3 Days Before Christmas

Spitfire One-Shots Chapter 24

3 Days Before Christmas

Day 3

Today was the day of the Christmas party at Mt. Justice. Artemis was rushing to finish wrapping the last of the presents before they left to the nearest zeta tube. Wally was just trying to find some food. 

"We are about to go to a party and eat in less than 10 minutes, why do you need to eat right now?" She questioned him trying to put all of the gifts together in one bag. She was clearly struggling, and Wally made no move to help. 

"A little help here Wally." He finally looked up and dropped the bag of chips he was eating. "Here, let me take that." They needed someone from the team to come and bring them there because technically they weren't on the team anymore so they couldn't know the locations of the zeta beams. 

There was a soft knock on the door, Artemis opened it to find Zatana. "ZEE!" She shouted pulling the magician into a hug. Zatana hugged the blonde back just as enthusiastically. "Join in Wally, I know you want to." And with that said, Wally joined the group hug.

"How are you?" Artemis asked her friend as soon as they pulled apart.

"Good, the holidays are a little tough but Dick is helping me through it. He even invited me to Christmas dinner at his place." Artemis smirked at Wally when Zatana turned around. She always talked about setting the two of them together.

"That's great, are you going to go? I wonder how that would be, dinner with the dynamic duo."

"I haven't made a decision yet. So are you guys ready?" The couple quickly saw what she was trying to do by changing the subject.

"Yeah, we have everything." Wally answered heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Zatana asked him confused.

"Aren't we taking a zeta tube?"

"No I'm going to teleport us. I've been working on the spell. Now gather around me." They crowded near Zatana and in a split second they were magically in the kitchen of Mt. Justice.

The entire team was there, along with some members of the Justice League. Aqualad, Superboy, Robin, Rocket, Megan, Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado just to name a few.

Artemis set their gift bag near the others on top of the counter. Meanwhile, Wally ran towards the food. Artemis went to say hello to everyone,before coming back to catch up with Megan. 

"How are you?" She asked the Martian. 

"Me and Superboy are doing great, we are thinking of moving in together. How are you and Wally?" 

"Well, he's still full of...it. But we still get on each other's nerves and argue like we always do. Things are looking good for us. Now what do you know about Zee and Dick?" And the girls engaged into a conversation about setting the two up on a date. 

Wally was still busy stuffing his face with food when Dick came by to talk to him. "I need your help." 

"Oh the boy wonder asking for my help, this must be good. How can the great Wall-Man help you out?" Wally asked him, knowing it had something to do with Zatana. 

"I need some advice. I'm sure you already know right now that I invited Zatana to dinner with me and Bruce in a few days, but I haven't exactly told Bruce about it. We have been on rocky terrain recently, I'm not sure if he wants guests on Christmas." This was certainly a problem. 

"Why don't you wait and see what Zatana says? She might not even agree to it. If anything, you can just get Alfred to agree with you. In anyone could help you, it would be Alfred." For someone who normally gives horrible advice, Wally was able to actually help his friend. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Connor asked joining the conversation. "Just Dick's girl problems." Wally teased. 

"He has a lot of those." Connor chimed in. "Haha. You guys are hilarious." He told them humorously. Wally stayed and talked with the guys for a few minutes, before leaving to spend time with Artemis. 

"Come on let's dance." He told her, not waiting for a response. She put her arms around his shoulders, while his went on her waist. 

"This is where we first met." She observed. "Do you remember Baywatch." He leaned in and kissed her. 

"Every single second." 

A/N: I'm not going to be able to finish this all by tonight. I'm sorry, I might be able to squeeze one in before I go to sleep, but that might be a long shot. The rest will be posted tomorrow. I only have Days 1,2 and finally Christmas Day. The chapters are going to be this length until the end. 

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