Tickle time

This part is dedicated to HarrryPotterRulz who gave me this suggestion.

Hera looked out the Ghost's windshield.
Kanan's​ shape shillouted against the firey son of Atalon.
It had been months since Kanan and Ezra had returned from Malacore.
Kanan had been blinded.
Ezra had been affected mentally.
Kanan had separated himself from the rebellion.
Isolated in the darkness he wasn't able to get away from.
It was all he could see.
All he could look at now, was endless black.
With a sigh, she decided to go and talk to him.
She'd missed his voice. His sass.
Him all together.
Going from the cockpit, she left the Ghost.

Kanan sat on his knees. Deep in mediation. His ponytail swishing is the gentle breeze.
His mask half covering his face. Covering what used to be his eyes.

Hera approached the Jedi. He normally could sense things coming towards him, but he was too deep in mediation to feel Hera's presence.
Hera came forward quietly. Not wanting to ​startle Kanan.
She was standing behind him and stopped.
She considered it.
She hadn't had any fun with Kanan in ages.
He hadn't smiled in weeks.
He hadn't laughed in months.
She made a decision.
There was one easy way to get Kanan to smile.
Sneakily, she reached for the Jedi's sides.
Once her hands were right beside his midsections, she squeezed.
It was as if he'd received an electric shock.
Kanan gave a squeal like a child and jumped forward.
Giggling as he lay on his side in the sand.
He realised what had happened and who was close to him.
"Hera?" He asked.
"Hello Kanan" Hera replied trying her hardest not to laugh at the Jedi's sudden giggle fit.
"Why'd you do that?" He asked sitting up.
"It's one way to get you out of meditation" Hera replied crouching beside him.
"You know I'm ticklish Hera. Don't do that" he said holding his sides.
"Oh Kanan. What am I going to do with you?" Hera giggled.
Kanan smiled softly at her. Just seeing gentle changed expression on Kanan's face filled Hera with warm love.
"I felt that" Kanan chuckled and Hera went pink with embarrassment.
She forgot Kanan could sense emotions.
"Whatever" she said prodding his side.
Kanan yelped and jerked to the side.
Hera smirked before jumping on to him and worming her fingers over his ticklish torso.
Kanan was a giggling mess.
Squirming on the ground as Hera tickled him unmercifully. Giggling with him as he laughed uncontrollably.
Normally, Kanan hated by tickled. He loathed it.
But right now, he was enjoying it.
He had to admit that he hadn't felt much happiness at all lately and laughing with Hera right now was a nice experience.
Hera didn't stay at Kanan's torso for long.
She soon went down by his feet and yanked off his boots.
Kanan had been pretty relaxed, letting Hera have her fun.
But now she was going to his weak spot, it was time to panic.
"Hera, waHAHAIT!" It was impossible for Kanan to finish his statement. Hera had began tracing the arch if his foot.
His laughter was growing louder and more hysterical as Hera tickled his sensitive foot unmercifully.
"WAHAHAIT! Herhahahaha! Stohohohop ihihit!" He yelped squirming.
Hera relented and put his ankles down which she had in a headlock.
As soon as she loosened her grip, Kanan lunged at Hera and pinned her.
"Kanan? What...?"
"I may be blind. But that doesn't mean I can't tickle you!" Kanan chuckled and immediately went straight for Hera's weak spot.
Five seconds after he expertly began wiggling his fingers against her belly, Hera broke.
"Kahahan! NOHOHOHO!" She giggled squirming in her family's grip.
Kanan lifted her flight suit and realesed a raspberry on her stomach.
Hera squealed and tried to get away more desperately then ever.
Kanan laughed at her reaction.
"Kanan! Dohohont do thahahat!" She begged, tears leaking from her eyes.
"Don't do what?" Kanan inquired innocently before doing another raspberry. His beard adding more ticklish sensations.
"Kanan! I give! I gihihihive!" She cried.
Kanan chuckled and got off her.
The sat up and watched as the sun sunk lower. 
"I enjoyed that. It reminded me of the times my mother and father would tickle me when I was a small girl."
Hera gave a small sigh.
Kanan felt sadness pull at the twe'lik's heart and put an arm around her. Bringing her into a side hug.
"I know you miss your mother Hera. Believe me, I know what it's like to lose a close loved one."
"I know" Hera smiled.
She turned his face towards her.
'Do it!' Her mind told her.
She brought the mans face closer to hers.
"Don't tell the others about this" she told him.
"Tell them wha..?"
Kanan didn't finish his sentence as Hera pressed he lips against his.
His eyes widened for a few seconds before closing and he melted into the kiss.
They pulled away when they felt the need for air.
They hugged each other close and looked back out at the sunset.
"I love you" Hera heard Kanan whisper. 
"I love you too" she said softly.

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲
