{6.} Feeling Normal

"Ethilia?" I open my eyes and let them adjust. I looked and saw my sister and mom.

"I'm so glad your okay." Shealia says. I smile and look at mom.

"It's fine, mom. I know you didn't mean it." She looks at me with a weak smile.
"I'm so sorry."

I see as Lontisio walks in and turns to mum on and sister before looking at me and smiling.

"How are you?" He asks.
"Fine." I respond.
"Good. You all can leave now." He says to my family. They look at me and Shealia gives me a tight hug before walking out.

He walks over to the side and takes my hand.
"I'm glad your okay."

"I know you are. What happened when I was out?"

"Well I took you to the car and told your sister to watch you. Then, I went back in and beat your dad... She hit your mom." He says quite disappointing.

I alway believed my dad would never do such a thing to my more or any woman at that.

I seat there and stared at the ceiling in boredom and anger.

"Ethilia, you don't have today here but one more day." Lontisio says.

"With mom or with you?" I ask hoping it to be a little bit of both.

"Me." He says simply.

I frown then nod.

"When we get home we haves I many things undone." He says smirking.

"Nah. I'm off the hook the whole week." I smile nod he laughs.

"Get a little more rest and I'll check up on you later." He punches my cheek softly before walking.

That was way uncomfortable.

I sigh and close my eyes only to bring back the bad memories.

What's going to happen to mom and dad now?
