Chapter 28

Chapter 28

===Zayn POV===

"Trust me mate, you'll be fine." Liam said, zipping up his suitcase. 

"Yeah... I hope so." I told him, straightening my collar for the 80th time. 

"Zayn!" Sylvie's voice said from behind the bedroom door, "It's time for you to go wait down at the bottom of the stairs!" 

"Coming!" I yelled back.

I looked over at Liam, who gave me a thumbs up. I walked out of the room and looked at the room next to me. Erica's room..

Gosh, I sound like a stalker.

“Guys, I don't wanna do this.” I heard Erica mutter from the room.

“Why not?” Louis' voice said quickly after. Why is he in there?

“This is her first date doofus.” Sylvie said.

“This is her first date doofus.” Louis said, mocking her.

I suddenly felt all queasy inside.

This was her first date, and I had to make an impression.

No biggy.

I left the hallway and went down stairs to see the rest of the boys casually sitting on the couch watching T.V. They all looked up when I entered the room. 

"You excited?" Niall asked. I nodded.

"Where you guys going again?" Nate asked. 

"Bowling." Liam said from behind me. I nodded to approve the message.

“Just remember... Were here to deal with once she starts crying.” Aiden said, smirking from his seat in the corner.

“Yeah.” Nate said, then threw something at me. I looked down at the object, confused. I picked it up and noticed that it was a bullet.

“What-?” I started, but was cut off by Nate's gravely voice.

“You hurt her,” He said, “That will be coming at you a lot faster.”

I gulped but nodded, and placed the bullet on the coffee table next to me.

For being 15 years old, the twins were really scary.

I heard Louis laugh from behind me, “Mate. You best not be hurting her. They are scary.” He said, chuckling. I nodded and laughed a bit too.

But it was still scary.

"Harry! I brought you a glass of rootbeer!" Andra said, entering the room.

“Oh... Thanks.” Harry said, taking the glass from her hand.

“Zayn! You're all fancy! Where are you going?” Andra asked, sitting down next to Harry.

“On a date.” I told her.

“With whom?”

“Erica...” I smiled, looking at my feet.

Andra looked up at me, “Oh. Have fun.” She said, “I'll be right back, I need some more water.”

I nodded, and waited at the end of the stairs.

“INTRODUCING,” Louis' loud voice came from the top of the stairs, “ERICA!”

I looked up to the top of the stairs to see a very nervous Erica descending the stairs. She looked bloody fantastic.

===Sylvie's POV===

I walked down the stairs behind Erica, everyone's eyes were on her.

"You look fantastic.” Zayn said, taking her hand. I silently awwed at the cuteness. Then I noticed that Zayn had turned a different color, and that on the coffee table there was a bullet.

“Did Nate and Aiden harrass you?” I asked. Zayn looked up at me, then down to the coffee table.

“Yes. Yes they did.” He said, then stuck out his tongue at them, which they gladly returned.

“Now, now boys. Zayn isn't that bad.” I said sarcastically.

“Isn't 'that' bad?” He asked. I smirked and nodded, but Zayn just shook his head.

“You're words do not effect me.” He said.

“Whatever...” I muttered. Then the room was enveloped by a lovely awkward silence.

“Er... Harry? Where's Andra?” I asked, finding that the tiny blond wasn't in my living room.

“Getting a glass of water... I think.” He said.

“Umm... Ok. Whatevs. Anyway, I think someones about to go on their date...?” I said, nudging Erica as I walked past her. She blushed, then smiled and nodded.

“You look fantastic.” Zayn said again.

“Zayn, mate. You already said that.” Aiden said, giving him the doofus look. Zayn started blushing and I, again, silently awwed.

“Too cute.” Louis said, then promptly pushed the both of them out the door, “Be back before 11! And Erica, if Zayn is a bad boy, you can tell me and I will whoop him into shape!” He said, then slammed the door.

Everyone laughed at Louis, except me. I slapped him on the behind and gave him a look.

“I need to leave!” Andra yelled, running into the room, “Family emergency!” She said, grabbing her purse.

“Will you be ok? Do you need a ride or anything?” Harry asked, standing up.

Andra shook her head, “I'll be fine. Thanks though!” She said, then ran out the front door.

“I hope her family is ok...” Harry muttered after she had closed the door.

“They'll be fine.” Liam said, comforting Harry and guiding him back to the couch, “Lets watch a movie.”

“Or...” Aiden said, with a devious smile, “We could go spy on Zarica?”

“Aiden! You little devil!” Niall said, grinning, “I agree!” He said, raising his hand.

“Guys-” I started, but was cut off by four other boys screaming yes.

“Guys I don't thin-” I started again, but Louis put his hand over my mouth.

“Don't say 'no'. We all know you want to.” He said grinning. I pulled his hand off my mouth.

“Fine. Let's go.” I muttered. Louis smiled victoriously.

“Knew it!” He said, them grabbed my hand and led me toward the car.

“He likes her doesn't he?” Nate muttered to someone behind me. I whirled around to look at the boys who were all smiling, pretending like none of that happened.

I raised my eyebrow, 'I heard that,' I mouthed to Nate. He gave me a confused look, making it loko like he didn't just say what I most certainly heard him say. I groaned and turned back around to look at Louis, “ I'm driving!” I said, then let go of his hand and ran to the front seat. Everyone piled into the car, and I started up the ignition, backing up out of the garage.

“Wait!” Niall yelled, causing me to slam on the breaks.

“What?” I asked turning to look at him.

“We need disguises.” He said, “They'll recognize us if we don't!” I sighed. This is why he made me slam on my breaks? I thought there was a kid behind me.

“I thought we were gonna run over Pugs or something... But then I'm like 'Oh he's at his doggie get-a-way.'” Nate said, frowning

“Oh yeah! I wondered why the house was so quiet.” Aiden said, laughing.

“I thought he needed a trim, plus you guys are enough to handle without the dog here.” I told them.

“No, just Louis and Harry.” Liam said, smiling.

“Just Louis and Harry.” They both mocked Liam.

“Anyywwayyyyy,” Nate said, bringing the attention back where it was needed, “How about we stop and WalMart on the way?” He said smiling.

“Yes. WalMart will do.” Louis said, smirking.

===Erica's POV===

“Bowling for two please.” Zayn said to the lady behind the desk. She nodded, then typed something into her computer.

“I'll take a size nine.” He said, then turned to me.

“Uh.. size seven please.” I said, smiling at the lady. She nodded again, and grabbed two pairs of shoes from under her desk. Zayn took his own, and then mine in one hand, then with his other grabbed my own hand.

“Have you ever been bowling?” He asked, as we walked towards the lane the lady had given us.

I nodded, “Yeah.. but I'm not very good.” I told him. He smiled and set my shoes down on the table in our lane. I took off my converse (well Sylvie's shoes. I only own two pairs of shoes and tend to borrow hers quite often), and put the gross bowling shoes on.

“So, do you wanna go first?” Zayn asked, but I shook my head.

“You go first. I want to know what I'm going up against.” I said, smiling. He laughed and nodded, grabbing a ball off the nearest rack, muttering something like 'This one will do!' and then headed towards the lane. He looked back at me and winked and I laughed. He turned back around and got himself ready.

On the outside I may look confident, but on the inside I was totally freaking out. Sylvie said I would. 'First Date Jitters' as she liked to call them.

Zayn swung the ball with perfect position, and hit a strike.

“What the actual heck?” I asked, frowning, “Well, I guess we all know whose gonna win tonight.” I said, laughing. Zayn shook his head but laughed with me.

We played the game for another 15 minutes, Zayn in the lead by at least a hundred points, when I noticed a girl about two lanes down, watching us.

“Zayn!” I said, getting his attention.

“What?” He asked me, putting the ball back down in its little holder.

“That girl in the corner is watching us.” I told him. He turned to look but I quickly grabbed his hand, “Don't look at her though! She'll know we know she is watching us.”

Zayn laughed, “Erica, she's probably just a fan. Don't worry about it.”

I rolled my eyes, “Right.” I said, somewhat sarcastically, “You are in a world famous boyband! Should I kneel at your feet? Should I get you a glass of water?” I said, laughing.

“Haha. Very funny. Now, back to what your favorite animal is.” He said, laughing. I smiled and nodded answering his question, and going on with the game.

A group had just gotten into the lane next to us and was marveling at the score on Zayn and I's board.

“Girll.” One of the guys said, “Don't let him get in the lead! Show him your stuff!” He said, laughing. I think he's gay, because my gaydar is going off.

I smiled at him, “That's kind of hard when he's good at everything.” Their whole group laughed, and I noticed that a couple of them looked a little familiar.

There was two girls, two old men, and then a teenage boy. They all looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't tell why.

“Do I know you guys?” I asked. They all looked me over, then shook their heads.

“I don't think so.” The nerdy looking guy said, then turned back to his shoes.

“Yeah, we just moved in.” One of the girls said. The brunette. The other girl, a red head nudged the brunette.

“Oh! Excuse me. I need to go to the ladies room!” She said, then high tailed it off.

“Well.. It was nice meeting you! Have fun with your boyfriend!” The guy that I assumed was gay said, then went back to tying his shoes. I decided not to correct them, and looked at Zayn who was laughing.

“They look so familiar...” I told him.

“Yeah,” He said, laughing, “They sure do.”

“Are they famous? Maybe I've seen them on TV?” I asked and Zayn nodded.

“Maybe, but let's go back to the game.” He said. I nodded, and picked up my ball. I rolled it into the lane, but it went into the gutter for the millionth time that night.

“This is so annoying!” I groaned, going over to the machine that spit out my ball. I picked it up and went back to the lane, about to roll it when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Let me help you.” Zayn said. I nodded, and let Zayn guide my hand. I couldn't focus though. He was right next to me, his hand on top of mine, his breath in my ear.

“... and roll.” He said, letting the ball roll out of our hands. The ball went down the lane and hit a strike.

“Oh my gosh!” I yelled jumping out of Zayn's arms, “ I did it!” I yelled, jumping up and down.

“Good job!” Zayn said, holing out his arms. I gave him a hug, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

The group next to us starting talking very loudly.

“She's here!” I heard one of the voices say.

"She is? I'll go talk-" 

“We need to leave. Now." 

“Shouldn't we tell-”


"Can I go talk to her?'

"No. We just need to leave. You can tell us what she said in the car.”

They all started to disperse and leave.

“Bye!” The gay guy said, waving at me. I smiled and waved back.

“Why do they look so familiar?” I asked, once they had all left.

“I don't even know.” Zayn said, checking the score board.

“Alright. One more round. You can do this!” Zayn said, laughing.

I shook my head, “Doubt it...” I muttered.

“I'll help you again.” Zayn said, then grabbed my bowling ball and led me to the lane, guiding my hand and letting the ball go, getting me another strike.

“Yes!! Thank you!” I yelled, then pecked him on the cheek.

I blushed and looked down, realizing what I just did, “Sorry.” I muttered. I felt his hand grab my chin, and lift it so we were eye level. “Don't say sorry...” He said looking into my eyes then down to my lips. He started to lean down, but I met him half way.

And that, ladies and gentleman. Was my first date, my first strike, and my first kiss.


Ok guys, im sorry for the really awkward ending, but i hope you liked it! I didn't edit it, so hopefully its ok... 

I have major feels right now... Like you dont even know. :) 

Anyway, what do you guys think? 

Sorry again that it took so long to update, but i hope this makes up for it!  

Anyway, this wednesday im off to camp and wont be back till August 10th, so on wednesday ALL of my books are going on hold... Sorry if that makes you mad:( 

Dedication to @Christina_Tomlinson1 because shes super funny and i just really like talking to her:)


CaYeNnE :D
