Chapter 17

===Erica POV===

Sylvie left and I looked at Zayn.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He smiled, " I got a little something for you." He went over to his backpack and started rummaging around in it. He pulled something out, and hid it behind his back. I craned my neck to see what it was. He smirked.

"Well...?" I asked.

"Well... First I want to ask you a question." He said, looking towards the ground.

"Ok... Um shoot."

"Aiden.. and, um... Nate?  Who are they to you?" He asked.

"Nate and Aiden?" I asked. He nodded.

"Oh gosh, I love those two." I said. He paled, and I laughed.

"They're like my brothers. Nothing more and nothing less." I said again. Zayn looked happier now. I looked at him.

"Why?" I asked. He looked towards the ground, "Umm.. nothing. Just-a-wondering..."

I laughed and Zayn smiled.

"What?" I asked

"You've been laughing a lot lately. Its good for you." He told me.

I smiled, "Whenever I'm here, I seem to laugh a lot, and not care as much I guess."

"Firend do that to you." He said, smiling.

"Well... Is that all?" I asked, " Cause I got to go to the bathroom." I said kinda awkwardly.

"Oh yeah!" Zayn said. He pulled his hand out from behind him.

Is that...?

"Oh my... Zayn!!" I yelled.

It was my Locket.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I yelled, pulling him in for a hug. He hugged back.

"Anytime." He whispered in my ear. I got those shivers down my spine.

"Do you want me to put it on?" He asked. I nodded and turned around. I felt him put it on, and I got the sparks.

Zayn Malik, what are you doing to me?

I opened the locket and looked at the pictures.

"Wait... How did you get it?" I asked,

He paused for a second, "I have my ways..." He said smirking. I smiled, and gave him another hug.

 "Ehem..." I heard someone say.

We let go and saw the Liam standing in the corner wiggling his eyebrows. I blushed crimson, and Zayn did too.

"You guys better hurry up, or Niall's gonna eat all the food. Well, he might have already, I just wanted to make sure you guys didn't have your tongues down eachothers throats." He said, winking. I blushed even redder, if possible, and followed Liam to the kitchen. Zayn behind me.

"Woof! Woof!!"

Oh yeah, and Pugs.

===Zayn POV===

"Wait... How did you get it?" Erica asked, still looking at the locket.

***Flashback back at Sara's House***

"Guys, I'm going to the bathroom." I told them. We had been sitting in our room for the past hour, thinking of places Erica might be, even though we knew barely anything about her. We couldn't go outside, because Sara had locked all the doors, and we didn't know where the keys were.

"Niall's is in there!" Harry yelled back.

I went to the bathroom, and waited, but Niall said he was going to take a shower. I sighed and headed over to the only other known bathroom.


I tiptoed past her sleeping figure, and into her bathroom, that just had to be attached to her room.

I opened the door and gagged at the smell and the color. I turned on the light and quickly used the bathroom. I was washing my hands when I saw something glint in the the trash bin. I went and took a closer look.

Is that Erica's locket?

I picked it up and realized it was.

So Rosie must have took it after we all left then threw it away....

Jerk face.

Jk... She's another word I'm not gonna say...

I turned off the light and headed, quietly, towards the living room. I grinned when I walked in.

"What?" Harry asked. I pulled the necklace from behind my back.

"What's that?" Liam asked.

"Wait...? Is that...?" Niall asked. I nodded.

"No way. How did you find it?" He asked again.

"It was in Rosie's bathroom. In her garbage." I told them.

"Were there any... Ya know..." Louis asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ew Lou! No!" I told him. He, Niall, and Harry fell on the floor laughing.

"Well now we have to find her." Liam said.

Yeah... but how?


Erica was still looking at me expectantly.

" I have my ways." I said, smirking.

She smiled.

Gosh, her smile was gorgeous. She gave me another hug, and I felt those tingles up and down my spine again.

"Ehem." Someone said from behind us. We turned and saw Liam standing in the doorway smirking.

Thanks Liam for ruining the moment.


Hey Lovelies!

Sorry it took forever to update.... I was gonna update yesterday, but I was tired, and then distracted, and then I got sick, and... well ya.

Anyway, the song on the side is a cover of What Makes You Beautiful by 5 guys playing a piano. Its really pretty and you should check it out! :)

Also dedication goes to: @NialldosGiraffe because she kept telling me I had to write and made sure I updated today! Plus she's really cool and super nice and you all should go fan her!! :D

Anyway... Love you all!

I will try and make chapters longer... but no promises!

<3 you guys!

