I'm afraid of Maul

This is set after the Rebels get back to their base after Maul and Ezra join the Holocrons together.

Ezra sat alone on one of the cliffs of their base. A cool air gently brushed past his face. His eyes opened to reveal sparkling blue pupils. He looked up at the moon with pain tugging at his heart strings.
He hated Maul. He hated the Empire. He hated Vader. 
He knew he had to keep his emotions under control, but it wasn't easy.
He was really glad that he and  Kanan were alright again. He missed his Master terribly when he separated himself from the crew.
He missed Kanan's teaching, his voice and his love towards Ezra.
Ezra missed the comfort Kanan gave him back when he was fifteen.
Since the spiders cave, the hole that burned in Ezra's soul, was beginning to fill.
Ezra took a breath. He did love Kanan as a father, but when he got blinded, Ezra was afraid of how Kanan would be towards him. Would he still love Ezra? Well, the boy had proof that the older Jedi forgave him and never blamed Ezra. A ghost of a smile wavered over Ezra's face.

Kanan looked up from his meditation. He sensed his Padawan was troubled. Kanan was a little surprised Ezra was trying to conceal his emotions. He always used to come to Kanan when he was troubled, but now...
With a frown, Kanan got up and went to find the boy.
"Hera? Have you seen Ezra?" Kanan asked the twe'lik.
"He went for a walk around the base earlier on" Hera replied looking over at Kanan from her repairs on the Ghost's engines.
"But I haven't seen him since."
Kanan left the room. If Ezra was anywhere, he'd be on the cliffs. The boy loved it out there.

Ezra heard footsteps and turned his head to see who it was.
"Hey Kanan" he greeted, waiting till his Master sat beside him, before looking back at the moon.
"Ezra, how are you?"
Kanan already knew what the boy was going to say.
"I'm fine."
"No your not. I can feel your pain through the Force. Talk to me. That's why I'm here."
Ezra rubbed the back of his neck before glancing at Kanan.
"I'm afraid."
Kanan was surprised. Out of everything the boy could have said, he told Kanan he was afraid?
"Of what Ezra?" He asked finally.
"The Empire, Vader...Hera when she's in mother mode?" Kanan sensed a flicker of amusement in Ezra through the Force, and gave a small chuckle.
"Yeah, I can understand that."
Ezra's amusement died before saying the next thing. Kanan noticed immediately the fear and uncertainty in his Padawan's voice.
"I'm afraid of Maul."
Kanan knew that that answer was going to come out of Ezra's mouth at some point.
He put an arm around Ezra.
"I know. He's a dick, and we will try our hardest to keep him off your case. He seems to like you, and wants you as his Apprentice, and wants us out of the way. But that's not happening. Your my light in the darkness Ezra, I need you. I'll make sure he doesn't harm you any more than he has."
"He hasn't hurt me."
"He has. Mentally. Not physically" Kanan insisted.
"Nah. That was more the Holocron" Ezra replied curling into a ball.
Kanan felt a twinge of sadness in Ezra. Not able to stop himself. He put both arms around the boy. Stroking his head and rubbing Ezra's arms gently.

Ezra suddenly wanted to scream. Scream because of everything. Scream as everything began to get to him. He missed this and never wanted Kanan to go again. No, he wouldn't have it, he almost lost Kanan.
Tearing into an emotional breakdown, Ezra threw his arms round Kanan and sobbed into his shoulder.
Kanan only held his Padawan closer and smiled.
These were the days he wanted. These were the days he was waiting for.
This is how he wanted it.
Just him and Ezra.
On a crazy ride through problems and the galaxy. 

Well you asked for it, and I delivered. Hope you liked it! Tell me if you want more. I will do it! (Eventually 😁)

