{8.} Love?

1 week later...

Lontisio and I went to this club and got me drunk... I think he put something in my shit.

"BUT WHEN YOU'RE HOLDING ME TIGHT!!" I sing along to Beyoncé song.

I was drunk and high as I danced with Lontisio. He gave it to me or he put it in my drink something.

He laughs at me as I was dancing and singing the wrong words. I laugh unexpectedly and fell on him.

"Tired?" He smiles.

I shake my head.

I grab him and lead him to the dance floor with me.

"Dancing isn't my thing." He says.

"It isn't mine either." I wrap my arm around his neck and started dancing again.
He grips my waist and laughs.

"I- I'm too young to drunk am i?" I yell at him.

"Yeaa... It's time to go." He says laughing.

"Wait! I have to use the restroom." I say.

He leads me to the bathroom and I use it.

I heard the door open and someone walked in but I thought it was Lontisio.

"I need help getting out of here!" I yell.

I felt him pick me up and when I looked that wasn't Lontisio.

"Hey! Who the fuck you!" I yell.

"Shut up!" The guy yells punching my face.

Everything after that was black. I couldn't see anything. My ears was ringing as I think I fell on the floor.
In seconds, I was unconscious.


Lontisio POV

"What the fuck you doing with my girl!?!" I yell at the guy holding a unconscious Ethilia.

I punched his face before picking up Ethilia and going to put her in the car.

"I'll be home soon. Go!" I yell at the driver.

He sped off and I went back in the club to find the guy.

Once I did, I instantly walked to him and punched him multiple times.


Once I knew he was unconscious I walked out with a bunch of people looking at me; Afraid of me.


Ethilia POV

I wake up on the bed.
What happened!?!

I seat up and looked around.

Then, I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

I felt a hand pull back my hair.

I looked up and saw Lontisio standing there.

I got up and washed my mouth out before brushing them.

I turned to Lontisio who had a bloody fist.

"What happened to me?" I whisper.

"Nothing. You're safe." Lontisio says.

I back away from him.
"I-I don't- I can't be with you anymore!" I say.

"What?" His lips curved, he looked at me confused with wrinkles forming on his forehead.

"You- you're always with me when I'm either out or waking up from what seems like a bad dream."

"Woah! It wasn't my fault you almost got killed again! I saved your ass!" He yells.

"Ethilia... I-" before he could finish I launched towards him and knocked him on the floor. We were now back in the bedroom.

I punch and slapped him anywhere I could.


He had a little blood from his lip but he quickly got back into his angry mode and his devil eyes stared into mine. He pushed me off of him then got on top of me, bruising my wrist with his tight grip.

"You don't ever say shit like that to me again!" He yells.

"Let me go you fucking psycho!"I spit in his face.

He lets go of me and I run into the bathroom. I lock the door and moved away from the door.

I look at myself in the mirror and saw the bruises on my wrists.

I heard banging on the door and him warning me to come out.

I slowly take a breath before unlocking the door to face my beast.

"I'm leaving. There's not nothing you can say so step away and don't you dare trying talking to me. I can kick your ass!" I warn and push him away before going to the closet and finding a dress.

I grab my purse and then the brush and comb.

He had walked out while I grabbed underclothes and took me a shower.

I put my clothes on before doing my hair and makeup.

I walked out and saw Lontisio laying on the bed with his eyes closed.

I wrapped my purse around me and grabbed my phone.

Before I could open the door, I heard his voice.

"Where you going now?" His eyes were opened and shining into mine.

"None of your business." I say before walking out the door.

I quickly go to the front door and run out.

I looked around and it was just becoming daytime.

I quickly began to walk and called a taxi.

"Take me the Bella Delight." I say to the driver.

As he drove, I received a text from my sister.

Where are you? - Sister

Out for now, I'll be back soon - Me

I shut off my phone and stuffed it in my purse.

30 minutes later...

I finally arrived and I gave him the money.

I stepped inside and it was absolutely beautiful as could be.

The light was bright as it shined making things look better than it seemed.

I walked to the woman at the first desk and smiled.

"Hi, I would love to get a room, please."
