The ticklish Jedi

This part is dedicated to HarrryPotterRulz who gave me this suggestion.

Kanan sat on the floor. The Force surrounding him as well as peace as he meditated.
He was in another world as he got lost in his sea of thoughts. 
He wasn't aware that his cabin door had opened.
Hera stood there.
Looking at Kanan.
"Kanan?" She asked.
The Jedi didn't move.
"Kanan?" She called again coming forward.
Still no response.
Hera crouched down and poked him in the ribs.
Kanan gave a yelp and scrambled away from Hera.
"Oh Hera" he sighed in relief when he saw who it was.
"Don't do that. You scared the living daylights out of me."
Hera only raised a brow as she stood up. Not buying it at all. 
"Are you sure it isn't because you're ticklish?" She taunted with a mischievous smile.
Kanan looked worriedly at the twe'lik in front of him.
"No....Hera you know I'm not ticklish" Kanan began as he shuffled backward till he hit his bed frame.
He began to feel intimidated as she came forward.
Like a lion stalking its prey.
Hera stopped right in front of Kanan who gulped.
She dived for his sides. Worming her fingers over his torso.
Kanan gave in immediately.
"HERAHA!" He yelped giggling uncontrollably.
Hera only chuckled and went for the Jedi's armpits.
Kanan gave a squeal which surprised Hera.
He was so vulnerable to this! "Hera! I cahahahant tahahahake iiiiiit!" He cried, laughing.
Hera soon relented and helped him up.
"Please don't tell the crew" he gasped.
"Maybe I won't. Maybe I will" Hera teased.
Kanan gave a huge breath before asking a question.
"Why'd you even come in here?"
"Ezra wants to know when you'll be teaching him Jedi stuff. He's been waiting for ages."
"Oh kriff I completely forgot!" Kanan groaned before taking off down the hall.
Hera leant against the door frame. Chuckling.

She loved Kanan.

Sorry it's so short.
Suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲
