Chapter 17: Everlasting???

I woke up to Lena and Miles laughing in the kitchen like hyenas. I go downstairs and sit on the island. "What are you two up to?" I say as I get up and get a cup of coffee. "Noting it's just that Once Miles Peed his pants on a date with Roy!" She saids. I start to laugh too and so does Miles.

"Alright. So who's got classes this morning and who doesn't??" I ask. "Um I have classes at five today and it lasts until ten so yaaa." Lena saids. "I don't have classes today but I do have them all day tomorrow." Miles said. "Okay well I also don't have classes today, I was supposed to, but all of the teachers are sick." I reply.

"So then Cam and Lena would you mind(claps to u if u know what song I just typed there). Coming with me to go pick out my dress?" Miles asked me and Lena.

Lena said yes excitedly, and so did I. Then after that we all went upstairs to change into some clothes and go help Miles pick out the dress.

I go to me and Lena's room, and quickly go to my closet. I pick out a white dress with a big flow at the bottom, and put on my vans. I head out of the room into the bathroom, and put my hair in a messy bun, then I brush my teeth and floss. I also put on some foundation and mascara.

I go downstairs and I see that Lena and Miles didn't decide to change. "Okay, let's go!!!" Miles said happily as he grabs the car keys from the coffee table and spin them around his index finger.

"So what's your aim for the dress hun?" The woman saids to Miles as she lowers her bright pink glasses. "Well I'm looking for a bold dress, something that really sticks out from the crowd and goes the extra mile." He saids. "Okay, I understand come right this way." She said as she leads us to the back part of the store. There we saw two white couches, a curtain, and a whole bunch of white wedding gowns.

"This rack are some of the top picks, as you said, that goes the extra mile. I'll be in the front, you can come tell me if you need anything." She said as she closed the door to the big room and left.

"Alright let's look!" Miles said as he went over to the rack and searched through the gowns.

20 minutes later, we've found ten dresses that Miles wanted to try on. Me and Lena helped him of course, and so he went to try them on. Me and Lena had a pretty good feeling this was gonna take quite a long time.

The first one Miles tried on was stunning. "So how do I look? I really like it." Miles said coming out from the curtain. It had no straps and really showed his inner self. It had a bunch of white flowers from his waist on down. Then the top was just a plain white.

Miles said it's probably gonna be ending up in the top 3. I agreed with him too, as did Lena. He tried on 3 more but we all agreed it wasn't his personality.

It's been dress number 8, and the four more dresses he's tried on so far, he did not like. There was only one.

The 9th dress was again absolutely beautiful. It covered his arms with a white lace fabric, and on the bottom there was a diamond pin to the right side of the waist, then the bottom of the dress had a very bright flow to it, imagining it would capture everyone's attention at the wedding ceremony.

Miles finally picked out a dress that we all adored. Needless to say it was the first one that he tried on.

We went back to the house, and slouched on the couch for hours while watching the second season to riverdale. Riverdale was the one show that all of us were hooked up on to be honest.

While we were watching, Grant called me. "Um hey guys I've gotta take this call when I come back though tell me what happens."

I walk upstairs to my room and sit down on my bed

Grant: hey Cam, what ya doin'?
Me: nothing much how about you?
Grant:fine, so I wanted to ask you if you're available tonight? I was maybe thinking of coming taking a stroll around that park you like with the nice garden. What do you say?
Me:but don't you have very bad allergies?
Grant: yeah but I figured since you like that park so much I'll take on the allergies
Me: well okay As long as you don't wind up in the hospital.
Grant: promise I won't.

"So how are you holding up with school?" Grant asks as I take a lick of my vanilla flavored ice cream. "To be honest, it's hard, but I still manage to swing by and ace most of it." I reply.

"So listen. We really need to talk."......
