Authors note

Wassup guys. More than nine hundred views. To be honest I'm shook. I would've never even imagined getting to fifty, but here we are. School is pretty intense right now, where everybody wants you to live up to your full potential and all that stuff, but I don't know about that.... anyways back on track. I've been sort of thinking about taking a major or minor in writing, idk. What do you guys think?(leave a comment pls pls pls.)

Anyways, still shook from more than nine hundred views. Grant is still making flash shows, so that's still a blast. And there still lit as always. I think I honestly might make another Grant book, but idk if I really want to. Like I'd rather make a sm book, but I feel like it wouldn't get as many views as a grant book soooo

Oh also, if any of you guys like a Canadian nineteen year old singer who loves to sing, check out ma book plssss(p.s I'm talking about Shawn Mendes)

Thnx again(im still shook for the views for the third time.)

-Jackie Mendes
