Pain of the past

For LuaKitsune who asked me to write a father/son moment about Ezra and Kanan.
This is set a few days after Ezra learns the truth about his parents.

Ezra sat in the nose gun.
Looking out to space.
His heart ached with longing.
Why did his parents have to die? Haven't they suffered enough with all those years being locked away in prison? He wasn't​ aware that someone came in.
Kanan looked to where Ezra sat in the chair.
He could feel emotional pain rolling off him in waves.
Brow furrowing with concern, Kanan came over.
"You alright kid?"
Ezra jumped and looked beside him where Kanan stood.
"Oh, Kanan" Ezra sighed with relief.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack."
"Sorry. Are you feeling alright? You seem really quiet lately."
Ezra looked at his thumbs and didn't say anything.
Kanan looked at his Padawan with concern.
Then it hit him.
His parents.
Mentally kicking himself for​ not thinking about it sooner, he put a hand on Ezra's shoulder.
The boy looked at him.
"Listen Ezra. I told you I've never known my parents, but I can imagine how much pain you're going through. I understand how it feels to lose people close and feel alone. Believe me. But know we all, especially me, support you and always will. That's what family does."
Ezra eyes filled with tears and Kanan pulled the boy close to him.
"It's okay Ezra. Let it out" he said gently and Ezra began to cry.
Kanan picked him up and sat in the nose gun seat.
He put Ezra on his lap and wrapped his arms around him.
Ezra held on to Kanan and sobbedd into his shoulder.
The older Jedi rubbed his back
"Thanks Kanan. You've always been there for me" he whispered, tears slowing down and he snuggled closer to the man.
Kanan smiled softly.
"I'll always look out for you Ezra. I promise."
Ezra smiled and closed his eyes.
Kanan leant back in his chair.
In no time, they had both fallen asleep.

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲
