Chapter 13!

Chapter 13...(;

===Erica POV===

Why the freak did some stranger just hug me? I pulled out of the hug and looked at the persons face.


"Crap..." I muttered.

"What?" Liam asked.

I scoffed, "Where's Rosie, Liam? Is she with you like she was with Louis? Or is Sara here?" I asked him, taking a step back. He looked hurt.

Well he should be! He's probably tricking me, just like Louis.

"What do you mean? Where did you see Louis? And Rosie?" he asked me.

"At the coffee shop! I thought we were friends Liam!" I yelled at him.

He still looked really confused.

"Is Sara paying you?" I asked.

"Paying me to do what, Erica!?" He asked.

"You know what I mean!! You knew I wanted to leave that place so badly! I hated it there!!" I yelled back at him.

" I don't know what you're talking about! Would you please explain" He asked. He looked like he reall wanted to hear what I had to say.

"You don't know, do you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Explain?" He asked. I took a deep breath.

"I was at the coffee shop, and I was leaving, then Louis walked in, and we were talking, but then I saw Rosie walk in, and I got all mad, and got jealous of a dog, and-" I rambled.

"Slow down Erica, Liam can't comprehend as good as I can." Sylvie said, chuckling a bit. I nodded. Liam looked at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Louis would never do that. Even if he hated someone. And no, he doesn't hate you." Liam said.

"Well... Why did Rosie and Louis just happen to be in the same place at the same time?" I asked. Now I was the confused one.

"I think that's exactly what happened. They just happened to be in the same place at the same time."

I wanna believe him, but I'm scared.

"Liam, I want to believe you, but how do I know?"

"You just have to trust me." He told me.

I stared at him.

"All the lads and I have been looking for you all day! Niall's at a restaurant, Harry and Zayn at a... Little shindig, and Louis is at Starbucks. I was assigned this park, when they were done, they were supposed to call me. We were pretty sure you left cause you could, but we wanted to be sure. You should've left a note at least, syAnd no ones called me, so I should check my phone." He ended his little speech, and got his phone out. He muttered something under his breath. He pressed a button and held it up to his ear.

"Louis? It's Li, what's up?"

===Liam POV===

"...And no ones called me, so I should check my phone." I finished my little speech about how all of us guys really did care about Erica, and how we had all taken the day off so we could find her, and looks down at my phone to see it had 20 missed calls.

2 call from Niall

4 calls from Harry

4 calls from Zayn

10 calls from Louis.

Wtf? I checked the volume, and realized the ringer was off.

"(insert curse word of your choice here)" I muttered under my breath.

I could be so stupid sometimes... I pressed 6 and call, and waited for Lou to answer.

"Louis? It's Li, what's up?"

"Dude, I saw Erica." Sylvie looked at me as if to say,

'Speaker phone?' I nodded and pressed the button.

"What happened?" I asked him.

" Well, I was at the coffee shop, I walked in, and she spilled her hot cocoa all over me, then I noticed it was her, an I freaked out and started jumping, then I met her friend Sylvie, then Erica got all mad at something, an shes all like, 'bye Louis, thanks for nothing.' and I'm all like, 'What?' and she and Sylvie run out and then I turned and saw Rosie walk in, and she called me Lewis, I mean really? Silent E! Then-"

"Louis, you need to shut up." I told him. He silenced. Erica looked at me.

"Louis wasn't lying?" She asked quietly, not looking at me.

I nodded, "Look Lou, guess who's with me?"

"Um... Niall?" He asked. I shook my head and handed the phone to Erica.

'Talk to him.' I mouthed. She nodded and took the phone.

"Louis?" She asked.

"Who is this?" He asked, the call still on speaker.

"Erica...?" She said, kinda more as a question.

"ERICA!?!?" Louis yelled over the phone.

Erica nodded, "It's me Lou."

===Louis POV===

"Oh my gosh, Erica, I'm so sorry. I did NOT bring Rosie, she just appeared. And I'm so sorry, will you ever forgive me?" I asked through the phone. She chuckled on the other end.

"Louis, I'm sorry. I overreacted, and thought you brought Rosie, and that my aunt was paying you, and... A whole bunch of stuff. So really, there's nothing to forgive." Erica said.

"Thank the Lord." I told her. I heard her laugh, and another one too. Must be Sylvie's.

===Sylvie POV===

I laughed at Louis' comment.

"Hey Erica, where are you staying?" Louis asked Erica.

"With Sylvie." She answered looking at me, "But only until I find a job and have enough money to move out." She said.

There was an awkward silence, then we heard beeping on the phone.

"Incoming call, Zayn" Erica said, looking at Liam. Liam took the phone from Erica.

"Bye Lou, Zayn is on the other line." He said. Louis mumbled something and Liam answered Zayns call.

I don't know who Zayn is, but I'm guessing he is also in One Direction.

Oh yes, I figured out Liam was in One Direction. Just saying. It took me a minute, but then I realized, and yeah.

"Hey Zayn, we found her." Liam said into the phone. I heard a lot of fast talking on the other end and couldn't really understand what Zayn was saying.

"Zayn.... Yes... Ok... No.... Well Louis... Are you kidding me?... Ya see ya.... Bye." Liam said, ending the call. Erica and I looked at Liam expectantly. He sighed.

"We have to go back."

Erica frowned, but nodded. I could tell she wasn't happy about this. I looked at the sky, wondering if there was anything I could do.

"Hey! I got an idea!" I announced, startling Liam a bit.

"How about you guys stay at my house?" I asked. Liam looked at me and smiled. Erica ran over and gave me hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." She whispered in my ear. I laughed.

"No probs chicky, they have to say they are coming first, so don't get your hopes to high." I said. Liam was already on his phone calling someone.

"Hey Paul?... Can we not stay at this house anymore?... We found another place!... Please please please please please plea-... Yay!! Thank you!!" Liam ended the call, and ran over to me to give me a hug.

"Thank you soooooo much!"

I laughed, "Anytime."  


Hey guys! I uploaded, because a lot of you guys said you were gonna kill something if I didn't....

Sorry for the crappy ending, I really didn't know how to end it.

Umm, sorry for all of you who want longer chapters because apparently, I'm not capable of making long chapters.

Also I think I might speed things up a bit, make the story go a little bit faster.

Ooo!! Ooo!! Ooo!! I saw the Hobbit last night.

1st midnight premiere! Yay!!

Now I'm on my way to school. -.-

But yeah, imma go now...





Who do you guys ship?

Zarica (Zayn and Erica)

Harrica (Harry and Erica)

Lirica (Liam and Erica)

Louica (Louis and Erica)

Niallica... (NIall and Erica)

Louvie (Louis and Sylvie)

Syliam (Liam and Sylvie...)

(okay these names suck.. you guys can come up with your own.*.*) 

