
We do know nothing is to make,

We only know everything is to break.

Man's character is very strange in nature,

Sometimes we do good sometimes than better.

But always we are accustomed to do something wrong,

Beyond the capacity or above expectation.

We do not support anybody to make relation,

We do help nobody to choose a right profession.

If possible, we do oppose his placement,

We do have negetive sympathy for any settlement.

As we do not know to make,

We know the easy formula to break

When a negotiation is on the way for a wedding,

Immediately we spread false rumours of scandeling.

So that the respective party may stumble down initially,

And we can break the connection so easily.

For we are not maker, we have a stamp of breaker,

Breaking of relation is a noble task, we do remember!

Very often we give words to someone,

To help in distress but we make him fun.

We make a distance to keep promise,

When it badly needs, but say sorry for this.

We learn a lesson from the law of Divine,

Breaking of mind is similar to breaking of shrine.

Breaking of law is not a healthy atmosphere for a nation,

Breaking of relation never be a good option.

Let's go, from today we do swear,

We will help to make relation so that our mind always be in cheer!
