Chapter 21

Snotty rich kid count me out

Chapter 21!! :)

=== Erica's POV===

After I explained what a 'water war' was, I made them all go get a bunch of water guns from Sylvie's shed outside.

"Hey." Aiden said, going for the fridge and getting the milk out, gulping it from the jug.

I looked at him weirdly, "You're on our team." he looked at me weirdly.

"Water war." I told him. He brightened up and nodded.

"Who is on our team?" He asked.

I looked towards the door they left through, and pointed at it.

Then it opened and Harry emerged, then the rest of them, blue from the cold.

Yeah, I'm pretty good.

Aiden nodded, and grabbed the cereal from the cabinet, grabbing handfuls and shoving them in his mouth.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"Really bad, like... Negative 39 degrees." Zayn said, throwing a couple guns on the table.

"Ok, so here's the deal," I started, "We need a diversion." I looked at Harry.

"Wait, why me?" He asked.

"Your the closest to Louis, and know all of his weaknesses. Duh." Aiden said, shoving another mouthful of cinnamon toast crunch in his mouth.

"oo! I haven't eaten yet!!" Harry said, running to Aiden and grabbing the cereal.

"oh dear..." I muttered, looking at Zayn and Liam who were just shaking their heads.

"Guys! Come on! We have to win this one! We alwayssss lose!" I said, trying to get their attention. They all stopped what they were doing and nodded.

"Ok, so..."


After I finished explaining the game plan, they all smiled and we broke off. Harry going to cause a diversion, Aiden and Liam to go shoot the other team with water, and Zayn and I staying back, making sure we don't get hit.

We are the gangs, 'secret weapons'. If all of us get hit, we lose.

So now we're hiding under the table, waiting for Harry to give us the 'all clear' signal (Whatever that may be,) in a very awkward silence.

"Have you heard from them?" Zayn asked, whispering of course.

"Huh...?" I asked, confused by his question.

"Rosie and Sara? Have you heard from them?" He asked again.

My spirits immediately seemed to dim. I hadn't thought about them lately. I had wanted to completely block them out of my mind. I didn't want to bring them up, or them to be brought up. I just wanted to forget about that part of my life, and move on.

But part of me knew that I could never totally forget about them.

And that they would try to find me.

Before my mom and dad died, try wrote their wills. The top of each of their lists was that my aunt, was to keep me safe until I turned 18.

But instead, she took me out of school and made me be her house maid.

And when Sylvie found out, she dropped.

She hasn't gone back, no matter how hard I try to get her to go.

"Erica?" Zayn asked, turning towards me, looking in my eyes for signs of emotion.

"No..." I said, looking away.

It seemed that he never I talked about my family, I seemed to close up, and not want to open up.

I've only opened up to 2 people.

Sylvie and Liam.

And only because I trust both of them.

Not that don't trust everyone else... I just don't want to tell them.

"Erica... You know you can talk to me right?" Zayn asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, but not right now! We are in a game!"

He laughed, "You've changed a lot in the past few days."

"Good or Bad?" I asked, a little scared he would say bad.

"Good. Definitely good."



I finally updated!!

And I'm in Math class!!

I'm soooooo SOORRRYY it took so long!!

I am such a loser...

Hopefully you all like this chapterrr...

Love you all!!



Finally updated my iPod!

