Daily Prophet

Y/N pov:
I wake up next to Severus in bed, he is holding me closely and it's quite cute. I missed him and I'm glad he found me. I should probably thank the others later as well.

We both get ready and head to the great hall. Everyone seems to be staring at me but I continue walking. Draco walks up to me and shoves the Daily Prophet in my hands. I open look at the front page.
Mary L/N and Mason L/N put into Azkaban for a life time. Alex Dumberg put in Azkaban for ten years. The incident happened during the Hogwarts students Christmas break. Y/N L/N found locked in a room with Alex. She was found by three Hogwarts Professors and brought her home safely. The white mansion is now in name of Y/N.

I gulp in sickness. "What did Alex do?" Draco whispers and I walk away. I take my seat next to Igor and Severus. "Students! No questions will be asked about Y/N to her or anyone!" Dumbledore shouts and breakfast appears. "He said students can't but I can." Igor smirks. I turn to him. "No you can't, it's my personal business and has nothing to do with you." I snap and he rolls his eyes.

I start eating and notice glimpses at me from fellow classmates. "That the first time you've eaten in a month?" Igor smirks. "No, I got fed three times a week while I was at home." I snap leaving. "Y/N come back!" Minerva shouts but I keep going.

I go back to the room and see Severus, Albus and Minerva all on the couch. "How did you get here so fast?" I mumble taking a seat next to Severus. "Passage to the hallway outside potions." Albus smirks. I roll my eyes.

Severus goes into the kitchen and comes back with gifts. I run into my room and grab my gifts for the others. I hand out the three of them their presents and they smile. Severus gives me a kiss. Dumbledore hands me a present with some clothes. I smile and thank him. Minerva hands me a present with a pair of dark green heels. "Thank you, I've been wanting this colour!" I giggle and she nods. Severus hands me a few presents. I open them to see a bracelet, accessories and much more.

He covers my eyes and walks me into my room. He removes his hands and I see a massive puffy seashell white dress. I jump up into his arms while fighting back the pain in my body. "I love you Y/N." He whispers and kissing my ear. "I love you too Severus." I giggle.

It's been a few days since the Daily Prophet and I decided I would go home to see if anything is still in my house. I take the three Professors with me and we apperate to the house.

I walk in and see my house elf. "Master Y/N!" He smiles and I hug him. "I've cleaned the house while you have been gone." He smiles. "Thank you Billy." I smile. "Billy also has been getting a lot of expensive dresses for you master. They came through the door with no name." He smiles and leads me into a room full of dresses.

"They're wonderful!" I smile looking at the different dresses. "Billy tried to keep them nice and clean." He smiles and I nod. "These dresses are like a thousand galleons each, who brought these?" Severus mumbles. I shrug and continue looking around.

I hear movement coming from the back of the room and pull out my wand. "Show yourself." I shout and Peter Pettigrew comes out. "Get out my house!" I shout as he stands up. "I'm only looking for a place to stay." He whispers. "I don't care! Get out my house!" I shout and Albus runs over. "Nah that's messed up. First he blames Sirius and got him locked up in Azkaban, now breaking into your house? Creep." Dumbledore says sassy.

I point my wand at Peter leading him out the door. I walk him down the stairs and we approach the door. "I can't believe my old roommate chose a silly girl and kicked me out." He snaps. I open the door and continue pointing My wand at him. "Move it." I snap as he backs off the property. "Don't lay another foot on my property or I will call the muggle police." I snap walking back in.

I walk over to the dining table and slouch into a seat. I see the Daily Prophet appear in front of me.
Y/N L/N settled into her home? Has she left Hogwarts? Where does her future lie?
I scrunch the paper up and throw it off the table. I bang my head on the table. "Is everything okay master Y/N?" Billy asks softly. "Can you find Severus please?" I whisper and he nods.

Severus comes with the house elf and takes a seat next to me. "What's wrong darling?" He whispers pulling his chair closer to mine. I rest my head on his shoulder. "The Ministry of Magic won't stop writing about me. Next thing you know Rita Seeker will be at my door." I mumble. He strokes my hair. "She won't come near you, I'll keep her away." He whispers and I nod. The door knocks.

Billy answers the door and hear her. I scream. "Master Y/N is not feeling well, please come back another day." Billy says to Rita. "No don't come back Rita." I snap. I whisper to Severus to appearate and he disappears upstairs.

I let Rita in before she comes back another day. We take a seat in the living room and she begins to question me. "How do you feel about your parents locked up?" She questions. "Happy." I mumble looking around. "How does it feel to be richer than the Malfoy's?" She questions again. I scream for her to get out and she leaves.

The next day, the daily prophet appears in front of me.
Y/N L/N very angry in her house. Happy her parents are in Azkaban and wants to live alone. A seventeen year old Hogwarts students richer than others.
I scrunch the paper up as it continues talking and throw it in the fire. Severus is teaching sadly and Minerva.
