
You woke up, it was quiet except for the beeping on the Gummi Ship's buttons. You look around your surroundings and find yourself in a chair, there were different beeping sounds, machinery, and chatter around you. Donald and Goofy were in the driver's and passenger seats, controlling the ship as it flew through space.

You look outside the window pondering the weird dream.


~Locked memories

~My Keyblades tell the story and I have to unlock my potential along the way. What does all of this mean?

You look at the Forgotten Light Keyblade that's in your lap, pondering.

(Darkness? Who are you?)

"Amazing! If only Riku and Kairi could see this." Sora questions you look at him his eyes gleaming with excitement to explore a new world at long last.
"Oh my-- you're awake!" A random insect hopped on your lap giving you a warm-hearted smile. "Madam. You sure gave us quite a mighty fright when we were departing."

"Kanna!" Sora saw you awaken, and Donald and Goofy went to your aid

"Hey, how are you feeling? Are you okay?" Sora asked he cupped your cheek, you look surprised at his sudden action and took a step back.
"I'm fine." You brush it off

"I guess I'm exhausted after everything that happened." You explained

You blinked don't know what to say, you cleared your throat and turn your attention to the insect.
"Who's this?"

"Oh, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Jiminy Cricket, I'm Pinocchio's conscious, nice to meet you, Kanna." Jiminy said holding his hand out, you shake his tiny hand with your finger
"But I must say I understand the stress, trauma, and anxiety that you've experienced after your home disappeared." Jiminy patted your lap

"It's the only place I can call home. I don't know anything about my past, where I came from? Who am I? What am I doing here?"

"Sounds troubling," Jiminy said

You nodded. Sora understands and eased up to give you some space. You touch the spot where Sora's hand has been.

"We're here," Donald announced

You look outside and see the strange-looking world ahead of you. It looks like a checkerboard covered with hearts and bushes swirling around.

"Prepare for landing," Donald said

Your mind was hazy when you exited the ship.
"Wait! No! Kanna, watch where you're going!" Sora cried out grabbing your hand before you slip.

"That was a close one!" Sora exclaimed

"Thanks, Sora." You breathed relieved

"Let me go first, then you follow after." Sora steps up

Then as you know it, Sora grab your hand and you descended with Donald and Goofy after you. Donald landed gently, Goofy flopped on his stomach, you open your eyes to see your position, you somehow hugged Sora as you fell through the hole, you can look into his perfect blue eyes as he hold you in his arms, it looks familiar to you. You push yourself and stand up.

You look at the hole you came out of and see the displaced clocks, wacky chairs, and many different objects.

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late." You heard a voice

You stare at the source to see a frantic White Rabbit, he is wearing spectacles, grey pants with a hole in the back for his tail, and a red overcoat and bow tie which is worn over an orange button-up shirt with a white collar.

"For the important date! No time to say 'hello, goodbye,' I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

The White Rabbit runs around the corner, you followed but he wasn't there. One big door opened itself, followed by multiple doors layered on top of each other.

You walk through the door(s) just in time to see The White Rabbit rushes into another door, but this one has a golden lock, Sora walked over and you followed. You bend down.

"How did he get small?" Sora questioned

"No. You are simply too big." The knob spoke, Sora, Donald, and Goofy gasped a bit.
"*Wak!* It talked!" Donald questioned

You had a deadpan relaxed expression on your face.

"Might you be so loud? You woke me up."

"Good mornin'," Goofy said

"Good night. I need some more sleep." The knob says as he begins to close his eyes

"Wait! What do we have to do to become small?" Sora shouted after him

"Try drinking one of the bottles over there."

You look behind you in time to see a table and two bottles get animated. One of the labels was blue, the other one was red; on the blue label, there were some gold images, a fully grown tree to bean sprout.


And on the red one is reversed.


"Who's drinking it first?" Sora questioned

"I'll drink it." You spoke up shrugging your shoulders

The three men look at each other. You grabbed the drink and you take a sip out of the blue bottle, you coughed a bit before shrinking to a miniature size. You wave at the now towering men, they look at each other before taking a sip and shrink down to the same size.

"This is cool!" Sora exclaimed

"We're really small." You said as you look at the mini self

"I can't believe this is happening. Us exploring another world, experiencing something new. I sure hope Riku and Kairi are okay." Sora said

You gave a solemn nod.

"Don't worry. We'll find them and when we do, we could tell them about what we did. Let's start now." Your words lift Sora's spirit he nodded and stood in front of the now same-sized knob

The Golden knob was sound asleep, you pointed to your left to find a passageway, the three men followed, and you entered a hedge garden with card soldiers posted at each entrance.

You get a good look around the new place, you just so happen to wander in. You were in the middle of a rose garden, full of hedges with rose bushes of red and white roses.

"Everything is beautiful!" You touch one of the roses before getting a feeling. You felt that someone gave you something a while ago, and you touch your head in thought. You didn't realize what was going on ahead.

It looks like a courtroom trial. A grumpy woman wearing a long, red, and black dress holding a heart scepter sulks down on her throne glaring daggers at a blonde little girl with a black ribbon, wearing a blue and white dress.

"Court is now in session!" You look at the white rabbit, you've chased he's obviously out of breath

(Oh. What's happening?) You thought

"I'm on trial! But why?" The Blonde girl questioned

"Her Majesty, the Queen of Hearts, presiding!" The Rabbit pointed

"This girl is the culprit. There's no doubt about it. And the reason is...because I say so that's why." The unfair Queen laughed at her result

"That is so unfair!" The girl rebelled back

"Well, girly. Have you anything to say in your defense?" Queen jesters to the young innocent girl

"Of course! I've done absolutely nothing wrong! You may be queen, but I'm afraid that doesn't get you the right to be so...so mean!" She said receiving a death glare from the Queen

"SILENCE! YOU DARE DEFY ME?" Queen shouted

You look between the helpless girl and the spoiled queen.

"Hey, guys. We should help her out." Sora spoke

"Yeah, but-"

"We're outsiders, so wouldn't that be muddling," Goofy said

"Meddling." Donald corrected Goofy

You tilt your head confused.
"The court finds the defendant guilty as charged. For the crimes of assault and the attempted theft of my heart... Off with her head!" The Queen shouted the guards turn to the poor girl.

"Oh no. Please!" The girl cried but the girl doesn't look like she doesn't want to hear her plead. You can't watch this go on any further, that's your cue to step in.

"Hang on a second!" Sora rushes into the fray you and Sora forced Donald and Goofy to follow behind.

"She's innocent." You answered

The whole courtroom turns to look at you and Sora. "Who are you?! How dare you interfere with my court!" The queen shouted as she points her accusing wand gavel at your group.

"Um...we are here to defend her as witnesses and I can tell you she has nothing to do with stealing hearts." You lied to protect the world order

The rule of traveling is you can't meddle in the affairs of other worlds which means you can't tell them that there are other worlds. Jiminy explained that to you on the Gummi Ship.

"That's true. We know who the real culprit is." Sora proclaims

"That's right. It was the heart--" Goofy started before he covers his mouth

"Anyway, she's innocent. Could you let her go?" You questioned

"Nonsense! Have you any proof?"

"Proof?" You questioned, "Um well?" You don't have an answer, you look at Sora for help, he shrugged his shoulders. It all ended when the girl get put in the cage.

"Bring me proof of Alice's innocence; fail this task and it's off with your heads! Gather as much or little evidence as you please. Report back here when you're ready to testify. COURT ADJOURNED!" The Queen ended the court and then minded her business

You turn to the guys who were giving each other skeptical looks, you have to put them at ease.
"Okay, I know this isn't what we had planned but I refuse to let anyone be accused and be executed like that. I wanna help." You spoke

Goofy nodded while Donald tap his feet annoyed.

"We need to start somewhere. Let's ask the girl." You suggested
"Right." Sora nod

You and Sora walk in front of the cage and the girl stares at you. Her name is Alice.

"Don't worry! We'll catch the true culprit!" Sora assured

"But we have to get a lead to start with. Do you have anything that we could go on?" You asked

"Who are you?" Alice asked

"I'm Sora. This is Kanna, Donald, and Goofy." Sora introduced

"And we want to help as your witnesses." You said

The girl thought for a moment before gasping like she remember something.
"Is that so? In that case, The Cheshire cat I met in the woods. Maybe he knows something." She spoke when the curtain on the cage closed her in, cutting her away from the outside.
"No talking with the guilty subject!" The Queen yelled

You pouted and excused yourself. It leads you to another room with the boys following. The place you've gone in is a forest with red and yellow flowers.

You were about to go through the forest when a creepy smile appears floating in the air. It took you by surprise. The smile materializes from a smile to its head appearing as a striped purple cat.

"Who are you?" Donald reacted

"Who, indeed?" The cat spoke

"Wait. Are you the Cheshire cat?" You said

"I am, indeed. As for the answer you seek, it's in this box." The Cheshire cat throws the box of evidence down, it bonks off Donald's head and into your hands. You look at the box unknowingly, your hand wavers. The Cheshire cat sees your expression and catches onto it.
"To trust, or not to trust? I trust you'll decide." He sweeps his tail and vanishes

"He's gone!" Donald comment

You look at the box with shaky hands.
"If you want, I can open the box. If you are afraid, Kanna."

"Huh? Nope, I got it." You said

You pried open the box a bit when an armored heartless popped out claws lashing out. It pushed you out of the way and made its way to the courtroom. On the bright side, you can prove Alice's innocence but the downside is it could hurt people...or you should say cards in all.

You ran back into the courtroom just in time to spot, the guards trying to defend the Queen but it wasn't enough as it lunges at her throne, the Queen screamed at the creature. You ran up and perfectly slice the heartless in half with your Forgotten Light. You breathed in relief as you back down to see the look of panic plastered on the Queen's face.

"What was that?!"

"That. There is the real culprit. That means Alice is innocent, release her." You demanded

The Queen growled at the request, she snapped her fingers. The guards stationed themselves behind you on the podium.
"My court, my rules. Whatever I say goes, without question. I say Alice will have her execution along with you and your friends."

"What? I don't understand. We found your evidence!" You said

"That's true. But how should I know that you didn't stage this whole thing?" The Queen argued back trying to make you feel guilty

"That's impossible. I can't prove that." You said in disbelief

"Then that's my verdict and I'm sticking to it. Guards, lower the cage and let the prisoner receive her maximum punishment." The Queen argued

The guards went over to the crank and started cranking down the cage, they opened the curtain to find the cage empty.

"Alice? Alice!" You took a step forward inspecting the cage from top to bottom
"ALICE...!!!! WHERE IS ALICE?! FOOLS! GO SEARCH FOR ALICE! I DON'T CARE HOW YOU FIND HER! JUST DO IT!" The Queen screams as she bangs her fists on the court desk, she releases a loud sigh.
"And as for the four of you!---" The queen turns her attention to you, but there was nothing but outline sketches of where you used to be. You and the boys already fled into the other room where you first shrunk to your mini size.



You sighed deeply after your grand escape.

"Goosh, we escaped with our lives," Goofy said

"Alice pulled a disappearing act. We need to find her before the guards." You said

"Maybe the Cheshire cat knows something," Donald suggested

"Yeah, your right. He looked pretty sketchy and I get the feeling he knows more than he's letting on." You said

Sora nodded at your assumption.

"Let's check it out," Sora said before you could go anywhere, the Cheshire cat grinning face appeared, he was on the giant size table lying down.

"Oh, Alice, Alice where could she be?" He said sneering you didn't like that look and how he was saying Alice's name

"Perhaps you could help us. We're looking for her?" You asked

"You might wanna come up here if you want answers." The Cheshire cat gestures for you to come

You look at Sora and shrug. He took your hand.
"Are you sure about this, Kanna?" Sora questioned

"Well, you wanted to find Riku and Kairi. Now's the time." You reassured him

Sora sighed and walk forward, jumping on top of a chair and leaping onto the table, followed by Sora catching you when you slip from the table edge.

"Thanks." You said

"Don't mention it." Sora shyly turned away

Donald and Goofy look at the both of you, Donald tapping his feet and Goofy chortling. You stare at both of them, you didn't notice you were still holding Sora's hand, you quickly let go and regain your composure. You talk to the smirky cat.

"A little lost in lover's paradise." The Cheshire cat teased

"So do you know where to find her or not?" You asked

"I'll answer but the shadows are coming soon. Right around the corner, get rid of it and I'll tell you everything." The Cheshire cat said

"The shadows?" You questioned

Out of nowhere, a tall dresser heartless came out the corner of your eyes twirling fire batons.

"Fine then! We'll take this dresser down, then I'll get some answers." You said

The heartless twirls, its baton, towards you, and you instinctively reacted and reflect it. You hop onto its skinny legs and strike it with your Keyblade. Sora fires a barrage of fireballs at it, you didn't know he could do that, while Donald uses thunder and Goofy shields us. You wield The Forgotten Light and Shadow of Remembrance and try to land a hit but the baton heartless deflected it and swat at you like a fly. You spring up and bounce back off an end table to upper strike the heartless, you manage to do little to some damage but not enough for a KO. The heartless only had its sights for you as it twirls its baton and throws fire, you can only dodge and block its attacks, you can't keep up and some of the hits you got scorched on your arms, you bit your tongue as the heat settle in.

"Nothing is working." You said and got frustrated

"There's gotta be something," Sora said

Donald and Goofy went to your side.
"There is a way. Use ice magic." Goofy suggested

"Ice magic?" You questioned when the heartless swung its baton

"You can do it. Lock on to the enemy, think cold thoughts, focus, and concentrate. Then-- Blizzard!" Donald uses his frost magic and shoots out ice shards behind the heartless back.

"That works?" You said

"I taught Sora to use fire. You can learn something too." Donald said

You take a deep breath and think cold thoughts, an iceberg, ice cream, a snowstorm. You and Sora focus that concentrated thought and shouted,
"Blizzard!" You both shot out an ice shard and struck the heartless in the chest it faltered and fell as it evaporate. You breathe in relief.

You heard yawning and turn to the doorknob.
"What's the big idea, why is it noisy, can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" The doorknob yawned once more when you see a faint glow

Sora and your Keyblade started to glow, it had a mind of its own guiding your hand to the lock, a stream of light shoots from your Keyblade, and you heard a faint locking sound.

"What was that?" Sora looked at his Keyblade bewildered

"It sounded like something closed." You said

The doorknob complained when he yawns wider and something shiny fell out.

"What's this?" You questioned picking up the strange-looking item
"Oh! It's a Gummi block." Donald squawked

"A Gummi block?" You inquired

"Their components for that there ship," Goofy responded

"If that's the case we should get it checked out in Traverse Town." You said

The Cheshire cat appeared behind you. You remembered the deal you made.
"As for you, trickster cat, you promised to give us answers to Alice's whereabouts."

"It's Cheshire cat and yes, I suppose a deal, is a deal. If you're looking for Alice, she's not here I'm afraid. She's gone! Off with the shadows, into darkness." The Cheshire cat disappeared

"We were too late..." You said and hung your head down low in defeat

"Let's head back to our Gummi ship. We might find her in another world." Goofy suggested

You place a hand on Sora's shoulder to reassure him. He smiled back not trying to rain on your parade. You could tell it's getting to him.


In a dark room, a hologram of you and the boys were standing around looking at one another, planning your next move.

"That damn cat needs to learn to shut its big mouth!" Ursula scowled

"We should finish him off when he turned down our offer." Hook gleamed his hook at the hologram of the Cheshire cat.

"Even if we let him live, I doubt he can do any harm," Jafar spoke

"But the boy and girl will be a major problem, especially the girl, who can wield two blades, she will be the most problematic, so we have to remove her from the equation," Maleficent swiping her hand at your hologram

She waved her hand over the cauldron showing Alice not knowing where she was.


You and the boys climb aboard the ship, defeated that you couldn't save Alice. You slumped in your seat, exhausted from being bushwhacked around.

"Alice is gone," Sora said

"Maybe we can just find her in a different world," Goofy suggested

"Hey, Kanna, do you think we--?" Sora was about to ask when Donald gave him a shushing finger, he notice when you were passed out on the seat.


Deep in your sleep, you wake up to see your 'stranger' staring at you.

"Hello, Kanna."

"I'm back to this place?"

Darkness walks up to you when the darkness drains away and it revealed a charismatic boy with eyes like Sora's.

"Now for the test. Do you remember who I am? Who I am?" He questioned

"No. Sorry I don't."

"Seriously? I was hoping you could get a memory out of this." He pouts

"What are you trying to do? Help me remember something because the only thing I know is I just came on the island with no explanation or story."

"No, that's all you can remember. You have a backstory but you can't remember it. How about this?"

You gasp, you've never expected Darkness to have a singing voice that's so soothing, but you can't remember anything, although his voice does sound familiar like you've listened to this before. It's mesmerizing.

"No I'm sorry don't remember but you have a beautiful singing voice."

"Fine. I'll give you a hint. Someone very close to you with this face sang you this song when you were feeling low," He explained

"I don't remember."

"Whatever in time. Anyway, you've managed to lock the Keyhole. Good. Those Keyholes must be locked using the Keyblade that you and Sora could do." He explained

"The Keyblade? Speaking of which, why do I have two instead of one like Sora? I'm not in any way special." You said
He walks up to you holding your hand and smiling. It's heart-warming.

"No. You're wrong, you are special but you just don't know it yet. About your true purpose of why you appear on that island." He said

"My purpose?"

"That door in the cavern on the island is keeping someone precious of yours locked away."

"I lost someone?" The moment you mumbled out, your head started ringing a bit, you clutch onto your head trying to tune the ringing out. It stopped ringing after a little while.

"There's the memories. So you do remember. Now that, that's settled, what are you planning to do?" He said

"I'm gonna do what you told me. Unlock my story, discover my purpose, and find that 'someone'." You said

"Good. I have faith that you can pull through." He spoke before fading through you he disappeared.

You hold your heart knowing your new objective and smile.

"Can you tell me your name now?"

"Call me, Roxas." 'Roxas' said

"Nice to meet you, Roxas." You said

"Real pleasure." Roxas smile is a bit coerced
You can't help but falter.
"I'll be with you every step of the way and help in any way I can."

You feel like there's more to his story than he's letting on.
