Awkward awkward awkward awkward awkward awkward awkward awkward awkward awkward awkward awkward TURRTTTTTTLLLLEEEE.

Niall was hungry. He wanted food. He made a sandwich. It was full of turkey and mayo and cheese and lettuce and ham and mangos. He loved it, but not as much as he loved Nandos.  

Just as Niall was about to take the first bite Liam walked in and stared at him suspiciously. 

"What?" Niall asked. 

"You did it." Liam said. 

"Did what?" Niall asked. He was confused. 

"You stole my pants!" 

"No." Niall said, "I ate them." 


And then they exploded. The end!

And that was Tessa. She is an awkward one. (Lies) <<< that was also Tessa. 

Now for the REAL chapter... :)


=== Erica POV===

We walked in to the McDonalds, smelling the over powering smell of French fries and grease.

"Hey, guys! Over here!" I heard Niall's familiar accent yell across the room to us. Louis and I waved at the whole crowd, but Sylvie seemed not to notice them and over to the little girl siting at the booth, picking her up and giving her a big hug. I laughed and walked over to them.

"Why did you run away? Did you think to come back? Did you know the police can't find you until you're gone for 24 hours?" Sylvie started, questions flying out her mouth. I sat down and took a look around the table. Zayn was in the chair next to me, looking tired but happy. Louis was next to him, whispering to Liam and Niall. Harry was enthralled by the girl next to him, whom I hadn't noticed until now. She had perfectly straight blond hair with different color highlights that came down to her shoulders, and really pretty brown eyes. She was very pretty and thin, but something seemed familiar about her.

"Who's she?" I whispered to Zayn. Zayn looked up to the girl, and smiled.

"That's Andra, she's the one who found Liz. I think Harry has taken a liking to her." He said to me, "Andra," he then said to her, " This is Erica."

The girl looked at me, and I swear I saw evil in her eyes.

"Hi, I'm Andra." She held out her hand and I hesitantly shook it.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"You too." She said back. We sat there for a second, just looking at each other.

"Do I happen to know you?" I asked suddenly. I thought I saw a hint of panic in her eyes, but she covered it up quickly.

"I don't think so..." She said laughing.

I nodded, "Haha you're probably right."

Eh. Maybe I'm just over reacting...

Sylvie finally put Liz down, and sat down next to me, "Hey! Andra right?" She asked her.

Andra nodded, "Sylvie?" Sylvie then nodded.

"Thank you so much for helping my sister. She could've died, or got run over by a car," Sylvie rambled, "or eaten by a bear, or maybe Pugs is rapid and he could've- wait... Where's Pugs?"

"Umm..." Liz looked around, looking for an escape.

"Liz! Where is Puggles?!" Sylvie asked.

"He may or may not have run away and lost me..." Liz said, not looking at Sylvie.

"Liz! What are we gonna do?" 

Liz shrugged, still not making eye contact with Sylvie. Sylvie groaned and put her head in her hands, "Why me?" She kept mumbling to herself. I patted her back and took a sip of her coke before she could notice.

" I saw that." She said, still not looking up.

"No you didn't." I told her.

"Yeah I did."

"Um... I don't think so."

"But I did, so..."

"Uh huh... I don't know about that."

"Oh, but I do."

"Are they always like that?" I heard Andra ask from across the table. I looked at Harry who nodded, "They are pretty mental."

"Thanks Harry. That sure helped my day." Sylvie said, glaring at him.

Harry held up his hands defensively, "My bad."

"Guys. It's almost 11." Niall said, looking at his phone.

Sylvie groaned, "It's way past your bed time Liz! Now mom is really gonna have my head." She stood up and grabbed her phone walking outside.

"I better follow her." I said, getting up after her. Liz groaned and followed me.

"I didn't mean to lose him!" She said.

I laughed, "Don't worry, Sylvie will be ok."

"What about Puggles?" Louis asked from behind us. I turned to glare at him, and noticed the rest of the table had gotten up. Except for Andra and Harry who were saying goodbye each other and exchanging numbers and stuff.

We came out of the tiny restaurant into the dark outside, where Sylvie was waiting at the car, talking on the phone.

"Yeah, I know... Ok. We will. Sorry! It was Liz- yeah... Alright see you soon." She clicked the end button and looked up at me, "Moms not happy. We got to get Liz home." She turned to the car and tried opening it. She groaned, "Where's Harry? I need the keys." She said, pointing to her locked car. I laughed and nodded towards the restaurant where you could see Harry and Andra were chatting away, Andra looking at her phone every few seconds, but laughing at all of Harry's comments.

Sylvie groaned again, "Im gonna have to put the boy on a leash." She mumbled, before heading inside to go get Harry.

"Someone's not in a good mood." Liam said after she had left.

I laughed, "She has a right to be." They all considered it for a moment, then nodded. It was silent for a moment before Niall spoke up.

"You know what I just realized?" He asked me.


"I didn't get mobbed by any fans today!!" He said happily.

I laughed and ruffled his hair, "No you didn't!"

He laughed too and we were all silent again.

"All right guys," Sylvie said coming out of McDonalds, Harry trailing behind her, "I finally managed to pry these keys out of his hands! Lets go home!" She clicked the button and her car doors unlocked.

"I'm driving!!" Liam said, hopping into the front seat. Sylvie nodded and handed him the keys. Niall went and got into the passenger side and Liz slid into the back followed by Louis.

"Erm... Sylvie? One problem. You have a five seats and there's eight of us." Zayn pointed out.

Sylvie groaned and hit heard up against the car, "Today, is most certainly not my day."

"I can ride with Andra!" Harry said, turning around and looking at the girl.

Andra smiled and nodded, "Sounds good to me!"

Sylvie nodded, "Alright Harry, be home in a half hour. Tops." Harry nodded, an left with Andra.

"I don't like her." I whispered to Sylvie.

"Now Erica, you haven't even gotten to know her yet."

"Still! She has that vibe about her..." I said.

Sylvie ignored me and went on with seating arrangements, "Erm... There is four of us left. Uhh... Zayn can -"

"Zayn can have Erica sit on his lap and You can sit on mine." Louis said, smirking.

Aww hell no.

"Nope Liz is sitting on my lap. You can sit on Zayns."

Louis laughed, "Aight."

Close call.


Hey guys!

**Sheepishly avoids all eye contact**

Sorry I didn't have an update for last week... I deleted the chapter twice, and before I did that I was having really bad writers block and... It was annoying. Now I'm on spring break though!! So I will try an upload again before next Sunday and then hopefully on that Sunday! By the way, Happy Easter!! And April fools day!! :)

May you have many tricks up your sleeve and be filled with candy and all that sweet stuff.

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, because she is literally one of the coolest people ever. She stands up for me when people are rude in the comments and she never has anything mean to say! Love you Logan!! <3 E> <3

Anywho... How's y'all life's going...?

Ok ok.

I'll leave.


Where do you guys think Zayn's gonna take Erica?!

And the video on the side is of my friend Erica (the one Erica is actually based off of) singing my favorite song! :D <3 She is awesommeeee

Also... Hope you all liked Tessa's little part. :D

And tell me about your holidays and break and stuff! :D

Ok.. Now I really will leave...



(Lol, what was that?)

