Chapter 6

Lisa's POV.

"Wow, it's delicious." I said, eating a salad that Jennie had made.

"Thanks, it's my mom's recipe. Chu, get up and try some."

"Yeah, you spent the entire evening under that blanket, what's going on, why the bad mood?"

"You really want to know what's going on?" Jisoo suddenly sat up and began to speak in a loud, annoyed voice. "My back hurts because of sleeping on this damn couch! And I don't even have my own room when I want to be alone! Fuck this shit!" she lied down again and put the blanket over her head.

I exchanged glances with Jennie and we understood each other without words: Jisoo clearly wasn't okay.

"You know what would cheer you up? Go on a date. You know how many guys or girls would do anything to go out with you? What about Taehyung, he seemed interested in you last year, why don't you give it a try?" Jennie asked.

"I don't feel like dating right now." Jisoo's muffled voice came from under the blanket.

"So you're into both guys and girls?" I asked, realizing that maybe my voice shouldn't sound so surprised.

"Yeah, what's so strange about it?"

"No, nothing, I just wanted..." A question flashed through my mind but I bit my tongue before I could voice it.

"You wanted to ask what's the difference between guys and girls." She correctly guessed my question. Wow, how did she know that? "Everyone always asks me the same thing when they learn I'm bi." Her face appeared from under the blanket again. "If you're really want to know, sex is much better with girls. More fun, more pleasurable and of course longer."

I felt my cheeks burning.

"I wanted to ask what is different in DATING guys and girls, not about sex." I explained hastily.

"Oh, I guess I misunderstood."

"It's true that girls are better at sex, but relationships with guys are... simpler. Less bullshit you have to go through." Jennie said all of the sudden. Seeing my perplexed face she quickly explained: "I'm straight but I kind of had this phase in high school when I... experimented with women. Lots of straight girls did that."

I was shocked how she could say that without blushing even a little. Am I really that repressed? The whole idea seemed so strange and foreign to me... I couldn't even imagine myself "experimenting" with a guy.

"Hi, I'm back." Rosé greeted us as she opened the door and went inside. Then she directed her steps straight to her room.

"What? Wait! You've got to tell us how your date went!" Jennie yelled after her.

"Not well. I was really awkward all the time and she didn't even mention a second date so... you know." She answered resignedly and shrugged. Then she suddenly noticed Jisoo lying on the couch. "What's with her?"

"She's been feeling down all day, we tried everything to get her out of there but she wouldn't move." I explained.

"Come on Chu, get up, march to the bathroom and clean yourself up." Rosé's voice was like steel.

Jisoo just ignored her and hid under the blanket, not expecting what was about to happen. The blonde jumped on the couch, grabbed the blanket and tried to pull it from her.

"Nooo, leave me alone!" Jisoo squealed cheerfully, holding onto the blanket with both her hands.

I was watching in surprise how the two girls were laughing while wrestling playfully on the couch. I glanced at Jennie, but she was just as stunned as I was. What the hell was that all about, behaving like good buddies, since when these two became so close? Finally Rosé managed to take the blanket away and both girls were staring and each other, panting slightly.

"Go take a shower and then we can watch a movie or something." the blonde said.

"Yes mom." Jisoo replied ironically, but to my surprise she got up and obediently headed to the bathroom.
