
Please don't read this chapter if you don't like abusive stuff. I'm in a writing mood so like I'm posting a few chapters

"ONE... TWO..." You slowly walk over. "I-I can explain..." I see my parents stare at me without a care in the world. I slowly back away in fear and see all the Professor's watching. "Don't back away from us!" My mother shouts. I continue to back away but my dad grabs me but my collar. "Get off me!" I whisper. "Give me your arm!" He whisper shouts. I give him my other arm and he pulls the sleeve up. "OTHER ONE!" He snaps. I shake and try to get out of his grip. "Get off me then!" He drops me and I continue to backup. I see Severus looking at me scared but he can't do anything. None of the Professors can.

I've backed far enough that I'm back to where I was. My dad stares at me deep in my eyes. My mother pulls out her wand. I look at her with my eyes wide open. "C-can we go somewhere e-else..." I stumble. "No. All the teachers can know who you really are! NOW GET HERE NOW!" He snaps. I shake my head no and bump into Snape. "Sorry." I whisper. He stands up and grabs my waist. "You want her? You have to get through me first!" Sev shouts at my parents. "Sev don't..." I say loud enough both my parents can hear. My parents look at me in disgust. "Sev let me go I'll be okay..." he places me down and frowns. I walk over slowly and my dad grabs me. "Give. Me. Your. Arm. NOW!" He shouts. I give him my arm and he locks at me in disgust. "YOU UTTER DISGRACE TO THE L/N'S!" He shouts while pushing me to the floor kicking me. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" Sev shouts. Both of my parents look at him. "Why do you care so much for her? Are you one too?" They mock him. "Don't talk to him like that!" I snap. My father kicks me in the stomach and McGonagall stands up. "Oh please my daughter a teachers pet? She has all the teachers to protect her!" My mum mocks and walks over to me. She pulls me up and holds her wand up to my neck. Some students walk in wondering what all the shouting is. The all walk around the Great Hall. "Get the students out!" Sev snaps and they all run out. "Our daughter a deatheater. How could you want to work for Voldemort?" They say gripping their teeth. Black smoke enters the room. "You should know to never say the dark lords name." I chuckle. Voldemort appears and looks at me. "This isn't fair. A wizard and a witch against a strong girl. Where's her wand?" Voldemort says in a tone of voice. Dumbledore looks confused and then suddenly Voldemort turns around. "WHERE IS HER WAND?" Voldemort shouts holding his wand up. "My lord... We don't know..." Sev mumbles. "Severus! Why aren't you helping her? Thought you were dating." He chuckles. "YOU'RE DATING A TEACHER?" My mum snaps and pushes me to the ground. Voldemort turns around and picks me up. "Wanna have a duel Mrs L/N? If not then you leave you child alone." He snaps. Both of them leave the room. "Was my name called me that? This school is too bright I hate it. Anyway sort that relationship out." He says before disappearing again.

Snape comes running over to me holding me in his arms. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." He says quietly. "It's okay you did what I asked." I whisper. He lifts up my shirt a bit to see bruises all over my stomach. He pulls out a potion. "Drink it, it will take the pain away." He whispers. I drink it and sit up acting like nothing happened. "Well that was some drama." I say trying to lift the spirit. The Professors just look at me and I walk back to the Slytherin table. Dumbledore uses his wand a extends the Professor table and adds a seat in between his and Snape's. "Y/N come sit with the cool kids." Dumbledore chuckles. I sit in the comfy chair. "Thanks!" I say.

My parents soon walk back in. "Miss us?" They say. "No not really you're quite bad parents not supporting your child." I talk back. Severus covers my mouth with his hand. I relax back into my chair knowing he won't remove his hand. "Y/n you're coming home!" My parents shout. I look at Severus and Dumbledore in fear. "She will need a permission form signed to come with you both. Plus you both hurt he already so why should we allow it?" Dumbledore snaps. Severus slowly removes his hand from my face. "Thanks." I say looking at Sev. He chuckles and looks back at my parents. "She is safer at Hogwarts." Sev snaps at them. "You either bring her home by tomorrow or you will all be sorry!" They snap and walk off.  "Better start packing. I'll need an owl, lots of ink, lots of paper and a feather." I say but Sev and Albus looks at me. "You aren't going Y/n." Sev snaps. "I'm not having this up for discussion." I get up and leave the Great Hall. My parents grab me and drag me out of the school. I get put on my fathers broom stick and we take off from the school. "Am I allowed to go back after Christmas break?" I ask scared. "Yes. We don't want you in our sight during school." My dad snaps.

When we arrive home they lock the door, shut the windows and close the blinds. I get pushed to the floor and get hit all over the place. "Your precious boyfriend can't save you now and when you go back to Hogwarts we will take you so no one sees you in the train." My mother snaps but I just nod. They continue to hurt me through out the break.
