Morning surprises

This part is dedicated to my awesome friend HarrryPotterRulz for giving me this idea.

Ezra looked out across Atalon. Sabine was by his side.
"This is amazing. The Rebellion is really coming along isn't it?" Ezra said.
"Yeah. We'll be overthrowing the Empire soon" Sabine replied.
"Heh. That will take a while, but for the attack on Lothal's factory's, that'll be satisfactory for me."
Sabine looked over at Ezra.
He looked slightly downcast.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Well, it's just...*sigh.* Sabine, my parents spoke out against the Empire and I lost them. We've also lost Ahsoka, and what if I lose one of you guys in this fight? I almost lost Kanan. Remember that day?"
"The day he got captured? Still haunts me Ez. But I promise, this won't go wrong."
"How do you know that?" Ezra asked.
Sabine put a hand on his shoulder.
"I have hope" she replied.
Ezra smiled and nodded but Sabine could still see sadness in his eyes.
With a small grin, she moved her hand down to Ezra's side and prodded it. As she expected, Ezra yelped and jerked to one side.
He looked at Sabine nervously who was cracking her knuckles.
"Sabine" he warned.
"Don't even think about it."
"Think about what? This?"
Before Ezra could react, Sabine had lunged at him.
He two fought to be on top, laughing as they rolled round on the ground.
Ezra was finally beaten and Sabine sat on his waist.
"Got you Jedi" she smirked.
Ezra smiled up at Sabine.
Getting lost in her eyes.
"You look amazing you know that?" He asked in a dreamy voice.
This took Sabine by surprise and she giggled.
"I can say the same to you" Sabine replied.
Before she knew what she was doing, Sabine took Ezra's face in her hands and brought his face up to hers.
Ezra was surprised at first, but let it come.
They closed their eyes and their lips collided.
This went on for a couple of seconds before Sabine realised what she was doing.
"No" she said pulling away.
"I shouldn't have done that."
Ezra flopped against the ground, a dopey smile on his face.
Sabine looked down at him and stifled her laughter at the sight.
Ezra looked like he was in another world.
She got off him and left him there.
She was nearly back at the base when she heard him yell at the top of his voice:
Sabine burst out laughing and continued back to the base.

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲
