Chapter 11: Engagement party

"so how is this?" i asked Miles setting up the tablecloths, "looks great!" he replied Lena and Austin got to come help set up early and Austin is also gonna be Lena's date for the wedding ceremony. "Roy is totally gonna love this once he comes" Miles said. "for sure." Austin said. Lena and i was wearing some casual dresses for the engagement party, it's more of a "get together with Miles closest friend and family and tell them that they are getting married"kind of party.

once were all done setting up more of Miles and roy's friends and family start to show up,but me ,Grant,Lena, and Austin only interact with each other. "guys we should stop being so anti social and go interact with other people." Austin said "i agree"

so far we've only met basically mostly gay or bi people.I guess he must have a lot of supporters. i met both of their parents and they're really kind and nice. Everyone is surprised by Grant's appearance and not everyone knows who he is.

once the party was done Miles and Roy were honestly happy because Roy's parents didn't accept the fact that Roy was Gay and he was getting married to another man but they talked through it and accepted it. The party was great but it wasn't really like one of those hype fun parties just a regular chill and meet up thing.

Me,miles,Grant, Austin, and Lena drove back to our house.(we'll just me miles and lenas house) once we got there me and Lena immediately took off our pumps and slopped(is that even a word?!😂) on the couch. "You know I'm really proud of you Miles" Lena said. "Aww thanks l" he replied. So after that we all changed and Miles gave some of his clothes to Austin. But Grant had clothes in his car. We all went into the living room, ordered Chinese, and watched Get out. Again. Once the chi ease came we paused the movie payed for the food and eat it all up even though we already ate at the party. We were savages😂.

After Grant was going home. "Babe can't you just sleep over and watch the rest of the movie with us?" I asked."no sorry cam I've gotta shoot reall early tomorrow." I led him out he door and onto the front porch."ok just wait a moment." I quickly leaned in and gave him a kiss full of lust and passion. Once we broke apart he left and waved while getting his car door open. I waved back and went back inside.

Thnx so much for four hundred views I'm so happy thnx so much I've seen that the Dylan chapter was the one with the highest views so I'm making another chapter w Dylan obrien (too lazy to write the comma and this other parenthesie 
If you have any requests for another chapter that you wanna comment I'll be glad to make them😊😊 srry I haven't been posting in like three months I had squash claps to you if you know what that is and I also had Summer extension which is mandatory but um yea and they're maybe a fight between cam and Grant??????? Who knows🤔🤔🤔🙃 ik thnx guys again I couldn't ask for more thnx

Jackie Mendes
