
Just thought I would say hi anyway enjoy the story ✌️


I wake up with Snape holding my close into his chest. He seems to be awake. I hear I deep voice "Morning darling." I look up to see Serverus stroking my cheek with his thumb. "Morning." I whisper as I snuggle back into his chest. I look at the time to see it's 5am. "Why are we up so early?" I whisper "Because we have lessons today, it's Thursday." I grunt up and get up to go in the shower.

After we are both ready for the day we head out the doors into the potion class. I'm still sitting at very front. Everyone walks in while I'm eating a waffle from breakfast. "Can I have a drink?" I ask "No now be quiet class has started." He mumbles back. I turn around to see everyone in their seats. I don't see Marcus so I guess he is gone for good. Sev starts talking about the amortentia potion and gets me to smell it. "Old books and a strong cologne." Everyone looks at me and Snape. "Well I wonder who that boy is. Probably Marcus. Now turn to page 394 and start to copy the notes down." Snape comes and sits opposite me back at his desk. "So you smelt me? I best smell mine after class and make sure it is you. I hope it is you." He whispers. "I hope so too." I whisper back. He hands me a drink. "Thanks." He just smirks at me. "Class dismissed! Y/N stay behind." I look at him confused.

He goes to smell the potion "(your smell). Y/N it's you!" I smile and jump into his arms. He kisses me on the lifts softly. "Go to your next class and I'll come find you after class." I nod and walk off to Defence against the dark arts with Umbridge.

I arrive into class and see she's gone but we have a different teacher. It's not other than Professor  Lockhart. "Thank you for joining us Y/N. Take a seat at the front!" I roll my eyes and slouch into my chair. "Miss L/N do you want a detention?" He says in a chuckle tone "Not with you." I chuckle back. "Detention with me!" I roll my eyes and put my head down for the rest of the lesson.

I finish all my lessons for the day and go to Professor Lockhart's class. I get stopped by Snape "Where are you going?" He questions "To my detention with Lockhart for talking back." He smirks and walks me to my class. "Be good and he might let you go sooner." He says as he pushes me through the door. "Sev!" I turn around to see him gone. "Something wrong dear?" I gag as he calls me dear. "First of all I'm not your dear and second of all I have a boyfriend." He chuckles "Take a seat" he pulls me out a seat. "Thanks?" He sits next to me and places a hand on my leg. "Do you mind? I clearly said I have a boyfriend!" I exclaim. "Well he isn't here is he? You're such a beautiful girl Y/N." He chuckles as he grabs my hand. "SNAPE! HELP!" I scream multiple times until the door slams open. "Get off her now or I will crucio you!" He let's go off me and run behind Snape. "So Severus Snape having a love life?" He chuckles like always. "At least I can get one. Come on darling." I smile and he puts him arm around my shoulder. He takes me back to his place through magic to not get caught by any students.

Snape's POV:

I knew I shouldn't of let her go to that detention and deal with it myself. "I'm sorry darling. I shouldn't of let you go into that class alone with him. I'll protect you properly from now on." She tells me it's okay and not to worry. I look at the time to see it's time for a meeting. "Come on the Dark Lord will want to see us at the meeting." I grab her soft hand and we appear at the Malfoy Manor. "I hate this place, it's a waste of money for a 3 people." She laughs as we walk in. "I thought I heard a laughter." The Dark Lord welcomes us. "My lord" I say as Y/N just stands next to me confused. I see the Malfoy's all together just looking at me and my love. "What Draco?" She mumbles across the table but before she finishes her sentence I cover her mouth. "Y/N be quiet." I whisper. She slowly moves my hand off her face.

After the meeting Malfoy stops her like always. "Y/N that's a bit age gap between you and Professor. I understand you're in love with him and I will keep your secret but please be careful." Mr Malfoy whispers to her. She grabs my hand and we vanish back to school. She looks at me with fear. "Why does everyone want me with someone else?" She whimpers. "Because they don't want me to be happy again." I tell her pulling her in for a hug. She smiles.


I sit up up and we head out to the Great Hall for dinner. I sit at the front with Jess and a few other first years. "I want to be like you when I'm your age Y/N!" Jess says to me with a smile on her face. "N-no!" I shout as I stand up from the table. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you!" She says in a worried tone. "N-no! You shouldn't be like me!" I shout again. I fall to the floor in fear. Snape comes to scoop me up and carries me back to his room. I whisper "I-I got scared. She said she wants to be like me. I didn't want her to, she shouldn't be a deatheater!" He nods and carries me to our bed. I change into my pyjamas and snuggle back into Sev to fall asleep to him stroking my hair. "Goodnight Y/N"
