Covid-19 Pandemic

I know what I am saying!

You know what you're uttering!

He is whispering to her, and they're not hard of hearing.

On the matter of unseen event or about a seen feature,

We are accustomed to make serious comment like a sagacious soothsayer.

At present, in our recent memory, without distinguishing caste and creed,

Every walks of life, people do face a grim situation indeed!

But everyone asks a queer question! Whose sin is it? Who is responsible more?

For the ghastly spreading of Covid-19 Pandemic and it's furor.

It's simple question to give answer! It's the direct result of man's endless sin,

No doubt, men are sinners, great offender! In every evil action they're to be seen.

But I ask a humble question to myself! Who is that very person?

A white skin, a black color or man of brown complexion.

An epidemic or called it pandemic had been seen before,

In the book of history has its record, nothing seems to be obscure.

But having absorbed in ignorance, we find fault with someone,

It's a blunder of mistake! It's a habit of loathsome.

A clever person keeps himself far from responsibility,

The onus of proof lies with you! What a suspicious curiosity!

But we are all sinners! No single man is guilty around us,

We are arrogant in action! Daredevil in destruction! And most greedy and voracious.

Nature takes revenge upon man! By using Her creator's enormous Power,

No doubt, we are all sinners! Stop throwing mud on the face of other.

Rather knocking at the door of conscience, stand before a mirror if you dare,

Your panic stricken gloomy face will give you solid answer.
