Chapter 7

Jennie's POV.

I came back from the shower feeling all relaxed. It didn't last long because just as I entered our bedroom, I was greeted by the view of Lisa doing stretches. It caught me by surprise so much that I paused at the door, watching her, startled and amazed. Wow, these abs are really something. And damn, you can almost see her ass through these tight shorts. Does she really have to do these exercises in here?

"Do you want me to go out?" I asked.

"No, why?" She seemed surprised by my question. I crashed on the bed promising myself that I won't look at her. I took out my phone and began mindlessly scrolling through my instagram, but the long-legged blonde doing her workout kept on attracting my attention. "Shit, she could've at least wear sweatpants." I thought, wondering why it irritated me so much. But then, watching her muscles flexing under her delicate skin is so nice... Suddenly, as Lisa deepened her stretch, she let out a quiet, content moan. I felt a familiar tingling understanding immediately that it was turning me on.

Oh shit.

I froze in fear and my phone fell out of my hands. What the hell Jennie!? No, don't panic, it's probably because you haven't had sex in months. It's normal, you're just horny... But still, lusting after your roommate? And a girl? How awkward is that?

"Oh, it felt so good, I really needed that stretching." Lisa said and dove under the covers. Her long legs were again extending to my side of the bed, if I just moved my feet a little to the right I could touch hers... Damn it, stop it Jennie, control yourself!

Yeah, I'm not sleeping with her in the same bed, no way.

"Listen, tonight I'm seriously going to sleep on the floor. It's better this way, I won't feel self-conscious. And I don't want to waste another night, I really need to sleep well."

I put a blanket on the floor and was about to lie on it, when Lisa suddenly asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, besides you'll have the entire bed to yourself, so you should be happy about it."

"You're weird today." she observed. "But fine, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

I turned off the light, lied down and closed my eyes. Of course I couldn't fall asleep, I was still too irritated by what had happened to me. Seriously, sometimes I hate my body and all those stupid raging hormones. Okay Jennie, don't think about it, don't think about anything and relax... Just try to sleep, make your mind completely blank...

I felt someone's body close to mine, I opened my eyes and saw Lisa's beautiful face just before she kissed me on the lips, slowly and shyly at first, then more firmly. Our tongues started playing together and my body began to tremble... Suddenly I was naked and Lisa was on top of me, kissing my neck, slowly going lower and lower... I put my hands on her head and directed her to where I eagerly wanted her to go. I felt her wet lips on my breasts, then on my stomach and when I felt them between my legs I let out a loud moan...

I woke up panting and sweating. The realization that it was a dream left me somewhere in the middle between relief and disappointment. Damn, it felt so real, of course I had these kind of dreams before, but none like that. Let's face it Jennie, you're not fine and you've got to do something about it. I should think about getting a boyfriend... as much as I hate the notion of having to do it just to deal with my sexual urges. And I hope I can have enough self-control to not be awkward around Lisa...

As I pictured her in my head I suddenly realized why I fantasized about her. Yes, she was certainly attractive, and yes, we were sharing a bed, but there was one thing that made me desire her the most. I had to admit to myself that I'd be thrilled to make her lose her innocent attitude by showing her how amazing casual sex can be. Make this pure, shy girl explore the world of carnal pleasures: that's what my horny mind wanted.

It was already dawn when I fell asleep, still wondering if I was a perverted person for even thinking that.
