Artemis & Wally's Christmas Day

Spitfire One-Shot Chapter 27

Christmas Day

The couple came home la last night. The Christmas Eve party lasted long after midnight. They were under their covers int he early hours of the morning. Artemis was hoping to sleep in, and have a late brunch with everyone else, open presents then since everyone else must have gotten home late as well. 

Naturally, things didn't go Artemis' way. She was woken up at the crack of dawn by Wally. Well it seemed like dawn, the sun was already shining. It was probably around 7AM. Artemis felt someone shaking her and almost went back to sleep. 

"Artemis." She heard some whisper while attempting to pry the covers away from her. She rolled over and tried to pull them over her head. 

"Artemis wake up!" The person told her louder. She groaned and slapped whomever was trying to wake her up from her precious sleep. "It's time to wake up darling." They said kissing her forehead gently. She knew exactly who it was. 

"If you don't leave me to sleep I will punch you in the face." She warned him seriously. He responded by jumping on the bed. "Get up! It's Christmas morning!" He shouted. Soon Brucely joined him hopping on the bed, ensuring Artemis couldn't go back to sleep. 

"It'll still be Christmas in a few hours Wally." 

"Come on! I already made breakfast, everyone will be here in a few hours and I want to exchange presents." He informed her energetically. She wondered how he had that much energy in the morning, normally he would be as tired as she was. 

"No. Wally!!" She yelled as he ripped the blankets from her iron grip and tossed her over his shoulder. 

"It'll be fun." He said as Artemis scowled at his back. 

"I hate you Baywatch." 

"You love me." 

"Not for much longer." She grumbled as he placed her on the couch. He even went back upstairs to wrap a blanket around her. "Let me get us breakfast." He said, rushing off before she could even say anything. 

He came back with a large breakfast tray, filled with coffee, cookies, bagels, eggs and pancakes. He went all out. "Thank you." He kissed her cheek, he was so sweet to her this morning. "Now hurry up and finish eating so I start opening presents." And just like that, she forgot about his generosity. 

"I'm guessing you already ate." She commented taking a bite out of the pancakes. 

"I had some, I was mostly too anxious to eat." She placed her hand on his forehead. "Are you sure you are ok Wally?" She was concerned for him, not eating his food was like skipping an entire meal for him. 

"I'm just excited for the holidays, that's all." He subconsciously touched the small velvet box in his pocket. 

"Sure thing." She let it go and continued eating, listening to him ramble on about the conversations he had last night. It was nice to have some one-sided small talk during breakfast because Artemis was too tired to have an actual conversation. 

Once she was finished, he took the tray and put it back in the kitchen just as fast as he brought it out. "Are you ready now?" He asked, his eyes shining. Artemis nodded, shifting the blankets around so she could make her way to the tree. 

"Here why don't you go first." Wally said, practically shoving his gift into her hands. They only had two gifts to exchange (not including Brucely's). Everyone else was going to exchange gifts when they all came for brunch, or more lunch, considering the time. 

The gift was wrapped in a small box with a little bow. It took him a while to get him to wrap something so simple. It was small, but not as small compared to the one in his pocket. Artemis opened it and held up the arrow necklace into the light. 

"Wally, it's beautiful. Thank you." She reached over and hugged him. "Can you help me put it on?" She parted her hair so he could slip it around her neck. He brushed away her hair and set it down gently, the charm falling between her collarbone. 

Wally slid the box in the pocket even further down, it wasn't time yet. Soon.

"And here is yours." She held out his present, wrapped in wrapping paper with the Flash insignia. Wally accepted it gingerly, the smile on her face made him weary of what was inside. "Nothing is going to pop out right?" She laughed. 

"You don't trust me Baywatch?" He shook his head. "Just open it Wally." And he did, only to find green pajamas with her old symbol on them. He quickly changed into them at the speed of light. It matched her pajamas which consisted of an over sized t-shirt that had Wally's symbol. 

"These are surprisingly comfortable with something of this logo." He teased, pulling her in for a side hug. "Thank you Artemis." He leaned in to kiss her. Their lips were a centimeter apart, when they heard a voice in the background. 

"I hope we aren't interrupting anything. " Roy said smirking at them. Artemis threw a pillow at him, which he dodged easily laughing. Everyone came filing in with bags of presents and holiday cheer. 

Artemis leaned in to Wally, giving him another hug. "Merry Christmas Wally." He finally sneaked in that kiss Roy disturbed. 

"Merry Christmas Artemis." 

A/N: This is it, the end! I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did. I would have had a lot more fun writing this if I wasn't so pressed for time. I need to work on my time management skills. I hope you guys liked this chapter, and the entire segment, I am pretty sure I won't do this for a while, it is exhausting. 

Don't be shy! Vote, comment and share this story! Thank you all for the support you have shown :) I hope you all had an amazing holiday even if you don't celebrate Christmas. 

And don't freak out if you start getting announcements from PsychMadeYouThink, that's just my new username that I will regret soon enough. 

I'm probably not going to post anything for New Years so happy Early New Years!! 
