Chapter 17

Rosé's POV.

"Hmm... let's do it this way: we'll ask you simple questions and you should try to reply as briefly as possible, okay?" I suggested.

"Yeah, and try to relax, just answer quickly, say whatever comes to your mind first. Got it?" Jisoo added.

"Yes, I'm ready. Let's do it."

I closed my eyes, mentally preparing myself for a wave of questions.

"What was your first impression of Jennie?"

"That she looks amazing when she smiles so she should do it more often."

"What do you like about her the most?"

"Uhm... that she was really worried about me when she had a crush on me."

"What don't you like about her?"

"Sometimes she makes me feel guilty."

"About what?"

"I don't know, just... guilty."

"Her best feature?"

"Lips. No, eyes. I don't know, she has may nice features, it's hard to choose."

"Her worst feature?"

"Uhm... I... don't know."

"Do you like the fact that she's got a crush on you?"

"Definitely yes."

"Would you want to kiss her?"


"What would you feel if you two kissed?"

"I'd be surprised."

"Yes, but what would you FEEL?"

"Guilty." Damn it, it's the second time I said "guilty", are we close to discovering something here?

"What would you feel if you saw her kissing someone else?"

"I'd be... I don't know. Resigned, I guess."

"Come on, imagine her a tight embrace with someone, with her eyes closed... Passionately kissing someone like there's no tomorrow..."

"I'd feel... angry." I gulped.

"Angry because...?"

"Because I'd want to be the one who she's kissing."

By looking at Lisa's shocked face, you could almost see the jaw-dropping realization that she has just made.

"Yeah, you've got a huge crush on Jennie." Jisoo laughed.

"Could you at least be more delicate about it, you can be such a brute sometimes!" I scolded her.

"Lisa, listen to me." I said in a soft, soothing voice. "The problem you have is that all your life you've been convinced that you can only desire someone you're in love with. And now you have a crush on Jennie... and you feel guilty about it, so much that you repressed this crush."

"That's why you don't want to kiss her, but you want her to kiss you. It's not that paradoxical if you think about it." Jisoo added. "You want her to take the initiative so that you don't feel guilty about it, so that you can still feel like an innocent... victim."

"Don't worry, it's a pretty common fantasy among people..." I said, seeing how crushed she is.

"Girls, you don't have to go on... I understand everything now." Lisa said quietly. "And I think you're right."
