
(A/n): I'm a HUGE fan of Kingdom Hearts. I want my readers to take a journey through their character's eyes.

"Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It's the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness. That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return."


You hear a voice rings out in your head, you look around, you were in a dark place standing on a platform.

"The answer lies within"

You try to look for the sound source. You were transported to a hidden door with a gold knob.

"Open the salvation. Save the others."

In the middle of it, darkness swims its way to you and envelops you in a ball of darkness, it seemed like all hope is lost until a light shines down on you and grants you a key-shaped weapon.

"You wield the power of light to ward away the darkness and save them from their fate."

On cue, dark creatures emerge, you gasp and look at your only weapon and back at the creatures, you know what to do, you hit them with your weapon and they turn to black goo.

"The Keyblade is the only weapon of choice to fight against the heartless."

The "heartless" blend in with the shadow and crawls away only to merge into a bigger "nightmare". You face the dark strong figure in front of you, you click on what's happening and run away to the edge.

"Don't be afraid of your fate. It lies within you. Be true to yourself."

You fight back with your keyblade and turn heartless into clouds during the fight, you felt yourself being drained, you fell on your back as darkness lurks below, wrapping you up in its tendrils it suffocates you.

Your eyes fluttered open to find you standing in a clear, white room. You scanned around the translucent environment before locking eyes to an ominous bronze door.

"You have a job, a soul purpose for your existence."

You reach a handout, the door gleam brighter and brighter with each step.

"Open the door to salvation..."

"Remember your place, Light vs. Dark in the end,"


"Light is your guiding key."


You open your eyes and squint at the sudden brightness of the day. You were lying on the Paopu tree where you, Riku, Sora, and Kairi hang out after a long day.

"Instead of snoozing here, you could help out with the raft anytime soon." Kairi place her hands on her hip and pouted in frustration, Sora was just a few steps behind her

You look over at the 'almost completed' raft.

"Is it done?" You asked perking up from your comfortable position. Kairi smiled and gestured you to follow her.
"See for yourself. Riku should be over there working on it." Kairi said when she was out of ear reach

"Kanna, why were you there?"

You only shrugged.

You were considered the quietest out of the four, you can talk, others just assume you are too shy to come forward. The name Kanna was given to you by Sora and Riku when you were washed up on shore, you didn't had a name back then. You can't recall your past no matter how hard you try, you don't know where you came from or how you got on the island.


When the three of you arrived at the end of the island, you see a basic standard raft made of wood.

"We did it! Our raft is complete!" Sora shouted looking at your reaction

You smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"I did most of the work!" Riku showed up with a log pressed on his shoulder as he let out a huff. "You three have a way to avoid any weren't having a paopu fruit, were you? Wow Sora, you shared it with two girls. Lucky you." Riku gave Sora a sly smirk.

"Of course not! I wouldn't!" Sora responded quickly looking at his best friend a little flustered

"So you wouldn't share the fruit with one of the ladies?" Riku questions only made Sora more embarrassed
"I mean I don't--" Sora fumbled
"I'm only kidding." Riku chuckled, tossing the log aside. "Learn to take a joke." He added, Kairi smiled while you only look away shy and scratch your head.

You and the gang were doing your roles on the raft. Riku was carving a trafficking stick, Kairi was making something, Sora was sitting down on the flat while holding a flag, and you were balancing out the flag pole for the wind to push the raft.

"Hey Kanna, when we get to the other side, will we find another world?" Kairi questioned

"I wonder what kind of place it's going to be..." Sora added with a curious spark in his eye

"We'll know when we get there," Riku spoke up. "And we'll know what kind of world Kairi and Kanna came from. On top of that, we'll know why we are here." He added. You let out a surprised gasp you think about if it's possible to go back to your homeworld, the only home you know is Destiny Island but it wouldn't hurt to know more about other worlds. "If either Kairi or Kanna hadn't come to this island, I never would've known that there is another world out there. We would've lived our entire lives on this island. So, thank you, Kairi, Kanna." He finished, both you and Kairi watch intensively as Riku craves a piece of wood, you don't know what he's making.

"Guys, look what I'm making!" Kairi said holding up a shell necklace

You tilt your head, "What is it?"

"Can you tell? It's a necklace of Thalassa shells. It said that if we wear this we can find one another." Kairi said as she goes back to crafting her shells

"Something about that shape looks familiar." You examine the shells when your head starts to feel like thunder. Kairi looked worried.
"Kanna, you okay?" She asked

You just nod your head. You were swinging your legs over the raft edge letting you feel the ocean kiss you on your legs.

You were lost in thought that you didn't notice a particular brown spiky-haired boy call out to you.
"Hey Kanna!" Sora shouted

You stumble and fall into the ocean.

"Sorry about that, Kanna. I didn't mean to scare you." Sora reaches his hand out to pull you out, you gave a sly smirk and flip him into the ocean

Sora spits out some water from your sudden action. You swim to shore and dry yourself off. Sora and you couldn't help but laugh.


It was sunset, you and Kairi walked side by side to your rowboats about to head home, Kairi couldn't stop chatting about the wonders and what kind of worlds are out there.

"I dreamed about being able to head off to another world. The places we'll see. Adventures at every corner." Kairi bantered with gleamed excitement in her eyes. "Don't forget the people. Maybe I can find myself, someone." You mumbled

Kairi giggled.

"What about Sora?" Kairi asked

You stopped in your tracks and look at her confused. You were in front of the sunset.

"What of him?" You asked

"You like him, don't you?" She pressed you for info gave you a smirk

Everything went silent, all you can hear is the waves crashing.

You felt your face heat up towards Kairi's words. You didn't know what to do and say.

You flashback to when you washed up on the beach, the first person you saw was Sora extending his hand out, he took you to the grown-ups to examine you. You had amnesia and can't recall anything, you can't remember your name, but nevertheless Sora invited you in with open arms, memory or not, he introduces you to everyone, somewhere along the path, you felt somewhat attracted to him. Every time Sora and Kairi are together, you somehow felt a ping in your heart.

Some time passed before you heard your name called. Snapping out of your thought.

"Huh?" You look at her

"Did you hear me?"

"Loud and clear. I admit I like Sora's kindness and free spirit if he hadn't found me that day, I guess I wouldn't be here." You said you quickly recoil back at your statement.
"Don't tell him anything I said."

"Your secret is safe with me." Kairi smiled

You look at the docks where the boys were walking across when Riku toss Sora something.

It's a paopu fruit...

You were on the fence. Sora and Riku!

Kairi already hopped in the boat, waiting for you to jump in yours. Riku climb into his boat, he noticed you stare down.

"Can I help you?"

"What were you and Sora talking about?"

Sora didn't catch what you said and hop into his boat as Riku calmly look at you.

"Don't worry, it's not like I'll steal him away from you or anything. I never took you for a jealous type." Riku teases side-eyeing you

"I ain't jealous to the likes of him." You sulk, hearing Riku chuckle at your reaction

"It's pretty obvious, you think I haven't noticed the looks you gave him."

You look down unable to say anything.

"Gotcha! If you like him so much you should share the paopu fruit with him." Riku mentioned

You grumble then sail off.


You arrived home at your house, it's not too little or too big. Resting in bed, you looked out of your bedroom window, you see something that caught your full attention a bright full moon and a shooting star!


"What about Sora?"

"You like him, don't you?"

"I never took you for the jealous type."

~Flashback end~

You groaned in frustration to get the thoughts out of your head.

"They're just saying these things to mess with my head. I can't have a crush on Sora." You mumbled and bury your face on your pillow

How can you fall for someone like him?

"Whatever it is. I need to shake off this feeling."

Besides, Sora likes Kairi.

You try to process the thoughts as you fall asleep.
