Chapter 3: Meeting Dylan.

Grant's p.o.v.

I woke up at 6 am since my producer max wanted to get the "right weather". I also had an event, that I had to go to where a bunch of actors would be there, and a bunch of food, and stuff so basically a party for celebrity actors.

I got a text message from my producer max:

Max: Hey gustin, are you already getting ready?

Me: no, I just woke up

Max: ok well you can go back to sleep, I heard you had that event this evening so you can rest a little bit more

Me:until what time? Wait don't we need the "right weather"?

Max: it's fine, well just take out a few lighting, u can rest until 9

Me: km thanks max, I'll see you then

Max: your welcome, bye

I was really happy, but I didn't want to waste my time so I went back to sleep.

*2 hours later*

I woke up to my dogs, Jett and Nora. They jumped on my bed and started to lick my face. I got them off and went up to the bathroom, I used he bathroom, brushed my teeth, acne cleanser and stuff, and went back to my room. I went to my dresser and pulled out jeans, a shirt that says "vans" and changed into them, after I went to my closet and put on my white converse.

When I got there I changed into my costume and shot the scene with supergirl.

It was already 6 pm and the event started at 7 so I was already home and I changed into jeans a gray long sleeve that had a few buttons on the top and put on my baje jacket, I also put on my converse and headed out.

When I got there I saw Emily and she was half way drunk dancing with a random guy, he had blackish brown hair and was prety tall he looked like he was about 24, I knew he was younger than me though.

"Hey Emily, what you doing?" I asked, "oh Hey grant, This is Dylan, my boyfriend" I didn't know she had a boyfriend because we were close friends and she never told me that she was dating THE dylan O'Brian. "Oh nice to meet you Dylan, how long have you guys been dating for?" "2 months now". " Emily can I speak to you in private please?" I said I wanted to talk to her about dylan. "Ok", we went into the parking lot, "Emily how come you never told me you were dating him?" "I don't know, why do you care?" I saw she was getting a little mad at me and she crossed her arms.
"It's just that were really good friend and you never told me."  "Well fine, I should've told you but just don't mess this one up for me" "ok fine" we had a little argument but every time we did we were still good friends.

I decided to go get a drink at the little bar, "hi can I get a coke with ice please" "ok, coming right up" after he handed me my drink I thanked him and I wanted to go "socialize" and make some friends that were boys since I really only talked to girls. I accidentally  bumped into Dylan, but Emily wasn't with him, "sorry, Dylan" I apologized to him for bumping into him."It's okay, grant right?" "Yeah, grant your girlfriends best friend" "oh, how long have you guys been friends for?""since 8th grade" Me and Emily did know each other since 8th grade them we went to a high school for performing arts and stuff but I forgot the name.

Me and Dylan chatted a LOT about acting and our careers and friend and family and a bunch of other stuff, and I think even though he's 25 and I'm 27 it's a great friendship that we have. I guess we're really close now, since I talked to him about cameron, I haven't told anyone about her yet.

Hey guys,this chapter was really long since I had to fit in meeting dylan O' brian so that's why it was so long and I think
I spelled Dylans last name wrong this whole time but whatever, and Emily is felicity from the flash and arrow. I just wanted to add her in. thank u for reading anyone who's reading :p

