Chapter 8

I woke up on the couch laying next to Lena and Miles. I got up and decided to make some bteakfast. Today I had some classes and a big exam tomorrow, so today old be packed with just school or schoolwork. I sighed at the thought and continued to make my pancakes.

Miles and Lena soon walked into the kitchen."guys what happened to you guys?!" I asked seeing them with bags under their eyes, and them looking like they got a hang over."did you guys get drunk?! When?" I asked again. They just sat down and told me that when I was sleeping they got high at a pub. I brought them some medicine and made them some coffee."Thanks, Lor, I love youuuu" Miles said. "Right back at ya hun. You guys need some sleep go to your beds." I said. "Ok" they said in unison.

I changed into some jeans and a sweatshirt that said obey on it and under that was just a pajama shirt. I was feeling really lazy. I didn't put on any makeup and I just tied my hair into a ponytail but it looked good because my hair had some beach waves, magically (sarcasm)

on my way to my classes I got a text from Grant.

Grantgust: hey, wyd tonight?

Camcam120: nothing why?

Grantgust: My friend Dylan invited me to his party tonight. You wanna come?

Camcam120: sure, where is it?

Grantgust: don't worry I'll pick u up☺ and it's at 9

Camcam120: ok babe, should I dress casual or like more than that..

Grantgust: whatever is fine. You always look beautiful.

Camcam120: thnx babe love uuu

Grantgust: luv u too babe, bye.

Camcam120: bye, see u then.

I got pulled over by a cop once but not today. Lucky me. 

Once I was done with my classes, I got home and Miles nor Lena weren't there."guys, where you at?" I said halfway screaming."oh, I'm here but Miles is out with Roy" Lena said coming down the stairs. "Oh ok, well what were you up to?" I asked setting down my stuff."um, well nothing but I have some classes in about an hour, how bout you?" She said sitting next to me."nothing, but I have a party tonight with thom- Grant!" She raised an eyebrow at me and she was asking for the truth."his name is didn't know?" I asked. She shake her head no."oh wel, yeah, it is. I'm gonna go find an outfit before i go crazy 24/7 at the last minute." I said getting up."I'll help." She six getting up too.

"This?" I said holding up a black skinny dress up to my body."nah, too seductive" She said which caused me to laugh."how about this?" I said picking out some light colored jeans and a white fly croptop that had some openings on the shoulders. "Yeah, that's good, but It needs something. It's too bright." She said looking in my closet.she picked out a black leather jacket and told me to try it on."perfect."

I put on some mascara, foundation, eyeliner, matte liquid lipstick, and a bit of eyeshadow.i also curled my hair and left it down. Miles got home and he brought Chinese food. I had a little but not a full meal, since I knew there gonna be pizza or something. "Okay, I gotta go, bye guys!" I said grabbing my purse and phone."bye have fun!" They said in unison.

"Hey tom." I said as I got in the car."Hey babe, so tonight... I'm letting sure there's gonna be a lot of drinking. You okay with that?" He said. I loved it how he was so caring about this."yeah, I'm fine. Just promise me hat if I get drunk, don't let me grind on your friends that are boys."I said laughing,as he did too."I sallute. Ok, let's go."

"This is Dylan?" I Said as he was right in front of me."THE dylan O'brian?." I said again."yes. Nice to meet you too Cam,your a fan?" He said taking a sip of his beer."hell yeah!"I said.

We danced for a pretty long time, and I met a bunch of Grant's friends. The thing is he introduces me to his friends but not his parents. I might be pretty pushy about it but I don't know. I once saw his grandma when he suprise me at the beach, but ive never seen even pictures of his parents.

The dj, was lit if I had to admit it, and there was at lot of drinking games that almost made me cry of humor. It was delightful seeing drunk people. I shook my head silently at what I was thinking until Dylan cam up to me.

"Hey Cameron right? Grant's girlfriend?" He asked holding a  red cup in his hand."yeah! And you're Dylan O'Brian." I said laughing. "So how long have you guys been dating?"He asked."um, like a month, how's your girlfriend?" I asked and replied."good, your lucky to have Grant. He's great. Just remember me when you guys get married." He said chuckling."I will, Dylan, nice talking to you" He gave me a slight smile and waved and left.

I saw Grant talking to his friend Emily, which was Dylans girlfriend. "Hey babe" I said. He said hi back and talked to Emily.

Once we left it was already 2. He party was really fun, and I liked it when me and Grant got to go to those cool parties, of course I was happy the whole time because I was having a whole conversation with Him.

"What's so smiley Miley with you?" Grant asked while turning the week in the car."nothing." I said looking out the window."you're stunning, you know that Cameron?" He said smiling at me."Thank you babe. And you are handsome as well." I said. He chuckled and kept on driving."bye babe!" I said as I got out the car."bye love uuu " He said.

When I came home, I saw Miles and Lena sleeping on the couch with the tv on, on young and hungry, with muffins all over them. I rolled my eyes and turned off the tv.

I haven't updated in a while, and this is short, but it's short bc I was eager to write it and end it so ya. Also, thanks 4 like 100 views. I feel lucky😂

-jackie Mendes
