Two Worlds, One Family

(Tarzan Medley-BYU Vocal Point)


You were sitting in the Gummi Ship, staring out the window.

"There's so many worlds to explore." Sora said

You just look out the window weighing your thoughts. How did Herc and Phil knew you? What does this mean you had another life before meeting Sora and Riku? You had another name?

The thought alone hurts.

"Hey Kanna," Sora called you, you reeled away from your thoughts and look attentive at Sora
"Do you think we could find Riku and Kairi in the vast of other worlds?" Sora asked looking in the empty void

"I don't know but we'll find them sooner or later. Have some faith." You said

Sora look in the vast space when we came to view of a new world, it looks like a jungle.
"Hey, Donald, maybe King Mickey's down there."

"What? In a backwater place like that? No way! Let's move on."

Sora chimed in.
"Hold on. Riku and Kairi could be down there. It couldn't hurt to check it out."

"Forget it! We're on an important mission!" Donald said getting a bit rowdy

"Just land!" Sora shouted getting impatient

"Aw, phooey!" Donald pouted

"We're landing!" Sora argued some more and he abruptly pushes various of buttons on the console

"No! Don't touch that!" Donald tried to stop Sora but it was too late, the ship already set course to the jungle infested world.


You plummet through the tree branches and into a hollow bushy landing with a open tree area. You shake yourself off and notice you were all alone.

"Donald? Goofy? Sora?" You look around and see something that caught your eye, it's a baby gorilla scared of your sudden appearance
"It's okay. I'm friendly." You spoke in a low tone

The baby gorilla saunters next to you and inspect your hair and curious clothes. You look in awe as it climbs and grooms your hair. The sweet moment was abrupted when a bigger gorilla snarled and pound it's chest multiple times, the baby gorilla run away leaving you to deal with the mighty ape of the jungle. It snarls at you again and you backed away but you didn't realize the tree trunk entrance, you tripped and went for the ride of a life time, you slide on the leaf covered long tree branch, you snagged a vine in panic and swing yourself to an open environment with tons on bamboo.

You landed on a familiar quack, you knew too well.

"Kanna! You've made it!" Goofy said

"Oh hey, Goofy." You spoke as you look up at the anthropomorphic dog

You heard a bit of muffled speech, you look around for the source when Goofy pointed down below you. You got up to see Donald flat as a pancake. You picked up and soothe your flaten alibi. Donald gave you a glare and you scratch the back of your head to relieve some tension.

"Kanna, where's Sora?" Goofy asked

You shrugged your shoulders and shake your head.
"Don't know. I never seen him."

"Forget him. We can find The King ourselves. Plus we have the key or 'keys'."

"No! I'm not leaving without him!" You protested

"He made his choice!"

"If you leave right now, then I'm not going with you. You need a key, don't you?

"You were about to walk away when a bang rings out and shot some bamboo, you look behind you at the source to see a man holding a shotgun rifle trained on you and your friends.

You jump in shock and bewilderment. You raised your hands in the air so did Donald and Goofy.

"Who are you?" He asked and look at Donald and Goofy
"What are you?" His gaze never leaving

You had to think of something fast.
"We are explorers here to investigate the curiosity of the jungle. As for them,"
You think of an excuse for Donald and Goofy.
"They love to dress up in costumes to protect themselves from the rough environment."

"Those are some... exotic outfits. Are you biologist like Miss Jane to study the gorillas?"

"Yep. Of course. But we got lost on the way. Where's the campsite?" You questioned since he thought that your studying gorillas there's had to be some kind of campsite, right?

He rolled his eyes, turned away and motion for you to follow him. You look towards Donald and Goofy, they both sighed in relieve.

You follow the man onto camping grounds where there was pitched tents everywhere, crates, chalkboards, like they are studying something. The man did said something about gorillas.

"Come on, girly." He called you from inside a tent

You run off to him and check inside Donald and Goofy went in before you. Sora was there in plain sight.


"Kanna, Donald, Goofy!" Sora and Donald hugged but it didn't take long when they realized what they were doing and look the other way, arms crossed.

"I found these fellows. A circus full of clowns. Not much for hunting gorillas."

"Clayton, we are here to study about them, not hunting them." A woman spoke she has long, brown hair with a loose crop top and a long brown skirt. She chased Clayton out of the tent and sighed deeply.

"Well, the more, the merrier. Do make yourselves at home." She said

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jane Porter, animal researcher studying about the gorillas." Jane introduced

"Oh. If your looking for gorillas I saw a big one, scared me and I came tumbling down." You said

"Really? Tell me all about it!" Jane said

You can't help but look at your bickering allies.
"Any way." Sora said

"I'm staying!" Sora and Donald both said together

You look at Goofy with a worried expression.
"Hey, Sora, Kanna, look what we found." Goofy showed you and Sora -- a red brick?

"What's that?" Sora questioned

"A gummi block, it's the same stuff used to build our ship." Goofy said

"So that must mean..." Sora said

Donald spring up to the conversation. "The King could be here. We gotta work together to find him."

Donald glared at Sora.
"For now." He stated as a warning

Sora noticed that and grint his teeth.
"Fine. I'll let you tag along." He bend down staring straight into Donald's eyes, "For now."

You and Goofy stood nervous on the side, caught in between the two bickering allies.

You tried to distract yourself by making new conversation with Jane.
"So... how long have you've been researching all of this?"

"Quite some time. I've been learning a whole lot more with the help from Tarzan." She mentioned

You just now noticing a muscular man hunched over on all fours using his knuckles for support. He take a sniff from you curious about the new appearance.
"Apparently Tarzan was raised in the jungle by the gorillas. You could tell it hasn't been easy to communicate with him."

"So he was speaking gorilla back there." Sora said

"Sora, you never told us where did you ended up?" You asked

"I managed to plummet through a treehouse, a little after that I got attack by a Jaguar." Sora started his story

"Sabor. Danger." Tarzan spoke in a gruff tone

"Luckily Tarzan swoop in and saved me. Then he led me here." Sora explained

You simply nodded your head and walk up to Tarzan.
"I don't know what to say." You look back at Jane and Sora
"It's okay. He's not a talker, but he understands human speech in different patterns."

"I'm Kanna. Thanks for saving my friend." You greeted

Tarzan simply sniff you and grunted,

(Did he combined Sora and my name?)

"No. It's Kanna."

Tarzan started playing in your hair, and how it was full of leaves.
"Kanna hurt?"

"Um, I'm fine. I took a tumble through the trees when a huge gorilla confronted me."

You look over at him as he back away sympathetic.

"Tarzan said that Riku and Kairi might be here. I couldn't understand one word." Sora said

"Why don't we try this?" Jane step aside revealing a projector.
"We'll show Tarzan some slides and see if any of them can spark some interest. Oh, what happened to the slides?" She said looking around

"I mean I got a couple not sure if it's enough." Sora took out some slides and gave them to Jane
"These are more than enough!" Jane exclaimed

Jane puts slides into the projector and the 1st slide, caught Sora off guard. It was in black and white, it showed a castle. You can't help but feel somewhat attached to it, you keep a stone face.
"What's wrong, Sora?" Goofy noticed Sora's out of world look

"It's nothing."

For some reason, even though it's just a photo, it spark your interest like it cast some spell over you. You shake your head out of the thought. Jane continue playing the other slides. A man riding a messed up bicycle where the front wheel is much bigger than the rear, people fencing, leading to a man kneeling down on one knee giving a bouquet of flowers.

You look between the photo and Sora. Riku's mind game is toying with you for revenge. Jane saw that bit of interest that you have on Sora.

Jane shut off the projector and turn towards Tarzan expecting him to learn something.
"So Tarzan, do you remember anything?"

"Where are our friends, Riku and Kairi?" Sora asked

Tarzan look between you and Sora, then looked away ashamed.
"But... I thought." Sora started when Tarzan spoke

The man from earlier came in.
"Are you sure your so called 'friends' are here. We've been in this jungle for quite some time now. But we have yet to encounter these friends you speak of. I'd wager they're with the gorillas. But Tarzan refuse to take us to them."

"Really, Mr. Clayton. Tarzan wouldn't hide--" Jane started

"Then it wouldn't be a problem, take us to the gorillas. Go-ril-las." Clayton said

"I understand." He looks solemnly

"Good. Can you show us?"

Tarzan took a while and look between you and Sora before nodding his head.

"Are you sure, Tarzan?"

"Go see Kerchak." Tarzan grunts

"Kerchak?" You quired

"He must be the leader. Perfect. I'll go along as an escort." Mr. Clayton said

"Clayton." Jane warned

"What? After all, the jungle is a dangerous place." Clayton said

Something about him feels off.

You followed Tarzan out, he leads you to an opening where ton of trees group together with exposed vines. Tarzan climb up the trees and swing through them with ease. Sora, Donald and Goofy had to use the tree grooves, you start to climb the tree vines up when it snap beneath you, you were expecting to fall but Sora hold your hand before you can breathe.
"You okay?" Sora asked pulling you right next him

"I'm fine. I just need to slow down, I guess." You said you stared into his sea blue eyes, fighting a blush; you climb up in front of Sora to an opening.

Tarzan look at the path ahead and tons of monkeys swinging on vines came in view. You followed Tarzan as he uses his expert acrobat: jump, catch, swing to his destination.

You look up at the unstable vines, it looks like it could snap at any moment "These vines look worn down. We should be careful." You said

"Got it." Sora said

Tarzan signals for you all. He makes it look like child's play. You hold a sturdy vine and swing to the next tree branch, Tarzan had to grab your arm to balance you when you land, the boys followed.

It didn't take long for the gorillas from all directions above peeked out of hiding. One gorilla stood out to you, the big burly one, must be the leader.

You noticed him instantly. That's the mean gorilla that scared you when you first arrived.

"Kerchak, please listen to me." Tarzan speaking normally
"I know the nesting grounds are secret. You see... I wanna help them, because I trust them as friends."
Kerchak just gruff and look away.
"Please, Kerchak!" Tarzan plead

Kerchak just huffed away, visibly unpleased.

You look at Tarzan.
"We are not gonna let him get away, are we?"

"No, we're not." Tarzan said

"It looks like he's heading for the treehouse. Let's go." Sora instructed

You nodded. You follow Tarzan as he swings through the vines like a pro, he knows this jungle like the back of his hand. Throughout hard work and determination, you managed to run, jump and climb to the tree house.

You saw Clayton trained his rifle on a curious ape minding it's own business innocently spinning a globe. You look at the team and Donald is missing, you look back at Clayton to see the mischievous duck quacking loudly into the poachers' ear, just in time for the medium size ape to run away.

"Kerchak, please wait." Tarzan plead some more

Kerchak look displeased and gruff away with the medium size ape not far behind.

You had your arms folded.
"Clayton, what were going to do to that young ape?"

"It was just a misunderstanding, you see a snake slithered by. I was just looking out for it." Clayton made an excuse, you can tell he was just full of lies and himself

"I will have to report this to Miss Jane." You walk off in a huff

When you got back to the campsite, you told Jane what happened and she went nuclear on Clayton.
"How can you do such a thing!"

"Now, Miss Porter, as I told you I was not aiming at the gorilla."

"YOU are not to go near the gorillas again!"

"All because of one mishap? Come, now..." Clayton stopped short when he see you group together earning disapproval glare

Clayton knows he's defeated and walked out of the tent. You knew you never liked that guy. It didn't take long before you heard a gun shot ring out.

You all ran out of the tent and follow the source of the would-be gunslinger. You went to an open grove where you group back up with Donald and Goofy.

Just then, a jaguar came out of nowhere and pounces at you, you quickly summoned your keyblades and sidestep out of the way before it strikes.

"That was a close one." You said

"Kanna, you okay?"

"I will be once we get rid of the big cat." You said

"Right!" Sora summoned his Keyblade and Donald and Goofy called upon their staff and shield, Tarzan is armed with a self made spear.
"Sabor!" Tarzan yelled, strike it with his spear

You follow up and launch three barrage of fireballs in a row, it scorches Sabor, sending him back. You and Sora teamed up, he'll provide offensive and you'll swap to be defensive, parrying and blocking Sabor's moves.

You cast blizzard freezing Sabor's movements in place. Sora and Goofy attacked, strike with his blade and bash it with his shield, Donald land a finish thundering blow, Sabor staggered away paralyzed.

You ran to the other gorillas being surrounded by monkey heartless and Clayton holding his rifle.

"Don't you do it!" Sora shouted

Clayton turn to look at your group.
"Clayton, what are you doing?" Sora asked

"Not Clayton!" Tarzan said before speaking gorilla "Not Clayton!"

"Clayton" trained his rifle at you. You look at him with a stotic expression. You can see darkness illuminate from him. Everyone took out their weapons.

You rush up and deal a first strike staggering him for a bit, Sora follow up attack. Clayton fire off a few rounds from his rifle, you swiftly evade bullets that whoosh pasted your face and cast blizzard.

Clayton is acting weirder than normal, he doesn't say anything. A rock wall exploded behind him revealing another area. Tarzan charged forward to the gunslinger maniac, only to get smacked back by a invisible force.

Clayton got lifted in the air like a puppet of very thin strings. The heartless revealed itself to be a chameleon. It's huge. The heartless chameleon uses it's long tongue and wrap it around your waist.

"Let her go, you overgrown reptile!" Sora shouted as he lunge forward and strike it strong enough to stagger it. You slide through the loosen tongue and fall to the ground.

"Kanna, you okay?"

"I'm fine." You said propping yourself up
"Let's take that chameleon down!"

You and Sora launch a barrage of fireballs at it, it flinch to the scorches it received. You continued dodging it's blows and Goofy shielded the attacks as Donald cast thunder to paralyze it in it's tracks. You and Sora attack it at opposite sides and slash down, landing perfectly. That attack combo move felt surreal.

Heartless Chameleon growled back away before fainted on that bozo gunman. A light came out and it faded any to dust.

You sighed. You look at Sora satisfied from your takedown.

All the gorillas that witness everything surrounded you from the ground floor to the trees. Kerchak, the burly ape is back and he grab your shoulders and fling you ontop of a overpass to a new area. You dust yourself off as the other guys landed with a oof. You look down at the burly ape, he grunt but it felt different as in admiration. Tarzan nodded knowing exactly what it meant.

You can hear a rush of water streaming down in the crystal river. It's beautiful. It felt like all your troubles melt away.
"Tarzan, home." Tarzan said

You and the others went in deeper in the cavern. You ended up behind the magnificent waterfall.

"It's gorgeous." You spoke

"Yeah, it is." Sora said

You look at Sora when a flicker of "Roxas" cross your mind, he's not wearing a black coat like he usually do, he had on casual clothes and have an armor plate on his left shoulder. You can't help but shed a tear.
"Kanna, what's wrong?" Sora pointed to your wet cheek, you realized what was happening and turn away.
"I'm okay. Let's keep moving." You said walking away, Sora eyes you wanting to say more.

You reach to a grove, blue sparkles leading to the center of a crystal clear blue patch, resonating. You curiously touch a wondering aquamarine sparkle, it flicker and float away.

Tarzan speak in gorilla and you know what he meant.
"I get it. This is your home." You said looking at Tarzan, he nodded

"But that means..." Sora started when Tarzan hush him
Everyone stayed quiet.
You could hear the tranquil rush of the waterfall.
"It's peaceful."

"The waterfalls... They're echoing all the way here." Jane said

"Friends here. See friends." Tarzan gruffed
"Oh, now I've got it. Tarzan gorilla speak means heart. Friends in our hearts..." Jane translate

"Oh, so that's what it meant." Sora said

"Friends, same heart. Clayton, lose heart. No heart, no see friends. No heart, no friends." Tarzan said

You thought for a moment, Roxas looked different when I looked at Sora. What could that mean?

"Sorry about what I said." Sora apologize

"Aww, I'm sorry too." Donald apologize

"Yeah. All for one, huh?" Goofy said rounding the bunch

The blue center pulsates and reveal to be butterflies. They flutter around you and everyone else, revealing a keyhole. Sora took out his Keyblade and shine a light through it, locking it completely. Not long after, something land on the ground to Donald's feet or should you say flipper.

"A gummi!" Donald exclaimed
Goofy pouted.
"But it's sure not the king's."

You smiled at the team and look up at the opening.

(I wish I had that special someone, who would be there living and breathing and not in my memories. Right, Roxas?)

"Here's to hoping." Roxas said
