probably die, try to fight them and get you all killed in the process, or run and sentence you all to death! None of those are options I like" I explained. Godar sighed. "I doubt that ship of yours is big enough to take us all with you... huh, we could start a rebellion" he said the last part sarcastically. I gave him a look. "Not really the time for jokes" I snapped, I was getting more and more annoyed at my current circumstances. Remembering my training, I took a deep breath in, and expelled the anger as I exhaled. "Sorry, its just a lot to consider..." I said. Godar placed a hand on my shoulder. "I understand, is this what all surviving Jedi feel if they're discovered...?" he asked. It took me a while to think about that, if only because I had made a point that I couldn't contact any other Jedi. "I guess so, I haven't spoken to another Jedi for at least two years..." I said. Godar nodded, indicating I didn't need to say anymore. I looked around, seeing Raxxaan in a new light, and finally having a true appreciation for the wind, rain and lightning that hammered at the planet every second, of every minute, of every hour and every day of the year. Once again, I found myself considering my options. I had my Lightsaber and I knew I could fight my way past the stormtroopers easily enough. Getting the workers that I had saved off planet was also an option; Brody would be more than willing to help them get away. Everyone in the Empire knew who Darth Vader was, even I had heard rumours of his actions. Despite my status as a fugitive, I did still have sources of information, and according to them, Vader was one serious bad guy. Chances were Vader wasn't going to come after me personally, instead he'd leave it to Stormtroopers to kill me. As for the workers, there were at least two hundred here, largely this was because a large bulk of us would finish salvaging and rigging the ships and get here at the same time. My estimate wasn't considering, Kara, Brody or the crew of the downed hauler, or possibly even the one that had managed to let the cables loose. I was still full of adrenaline, and deciding there was nothing else for it, I reached out with the force. I managed to get my brain and myself into a demi meditative state, which helped me remove the last of the adrenaline from my system. Eventually, the silence got too awkward, but Godar spoke first. "I don't need the force to know what you're thinking" he said. Clearly my troubles and the thought process I had been going through was clear on my face, in my eyes or something. "No, you don't, so, what do you think I should do?" I asked, finally allowing myself to smile slightly. Godar thought for a moment. "Whatever you think is right... I cannot tell you that its an easy answer, you have to do what's logically right now, the force led the Jedi into a trap, so I'm not too sure you can trust it!" he replied. I gave a dry humourless laugh. "You're not wrong about the force leading us into a trap..." I muttered in reply. "Do whatever you think is right, if you really think you can get us all off world, then do it, though I have a feeling that everyone here today will want to fight for you, their families as well..." Godar said. I let myself sigh inwardly. "I'm not trying to start a rebellion, or fighting another war, I've already lived through one" I reminded him. Godar nodded, his face solemn. "Then there's the question of where would you take us? Where can we go that's hidden from the Empire's ever-growing expansion...?" he asked. I nodded. "There some places, but its all a matter of if its possible, and I sadly don't think it is" I replied. I wasn't entirely lying or being entirely truthful. My Master had made plans with a few of his most loyal higher-ranking officers for a rebellion, and I had their names. If the option presented itself, then I had that contingency, but I wasn't my Master, and largely was unsure on whether they would be willing to do me this favour if I wasn't leading the charge. I hadn't yet shutdown the idea, if only because such a thing was possible, and could be pulled off, but I could only do it once. It seemed pointless to use such a favour to get all these workers off Raxxaan. This wasn't because I didn't want to save them, but the opposite. "Do you think you can get us all off world?" Godar asked me, jogging me back to the present. "Getting you all off planet and finding you all new homes along with the families? There's no way I could do that, not without a lot of innocent people dying" I explained. Godar nodded, once again in understanding. "The life of a Jedi" he says, a small smile touching his face. I nodded. "I've not removed that possibility from the table just yet though, its more a matter of how to do it, and whether its worth the risk. I also don't want them to feel like they owe me something, because that can lead people to do stupid things!" I explained, making my tone firm so Godar understood everything. He nodded once, his face deadly serious. I looked at my hands and noticed they were trembling, as was the rest of my body. It wasn't due to the cold, and I sat down, allowing my limbs to rest. What I had just done was hard to say the least. Godar of course then had to ask the question I was now asking myself. "How did you manage to do that...? it didn't look easy..." he asked. "Really I hadn't noticed it might be hard to do... what gave away that it was difficult? My screams of pain? The fact I nearly dropped everyone? Please do tell, its not as if I wasn't just there doing it or anything..." I said sarcastically. Part of me felt bad for that level of sarcasm, but then the other part of me was cold, wet, tired and fed up. Deciding it was best not to press the issue, Godar held his hands up in surrender. "I just can't wait to be done with this day" I muttered. Godar understood, and took it for the apology that it was. He made no reply, and went off to check on the rest of the workers. I wiped my face with my hands, pointless as such a venture was considering the weather conditions, but if anything it did allow me to think. Times like this was when I really wish my master had lived, he always had the answer, always knew the right course of action. All I had were guesses, and most of those random at best, if only because I couldn't compare my own situation with another Jedi. For all I knew, I was the last of the Jedi Order. Then again, I knew such a thing might not even be possible. I had heard rumours, as had the rest of the galaxy, that other Jedi did survive Order 66. My guess was if they had then they would either be dead or were in much more of a position to fight than I am. I kept thinking everything over, not entirely sure what to make of the situation. I looked over and saw Godar talking with the other workers, trying to warm up the ones who might have been in shock. After a few moments more to myself so I could think, I made my way over to help. I started treating people for shock, and doing my best to keep them close together so they could warm up. I looked back over to Godar, and saw that he had finished gathering everyone into a bundled together crowd to keep them warm. I walked over to him. "They should be ok, but they won't be able to work for a few days" he explained to me after we had walked briefly out of ear shot. I nodded. "Do Kara and Brody know?" I asked. Godar shrugged. "They'll have gotten the warning alert, but right now, I'm not sure if they know its you specifically..." replied my Bothan friend. I nodded. "They'll be landing and coming over to us though" I pointed out. Godar nodded, basically accepting that. I finally reopened my mind to the force, and sensed no more danger, though I could sense the lingering fear of the beings whom I had just saved. "They're all afraid..." I said out loud, although not meaning to. "Of you?" asked Godar. I shook my head. "Not of me, but afraid in general, probably afraid that another accident could happen" I explained. I could sense Godar's understanding. "I think it would be concerning if they were not afraid, but I feel like they're also afraid for you and your future!" he explained. I nodded. "Anyone who was in my position would be," I said, not really sure how else to lay it out. Godar thought for a few seconds, clearly trying to put himself in my position; I already knew that he was running out of advice to give. "If you leave them here, they will be afraid forever, you don't have to get them off planet today, you can wait you know?" he replied. I sighed, nodding. "I was never great at figuring out what the force said to me, or anyone for that matter, so I'm just going to have to follow my instincts..." I replied. Godar, clearly realising I was still considering my options gave no answer. When he gave no reply to my statement, I reached out trying to sense Kara and Brody, and could sense both, and both of them were heading this way. I had considered telling Kara to go back and get our ship, but if things did erupt into chaos, it would take too long and we wouldn't be able to get the civilians out. Stealing a larger ship was still on the table, but if the empire learned what I had discovered, I didn't know what I would do. Orion had hidden it from them, and now I would have to hide it again. I dismissed my master and everything about him from my mind. My current concern was making sure I lived through the day. I had no idea what was coming for me. Stormtroopers? Vader? Whatever happened I now had to to move and keep moving. "Still thinking about what you're going to do?" asked Godar. I nodded. "They're coming for me..." I said, and then made up my mind. "I'm not going to leave you all to die here, Kara and Brody are on their way, but I can't get you off planet right now" I said. Godar nodded in understanding, and then we all waited.  
