Chapter 9

Lisa's POV.

"What's happening?" I asked seeing Jennie carefully folding clothes in our room.

"Liz, I'm sorry, I should've told you earlier, this 'sharing the bedroom' thing isn't working out for me. So... I'll be moving out."

"What? Where are you going to go?"

"I'll go to a hotel for a few days before I find a room to rent."

"Seriously? You have too much money or what?"

She ignored me and kept packing her bag. I watched her for a while: I noticed some nervousness about her and she also looked tired, it was clear she didn't sleep enough.

"Is it because... you had a dream about me?" I asked, trying to make my voice as understanding as possible. But the blow was strong. Jennie sat on the edge of the bed, her body bent over, her eyes fixed on the floor. She put her hands between her knees and bit her lip anxiously. She didn't even resemble the confident girl that she normally was.

"You know?" she asked faintly.

"I heard how you kept saying my name in your sleep... It was pretty obvious what you were dreaming about." I explained. Jennie looked like she could literally die from embarrassment so I quickly added: "I hope you don't feel bad about it, it was just a dream, it could happen to anyone."

"It's not just a dream, I realized that I have a crush on you even since we live together."

"Really? But you told me you were straight..."

"I guess it's more complicated than that. This crush, it's just physical, my body just goes crazy when you're around. So now you know why I have to move out."

"And why is that?"

"I just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Jennie, look at me." I said. "Look at me." She reluctantly dared to lift her eyes. "I'm totally fine with it, it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all, okay? A crush is a perfectly normal thing, nothing to be ashamed of, do you hear me? It will pass, don't worry. So stop obsessing over it and take that stuff out of your bag."

"I really thought you'd be mad, because you are so..." Jennie said, pleasantly surprised.

"Seriously, stop it, you've got to stop treating me like some repressed girl. Yeah, I'm shy and romantic but it has nothing to do with it."

Jennie was still hesitant, fiddling with her fingers, not knowing what to do. How do I make her feel more at ease about it? Maybe turn it into a joke?

"You know, if anything, I feel flattered." I said, smiling mysteriously.

"What? No, that can't be true, you're just messing with me now."

"I'm not. The fact that I'm against casual sex doesn't mean that I don't like the idea of being desired."

She stared at me with incredulous look in her eyes.

"So I hope you can control yourself and you're not going to throw yourself at me while I sleep?" I joked and finally saw Jennie smile faintly.

"God, I'm so pathetic... Thanks for being so okay with it." She sighed with relief.

"So you're going to stay?"

"I guess I can sleep here one more night. If it doesn't feel too awkward then I'll stay."

"Good! So... maybe we should order something to eat? Pizza or Chinese food?"

"Chinese. But at least let me pay, as a thank you."

"Okay." I looked at her with a mischievous grin. "I really wonder about that dream. From what I heard, it was quite hot."

Jennie glared at me but then her face softened and a smile came to her lips.

"It's weird, but when you turn it into a joke, it somehow makes it less awkward. It actually helps, I really feel less tense."

"I'll be sure to remember that." I said and winked.
