Chapter 62

This is the final chapter which is time skipped a few years. I just wrote a really smutty chapter on my other story which you can out on my page. It's chapter 15 :)

Thank you so much for the support and I hope you enjoy the last chapter.

It's been a few years, me, Severus and our son are living in my parents old mansion which belongs to me now. Tobias loves it here. He seems to like Hogwarts too. I found out I was pregnant with Tobias after the honeymoon me and Severus had. Tobias is 12 and goes to Hogwarts with all my friends kid. Me and Pansy are still in good contact. Me and Draco are like siblings to each other. Marcus is no longer seen, I think he's in Azkaban or something. Not sure. Blaise and Pansy ending up getting married and having 3 children. I was surprised myself to be honest but as long as they're happy.

Tobias was going back to Hogwarts today for his second year today. He was nervous of course. Most of the teachers have either died or retired now but luckily I still had Severus with me. He stopped working as a potion Professor, as he retired to spend more time with Tobias. Most of my friends work in the ministry but I work at Hogwarts doing potions of course! Severus stays up there with me and helps teacher some lessons as the children fear over him. It's funny how people are still scared of him. I loved my life now, I had everything I wanted. This was my life now and I never wanted it to change.

I know it's short but that's it. That's the story finished! Thank you so much for reading it! I love you all and love the support I was given. The start was very cringe and still is. I might go and change bits at the start soon but thank you so much for reading! I hope you have a good/day night! You can follow me on tiktok: hpsimpo if you ever need to talk to. I'm always here to support everyone and I hope you have a great life!
