5 Days Before Christmas

Spitfire One-Shots Chapter 22

5 Days before Christmas

Day 5

With less than a week until Christmas, Artemis felt like it was time for her to get a new outfit for Christmas Eve Dinner at her mother's house. The whole family would be there, her mom, Jade, Roy, Lian, and everyone from Wally's family including all of the speedsters. It was going to be a full house. 

Their plan was to spend Christmas Eve at Artemis' mother's house, and then Christmas Day at her and Wally's house. So far everyone has agreed to it and planned on coming. 

"Was this part of the plan you mentioned yesterday, dress shopping?" Wally asked her incredibly. He was expecting something more fun, and productive. 

"Yeah, I want to get a new dress, and I need someone to help me." She explained to him simply, like he was a child. He was whining like a child. 

"Why can't you go with Megan or Zatana? I'm sure they would be more excited to go than me." He said trying to get out of it. Clothes shopping always made him wish he cold die of boredom. 

"Nice try Baywatch but they are on missions, so its just you and me." She shrugged on her coat and threw her purse over her shoulder. Wally didn't move. "Come on don't you want to spend time with me?" She asked him, trying a new method, guilt-tripping him. 

"Fine, only for you Artemis." He told her. She kissed him quickly. "That's all I ask for Wally. Now get in the car, I'm driving." Wally followed her into the car, and made small talk for the quick distance to the mall. 

Artemis pulled him into the first clothing store she saw and used him as a rack to hold her clothing. She piled all different types of outfits over his hands, and then went to the changing room. Wally was almost unrecognizable because of the mountain of clothes in his arms. 

"Wally hand my the red dress." Artemis called out from the crowded changing room. 

"Which one?" He asked, there was about 7 of red dresses, and they all looked the same. She came out of the dressing room wearing a green skater dress, with black lace along the neckline. It was a few shades darker than her costume. 

"You look amazing." He commented, not able to take his eyes off of her. "You should get that dress." 

"Thanks, but I still want to try some other ones on in case those are better." Wally groaned. "Oh suck it up, and where's the red sleeveless red?" He shrugged, not even attempting to look for it. Artemis rolled her eyes at him and found it all the way at the bottom. After obtaining it, she told Wally, they only had a few more stores after this one. It just made him even more impatient.

The next dress she tried on was a red, knit turtleneck dress. Wally said he liked the first one better. She tried on the next dress, another green one, also sleeveless, but this was more puffy, especially towards the bottom.  Wally once again said he liked the first one better. 

Artemis had a hard time believing him, she wasn't sure if he actually liked it or if he just wanted to go home. It was probably the latter. She tried on dozens on dresses, and they were still in the same store. 

Wally was slowly losing his mind. 

Artemis tried dresses of all colors, lengths and styles in that store, but none stood out to her. Wally was still insistent on the first one she tried on and tried to convince her to go back and get it so they could leave quicker. It took her a while to find the dresses she wanted to try on in the first place, each time they went to the mall it became more crowded. 

It took them 2 hours for every store they went to, 45 minutes to find all the clothes she wanted to try on, and the rest of the time trying them on and asking for Wally's bored opinion. In total, it took Artemis 4 and a half hours. Whenever Wally complained she reminded him that if he helped, things would go much smoother and faster. 

After all that time changing from dress to dress, she eventually settles on one. It was the first dress she tried on. Wally could not stop complaining, no matter how many times Artemis told him to shut up. Then he began rubbing it into her face saying she should have trusted his judgement. 

"I'll make it up to you." Artemis promised as soon as she started the car. He crossed his arms over his chest, pouting. 

"How?" He asked. 

"I'll make you cookies, and not will try not to burn it this time." He motioned for her to continue. "And I'll make dinner for the rest of the week, your favorites." She knew food was the way to his heart. 

"Deal." And they shook on it. 

A/N: This wasn't really an exciting chapter, but I was running out of ideas. The next chapter will also be a little boring, but there will be their regular banter. I am starting to have some confidence that I might finish this by tonight. 

Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter, and remember to vote, comment and share this story! More chapters coming soon. 
