{3.} Rules That Go Unfollowed

(Lontisio Pic)

"You like?" I heard one of the four guys ask.

"It's... Okay." I say.

He smiles and goes inside.
I gasp as I felt a hand wrap around my waist.

I look up and saw the him.

He pushes me inside the house and before I had time to complain, I looked around and stuttered out a "wow".

"Come on." He states and grabs my arm. He leads me into a room that looked like a work place.

"Listen and listen well. You are mine now. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. You will sleep with me and make me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You will have no contact with your family. You also will do as I say. Whatever I say you will do or you will be punished. Let's just say I do not take punishes softly."

I look at his stupid a** and raise my eyebrows at him.
"Um... You're playing right? Because there is no way in hell that is going to happen!" I yell. In one second, I was pinned to the wall with my hands above my head.

"Let me go you psychic asshole!" I yell. He looks at me as if he was about to die and I was the one with the weapon.

"You will do what I say! Maybe you need help better understanding somethings." He grabs my arm again but more roughly and takes me down to I'm guessing basement and pushes me down the steps.

"You f**king bastard you can't leave me here!" I yell as I heard the door lock.

I sit down on the floor with my back against the wall.

t was a couple hours before he finally came back.

He carries me upstairs.
"Cook us dinner." He says with a stern tone.

"Uhm... No." I say. I felt a sting on my face. I rub my cheek and look at him.
I slapped him again but this time harder.
"Ohh!" Some members say.
"I don't care how much you punish me, you will not touch or hit me in any way!" I yell.

I saw the mark on his face where I hit him.
"You are definitely going to regret that." He says in a scary low tone. That makes me scared.

He picks me up and I start to fight against him. I can see as he walks us up the steps.

"I hate you! I hate you! Let me go!" I yell.

He puts me on something soft and I knew it was a bed.

I wasn't scared of being raped... It's happened to me before.

He handcuffs my hands up above my head and gets up. He goes to the drawer to get something that I couldn't see to well.

I looked away when he turned around and walks towards me.

I felt as something squeezes into my neck.

I gasp as it hurt like hell. I felt pain all over my body. He just injected me with some sh**!

"What the f**k!?!" I yell.
"What did you do!?!"

"It's a drug. A extremely painful drug that could most likely cause death or a lot of pain."

"Ehhhh!" I yell as felt myself go numb. I was breathing really hard. I couldn't move at all!

I looked over and saw Lontisio with his freaking shirt off.

I wanted to say something but my lips didn't move at all.
He gets on top of me.
"You are mine! No one else gets to have you but me. If you don't understand or follow my rules you will die." He states.

I tried to look angry because I was.
Why would he do this!?! I just want to go home to my sister and parents.
