{11.} Addicted

I cried all throughout I'm guessing the night or day because, repeatedly, there would be different guys come in and rape me. Some would hit me but they always remained silent.

I wouldn't eat the food they served so they forced me to take pills which made me throw up sometimes of not eating. The pills would always make me feel like I was high as a FUXKING ballon.

After they would give me the food, they would put my hair in cold water making me feel cold. I would shiver and shake. 10 minutes would pass by before another guy would come in the motion repeats over and over each day. Each day, I felt weaker and weaker against them.

I would give in to them and wouldn't struggle at all. I would just lay there and let them do what they had to do to me.
I would fall asleep and wake up to see them going fast.

I would sometimes think of my sister, she would be the reason I kept my head up and not be dead.

I love my sister. If I died, she would probably kill herself for me.
I'm never going to get out of here. I bet Lontisio doesn't even care.

I hated him anyway. I hated this more though.

I just want to go home.

Lontisio POV

It took us 4 days until we could get a flight over to Germany.
I hope Ethilia is okay. I truly miss her badly that it pained me badly. Instead of me doing my job, I was sitting thinking about Ethilia. I had to get her back.

We ended up in Germany hours later and walked around the town silently looking around for anything.

I asked people if they had saw Ethilia but they all shook their heads.

Finally, a guy remembered Ethilia from some type of gang.

Oh they dead.
All of them no matter HOW MANY are dead meat.

We (almost 40 members of my click) busted that door opened and took our guns out. We shot everyone I the room and walked around the dofferent rooms.

When I opened one of the doors, I heard a faint moan then a "you're so good."

I quickly opened the door all the way and shot the guy who was inside my girl.

I quickly ran over to her and tried picking her up but her legs was chained.

She was dazed out and looked so bad.
I was quick with unchaining them and picking her up.

"So good. So good." She whispered.
I felt so bad for her. The light marks on her arms meant that they drugged her many times.

"It's okay, Ethilia. I'm here for you now." I quickly lead her to a empty corvette.
I broke inside and opened the door. I put her inside before getting in the front seat. I waited for the others to find a car then I started it up.

We drove away in a fast time, heading to the airport.

I heard a soft moan then a Please from Ethilia.

She is really messed up. I need to get her some help when we get back cause I don't think being in Germany is a good idea.

We got our flights, and it took a couple hours before landing so I laid Ethilia on my lap before letting out a loud sigh.

I got my beautiful baby back.
