Valentine's day

Background: Albus and Minerva had the presents that you and Sev brought for each other and will hand them to Severus and you at breakfast.

I wake up and see Snape playing with my hair. "Happy valentines darling." He says in his morning voice. I say it back and go for a shower. I come out in a towel while Severus gazes his eyes at me. He grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. He pins me to the wall and starts to kiss me roughly, I kiss him back. He moves down to my neck and I let out a slight moan. "We can finish tonight." He whispers. He gives me one last kiss and lets me go. I put on my uniform and start to straighten my hair. My H/C is now dead straight and I head to breakfast.

I see others handing their Valentines presents to each other. I look up at Dumbledore and McGonagall. I see they have presents.

I take my seat and a present appears in front of me and Severus. "Y/N OPEN YOURS FIRST!" Dumbledore shouts. I giggle. The box is dark green with silver ribbon. I look at the name tag and see...
To Y/N
Happy Valentine's Day, I love you.

I open the present to see a necklace and a box of chocolates in a shape of a heart. I pull the necklace out and people look at me. "Woah... This is so pretty!" I whisper looking at Sev. He grabs the ends of it and puts it around my neck. He puts it on making sure none of the necklace punches my skin. I pull the chocolates out and see it's all caramel. I gasp in shock. I smile at Severus and nudge him to open his present.

He opens the present and reads the note.
To Severus,
Happy Valentines Day. I hope you have a good day and I love you.
He smiles and opens the tall blue bag. "Brandy? How did you manage to buy- oh wait Minerva did." He chuckles and smiles. He pulls out a small black box. He opens it slowly and sees a ring. "A ring?" He whispers. "To remind you of me while we are separated." I whisper back smiling. He whispers "That necklace is how we can communicate while you are away. It won't matter if you have it on or not I can hear everything around you when I want." I nod. "Oh I can also read your mind through it so don't do anything cheeky." He whispers while smirking. "Oh I will." I smirk back. The rest of the students arrive into the hall.

Marcus comes up to me and places a box in front of me. "Poison? No thanks!" I say and he just looks at me. He grabs my collar. "Get off me." I mumble as he pulls me in for a kiss. "DETENTION!" Dumbledore, McGonagall and Severus all shout. He drops me and I fall back into my chair. "No way did I just get 3 detentions..." He mumbles and walks to the Slytherin table. "You're a disappointment to Slytherin Mr Flint." Severus mumbles eyeing him. Food is severed and I see Dumbledore in the corner of my eye casting a spell to make my toast into a heart shape. "Just because it's valentines doesn't mean you can do that to my food!" I mumble. He just giggles. I hear Severus giggling. "My poor food being cut off to make a heart. I'm hungry you know!" I say while giggling.

Dumbledore stands up and makes his way to his podium. "Ahem so I would like to say you have the dance tonight so make sure you have your dates. If anyone ruins anyone dates you will be out of this school before you can say Valentines. Make sure you all look fancy and don't show up in some muggle clothes like baggy clothes. Anyway enjoy while I annoy Y/N." He says while walking back to his seat. "You really do annoy me sometimes." I mumble. "Do you want some more heart toast?" He giggles. "No. I'm suddenly full." I mumble and drink my drink. I spit it out "Ew! What is that!" I say grabbing water from my bag. "Pumpkin juice like always." Dumbledore says. Severus grabs my drink and smells it. "Truth serum." Severus mumbles to Dumbledore. "MARCUS FLINT YOU GET TO MY OFFICE NOW! YOU DON'T BELONG NEAR THE COOL KIDS! THE COOL KIDS ARE ME, Y/N, SNAPE AND MCGONAGALL! ANYWAY MY OFFICE!" Dumbledore snaps. "Severus give the potion a go." Dumbledore whispers in his ear.

"Hmm Y/N who do you love?" He whispers. "You!" I whisper. "What's stopping us from kissing right now?" He whispers smirking. "The other people." I whisper back. "And lastly what do you think of Marcus Flint?" He says. "I hate him, I never want to see his face again!" I say back smiling.

After the potion wore off McGonagall makes an announcement. "Dumbledore forgot to tell you all, you have no classes today so please use your lesson time to find a date, get ready for the dance and finish any homework." "Y/N you have some homework I left this morning." He says smirking. I nod. He grabs my presents and his and we walk off to his room.

You're going to get some detail here so be prepared. Incase my cousin reads this, hi!

Snape's pov:
I place all the presents down on the couch and pick Y/N up. She wraps her legs around my waist and we start to kiss roughly. I make a spell so no one can enter or hear us. I push her onto my bed and continue kissing her. I crawl on top of her and start to remove her robes. I slowly unbutton her school shirt and remove her tie. She does the same to me revealing my pale chest. I pull her skirt down leaving her in her underwear. She pulls my trousers down along with my boxers. I use a protection spell to not get her pregnant as she's still underage. I unclip her brah and pull her pants down revealing her beautiful body. I start to kiss her all over the place while she moans ever so softly. I stick my dick in her causing her to moan louder. I pull in and out while she moans at the same time as my movement. I continue going and eventually going harder. Her moaning gets louder as I moan quietly. I eventually pull out and let her on top of me. She attempts to pin me down. She kisses me roughly while I kiss her back. She starts to kiss my neck down to my chest. She crawls down to my dick and starts to suck it. I moan as she sucks more. She stops and I pull her onto me. She lies back down on me as I slowly touch her. She smiles in plead. We kiss for longer until we both decide to get ready.

Y/N pov:
I get into the shower cleaning up any mess from that wonderful moment. After I get out the shower, I put on my silk green and silver dress. I put on the new necklace Severus gave me. I curl my hair and put in diamond earrings. I put on small heeled black heels. Even though I wasn't tall like other girls, I still liked to be smaller than them. I finish my makeup and see Severus waiting at the door in a full black suit. He smells wonderful. Instead of the old book sent he had a strong scent that I couldn't work out.
