A Look back on Artemis and Wally's Valentine's Days

Spitfire One-Shots Chapter 28

A Look back on Artemis and Wally's Valentine's Day (it's a long title, but this is a longer chapter)

5 Years ago

Artemis and Wally were only dating for a few months. Things were almost exactly the way they were before, with the occasional kiss. Artemis never really cared much for Valentine's Day, it never had any significance for her growing up. And Wally always tried hitting on girls unsuccessfully, and sat around eating, nothing unusual there.

This year, Artemis had a boyfriend, one she cared a lot about, despite their playful banter. Even though they haven't been dating for long, she wanted to do something nice for him. The team just completed a successful mission against the League of Shadows, and had a little time off.

She learned quickly that food was the easiest way to his heart. She set out to make nachos, for the both of them to eat while watching a movie. She was in no way going to wear pink, instead she settled with a casual red top, black skinny jeans and maroon ankle boots.

She texted Wally to meet her at the cave. Artemis wasn't really expecting him to show up with chocolates, flowers and balloons like you'd see in a cheesy romantic movie. Instead he walked in holding a candy bar casually.

"Hey Arty." She hated the nickname, which prompted him to use it more often to annoy her.

As any normal person would think, she thought the candy bar was for her. She hugged him and brought them over to the couch. When Artemis reached for the chocolate, he gave her a weird look and squatted her hand away.

He popped it into his mouth, biting a huge chunk off. She looked at him with a mixture of disbelief and humor.

"What?" He asked with his mouthful.

"It's Valentine's Day." She told him simply gesturing to the heart decorations Megan put up. Wally looked around noticing them for the first time.

"Oh." He said, clearly forgetting what day it was. He sheepishly offered her the half eaten chocolate bar. Wally kissed her cheek. She rolled her eyes at him, but continued to snuggle into his side as the movie played.

4 Years ago

The Spitfire couple had been together for over a year at this point in the story. Their relationship did nothing but blossom. However, that didn't stop them from arguing back and forth playfully. Since their Valentine's Day the previous year was a little unexpected, Artemis did not have any expectations.

She was just going to see where the night was taking them. The first half of their day was doing a recon mission for Batman to retrieve a microchip from LexCorp. Fortunately, the mission was a success without any unnecessary complications.

Megan arranged for the team to have a party in the cave later on in the day Artemis stayed with her, Zatanna and Raquel to help set up the decorations. Most of the decorations were food. The girls had a bet on how long it will take before Wally attempts to shove the whole thing down his throat.

Naturally, Robin became involved.

Wally, despite being the fastest, arrived 5 minutes later than everyone else. He came with flowers. Artemis felt her heart swelling, it was a sweet gesture She was sure in for a surprise. Wally said hi, still clutching the flowers in his hands while he kiss her cheek.

"Are those for me?" SHe asked not wanting a repeat of the year before. She was sure in for a surprise.

"My dad asked me to pick these up for my mom, I have no idea why."

"It's Valentine's Day Kid Idiot!" He scratched the back of his neck.

"Ah, it seems like time just got away from me. A lot of things start to make sense now." He quickly shoved a cupcake in his mouth to prevent himself from babbling nonsense to mask the fact that he forgot, again. Robin won the bet.

He took out a flower from the bouquet in his hands, and held out a single red rose to her. "Here to make up for the fact that I do not look at a calendar."

She kissed him softly, "Thank you Wally."

"I promise not to forget next year."

"I'll keep you to that promise."

3 Years Ago

It was over 2 years into their relationship. And with Artemis having heard the stories about her friend's romantic Valentine's Day, she wanted to do something different. She wanted to spend a nice night with Wally.

And her first step in ensuring this, was reminding him a week before Valentine's Day. She texted him each day before the 14th of February. He responded the first time by saying he was going to get them dinner reservations.

He made a reminder on his phone to call her favorite restaurant, but each day it slowly got pushed to the back of his mind. When Wally wasn't up to his neck in school work or missions, he was either hanging out with Artemis or helping his best friend Dick.

On the actual day, Artemis found herself dressing up in a black dress with floral mesh sleeves, with a simple necklace Wally had gotten her for her birthday, and black pumps. She didn't want to wear red or pink, the colors typically associated with Valentine's Day. She looked good and felt comfort in what she was wearing.

Wally met her outside of her apartment looking tired. She took one look at his wrinkled shirt and asked, "Is that what you are wearing to dinner?"

"Right, dinner. Tonight. I so made that reservation." His words barely convinced himself, let alone Artemis. He sighed. "I'm sorry Babe, I forgot." He expected her to be upset and angry at him.

Artemis looked at him closely, noticing how exhausted he was. She could see right through him, she didn't need to read his mind to know how he was feeling.

"It's fine Wally, I feel bad for pushing you to do this. You've been working hard for the past couple of weeks. We should make this day relaxing, for both of us. We can grab some take-out, sneak back into my room and watch movies all night. How does that sound?"

"You are the greatest girlfriend a guy could have." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "But you already dressed up." He said.

"These shoes are killing me." She told him letting him in on a secret.

Artemis takes her shoes off and Wally lifts her in his arms to carry her bridal style. He used his super speed to get their food even faster, let's face it Wally is always hungry.

"I feel like a bad boyfriend for forgetting Valentine's Day." Wally admitted to her.

"You are human Wally, everyone forgets. I just want us to be together, it doesn't matter what we do. Besides, forgetting Valentine's Day could be our thing." She winked at him.

"I love you Artemis."

"I love you too Baywatch. Now can you pick up the pace, my stomach is growling."

2 Years Ago

This year, it wasn't just Wally who forgot. Valentine's Day just crept up on them. College classes were a lot more demanding than high school.Wally always attempted to copy off his girlfriend's papers. She never let him get away with it.

Although, Artemis had been working on a surprise for them. Wally brought up the idea of moving, in the summer before their first year of college. When she agreed, he said she didn't need to do anything else, but agree to the place. He took care of everything. They moved to Palo Alto, close to Stanford University where they both got accepted to.

Artemis felt like they were missing one more thing in their house. She contemplated getting this for a while, and when she woke up one day to find out it was Valentine's Day she put her plan into action.

She went to the pound, early in the morning when Wally was still asleep. She didn't want him to wake up and ruin the surprise. It helped that he was a heavy sleeper.

"Hi, I'm here to buy a dog." She said to the lady at the counter. She knew he would love it. Plus, everyone told them it would be great practice if they wanted to have children in the future. They weren't at that stage. Yet.

"Do you have a specific type in mind?" Artemis thought about it for a second, and decided to go with her favorite breed, pit bull.

"A pit bull." She said confidently. This wasn't just a gift for Wally, but for both of them. She was confident they would both enjoy having a dog in the house. Plus, it helped with stress during finals and midterms.

Artemis looked at the selection of dogs they had, and there was one that stood out to her. He was a white pit bull, he was small, and looked so happy. She played with him for a few minutes in the cage. Those few minutes were all it took to make her decision.

In the next hour, she got the dog and all the things they needed for him, including a bed, treats, dog food and toys. Her bank account sure took a hit with the purchases, but she fell in love with the dog instantly. She didn't name him yet, she wanted to do it together with Wally.

It was barely noon when Wally woke up and found Artemis missing from her usual spot next to him in bed. He was about to get up and look for her when he heard the door open. He laid back in bed for a few more minutes to wake up.

"WALLY!" She shouted knowing it was the only way to wake him up. He rushed out of the room thinking something was wrong.

"Why are you yelling so early in the morning?"

"I have a surprise for you." She told him simply.

"It's not our anniversary right?" She rolled her eyes at him. "No Wall-Man it's Valentine's Day."

"I forgot again didn't I?" She patted his shoulder. "Don't let it get to you, I forgot until this morning when I checked my phone." Artemis made him close his eyes. She held the dog in her hand and gently placed him on Wally's lap.

"A puppy!?!" He exclaimed opening his eyes the second he felt something moving. "You're the best Artemis!" The dog immediately took a liking to Wally seeing as how he licked him all over his face.

"What's his name?" Wally asked as Artemis sat down next to him on the couch.

"I thought you could decide that,"

"How about Brucely?" Wally suggested after staring at the dog for a minute.

"Brucely it is." She leaned her head on Wally's shoulder glad that he liked her present, and they could enjoy spending time with their new dog.

"I love you Artemis." He said kissing the side of her head.

"I love you too Baywatch."

1 Year Ago

This year Artemis was sick. She caught a cold waiting for the bus one day, the details of how she got sick were unimportant. She woke up one morning and found it difficult to get out of bed. Her whole body ached and felt sore like she spent days in the gym. Her head, nose and throat were all killing her.

Wally surprisingly woke up from the sounds of his girlfriend's coughs. He immediately rushed over (not hard for a speedster) and got her some water. It did little to sooth her pain.

"Are you ok Artemis?" He asked. She lifted her head up from the pillow to glare at him. "Ok stupid question. What can I do?"

Artemis despised being sick, but then again who doesn't?

She made a motion to get up, but Wally was quick to make sure she stayed in bed. "You aren't going anywhere Arty." He told her sternly. She wasted no time sneaking back under the covers. She even forgot what she got up for.

Wally placed his hand on her forehead, she was burning up. He tried to act calm as he got the thermometer and checked her temperature. She was half asleep while he was worried it might be more than just a common cold.

When her temperature wasn't alarming, he let out a sigh of relief. He kissed her forehead and told her to go back to sleep. She snuggled back into her pillow. He took it upon himself to make breakfast for the both of them considering it was still early.

Once he made sure she was comfortable, he walked to the kitchen and stared at all the pots and pan. HIs only thought was 'Now what?'

After watching several cooking videos online and ultimately failing, Wally called his mom for advice on how to make breakfast, and soup for later on when she woke up. His mother spend about 10 minutes fawning over how sweet he was.

He woke Artemis up a few hours later so she could eat. He got a tray and loaded it with lopsided pancakes, and every other breakfast item he could find in their kitchen, as well as some medication. The tray felt heavy on her lap.

"Is this for me?" She asked still a little dazed with sleepiness.

He smirked at her. "Now look who's asking stupid questions." He sat beside her and made sure she ate, sneaking in a few bites himself. She took the medicine and wondered how long it would take for it to go into effect.

"I hate being sick, this is the worst Valentine's Day." She said exaggerating out of boredom. Beside her, Wally frozen his place. Once again, he had forgotten Valentine's Day. He tried to be as discreet as possible when he ran out of the room. It wasn't as subtle as he thought with the wind his super speed created.

He rushed back in just as quickly as he left, only this time with heaps of chocolate in his arms. He dumped them all on the bed. "Happy Valentine's Day Artemis. Hopefully this makes up for me forgetting."

She smiled at him and hugged him to thank him for the gift. It's the thought that counts, not to mention something they can both enjoy. Artemis also reached over the bed to get his present, in her nightstand.

She handed it to him, where he proceeded to rip the wrapping paper off like an animal. It was a calendar. He laughed, she knew him so well. "I promise to use it!"

He placed it back on the nightstand, and joins her under the bed covers. He grabs the remote and turns to a random channel. She speaks up when he cuddles with her.

"You'll get sick." She told him.

"I don't mind." He replies, kissing her head. "Then you could take care of me when I'm sick."

Present (season 2)

  He finally remembers. It took him 5 years, but he did it!   

A/N: Here it is! My masterpiece, this took me about a week to write and I'm pretty proud of it. Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter in the comments. Also, comment your favorite Valentine's Day they experienced. And as always, comment any future suggestions you guys have. 

Sadly, it might be a while until another chapter. I have a bunch of other stories I'm in the process of starting, planning or ending. I have a plan for my own Spitfire Story called How Can We? If you want a synopsis with more details you can go on my profile and click on the story called Sneak Peaks, there should be a post on that. I am hoping to start that over spring break. Let me know if you guys are interested in reading it. 

Follow me for updates on this story and How Can We? I post messages a couple times a week about my which stories will be updates and so on. 

Remember to vote, comment and share this story! And thank you all for the support for this collection of One-Shots :)) 

And before I forget Happy Valentine's Day! I probably should have opened with that. I hope you all are surrounded by loved ones. 
