
War is the enemy of humanity,

War destroys progress and prosperity.

War brings immense sufferings to the nation,

War is the name of total destruction.

War sounds cacophony in the ear of common man,

For the cause of war innocent peace becomes orphan.

War always do welcome by the war-mongers,

In the name of crusade or cause to other.

Nation to nation, country to country for security,

They do have a competition to prove their sovereignty.

To save one's land is a national duty,

To put down foreign intrusion is first priority.

But in the disguise of fake nationalism, at times,

They do not have any option but to make crime.

Every nation of the world is busy at war,

No nation is free from the gravity of its danger.

I don't want to go further, only have a humble question!

If you want to have war, do accept my option.

There are so many enemies at home or outside,

Poverty, illiteracy, corruption and feticide.

We know the major portion of the total population,

Do live under the poverty line in wretched condition.

Hunger is the best enemy in the society,

Do you have any courage to fight against its cruelty?

Illiteracy is a curse to the nation,

Illiteracy is a great shame for a person.

No man is happy who doesn't know to read and write,

He is ignorant and ignorance is a crime in life.

Let come and do have a fight against this crime,

So you will be a real fighter at least in the eyes of mine.

Corruption is a contagious disease on the body of our society,

It eats up morality, credibility and above all humanity.

We are in the habit of taking wrong side,

When it demands to get booty by accepting bribe.

Do you have any courage to stop this illigal practice?

Dare come and let's go have a strong fight.

For the cause of girl child when someone kills fetus,

It's an obnoxious crime and an act of malicious.

To have a balance of nature we need both genders,

Let us do decide our future plan of war.
