My Motherland and My Mother Tongue

I do love my motherland,

It looks to me like a dreamland!

I love its wind and vast sky,

I love its mountain as big as high!

I love its ocean, stream and rivers,

I love its trees, birds and colourful deers!

I love its green paths of land,

I love its sea-side full of sand!

I love its village fair in winter,

I love its rainy days with heavy shower!

I love its big lakes and hilly fountain,

I love seven coloured rainbow above mountain!

But which I love most in my heart?

Its language, culture and art!

I do love my mother language; it's very sweet,

No other languages have more glamour than it!

I speak in my mother tongue, my sweet vernacular,

Always do have interaction with each other!

I do have a respect upon its usage,

Always I do worship my sweet language.
