Olympus Coliseum

You were on the Gummi Ship wide awake after seeing Roxas' true face instead of staring into a dark empty void.

"Come on, let's head back to Twilight Town and see what Leon can do with this Gummi," Donald said

"No. I wanna see other worlds before going to Leon, let's see what's going on." You suggested

Sora nodded, Donald and Goofy has no choice but to go with your request hassle-free. You look at the window to see nothing but void space.


You hear a faint voice whisper in your head, soon as you know it, you get drifted away in your inner thoughts back inside the pristine white room with the throne.

You look at Roxas's now visible face, he looks so much like Sora with the spikey and blue eyes minus the blonde. Roxas stared into your (e/c) eyes, you choked at his sudden action in a little while, he backed off and pondered on what to do next. You decided to say something to break this awkward silence, "What are you thinking about, Roxas?"

"I'm trying to think of what to do to help you regain your memory. That song didn't work. I guess maybe something might trigger it." Roxas said

"Something like what?" You questioned

"It could be anything like grief, pain, heartache. Anything that could react." Roxas said

"Grief or heartache?" You repeated Roxas look at your solemn face and scratch his head,
"Listen if you want I can offer you lessons to improve your magic skills and how to wield the Keyblade."

"You can do that?" You said perking up at his offer

"Of course. I'm a forgotten memory in your head, you have forgotten all about being a Keyblade wielder from the past. I can tell you need to get stronger for anything to come and recover your memories," Roxas said

"Okay. Deal!" You nodded and shake Roxas's hand, he choked a bit from your smile

With that deal, the room flashes and you return to reality.


You woke up from your interaction with Roxas.

"Land Ho!" Donald shouted

Sora look behind his seat and you were very well awake.
"Kanna, look at the world."

You look out the window and see the new world.

"We should check it out," Sora suggested

The Gummi Ship engaged and landed in the world.


You walked through the palace-like gates and gaze at the entrance in front of you.

"Come on. Let's check it out." Sora waved you to come inside

You went inside to see a pedestal in a dimly lit place and some kind of goat hybrid.

You walk up to him, brushing off the world engraved on the wall.

"Oh, it's you, perfect timing. Do me a favor and move that pedestal, will you? I gotta spurs this place up for the games." Goat man said without looking at you

You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy together try to move it, but it's too heavy to even budge.

"It's way too heavy!" Sora reported

"What? Too heavy? Since when have you been such a little--" He was about to finish when he turned and look at us

"Oh, guess I got the wrong guy. What are you doing here?" He hopped off the pedestal
"This here's is for the best of the best world heroes only. I have no time to babysit, run along you pipsqueaks." He trots towards you

The stranger looks weird, he was a hybrid the top half was human, and the bottom half was a goat. You kept a straight face and Sora pouted.

"Look, it's like this. Heroes from all around came to fight ferocious monsters right here in the Coliseum. If you don't have what it takes-!" He stopped short when he sees you

You gave a skeptical look before he continues. He shakes his head out of the thought before he continued.

"You got heroes standing right in front of you." Donald crosses her feathered hands, annoyed

"Yep. They're the real heroes chosen by the Keyblade! Especially Kanna here, she got two." Goofy places his hand on your shoulder

"And we're heroes, too." Donald proclaimed

"Kanna? But she's--!" He bites his tongue as if he remembers something before he continues
"Well being a hero isn't about presenting yourself, it takes hard work and diligence. If you couldn't move this-" He tries to push the pedestal and might you had with little effort
"You can't call yourself--" You were getting a bit annoyed, crossing your arms, Sora was feeling the same way as well.
"A hero."

"Be careful, you'll hurt yourself." You said in a stone tone

He pushes himself off panting heavily as if he ran a marathon.
"Okay, so it takes more than brawn. Well, let's see what you can do." He said

Sora and you entered the coliseum and a bunch of barrels spread out. You took the liberty and start it off by breaking the first box you see.

When the challenge was over, you break 30 barrels, Sora break 25. You won!


You went back to the waiting room and see the strange hybrid man.

"You know. You ain't so bad."

"I guess that means we're qualified for the games," Sora said

"Fat chance!"

"Why not?"

"Two words for you. You guys ain't heroes!"

"You've gotta be kidding. We completed the challenge fair and square."

"Besides, that's four words." You corrected

Sora seems more interested in competing than you. Sora and the others stomped away angry, you only look at them and followed softly.

"Such a stubborn old goat, ain't he?" A voice spoke sent chills down your spine, you turn around to see a blue tall man in a long dark toga and his head was on fire. Blue fire.

(His hair is a bit unusual...)

"Who are you?" Donald asked

"Hold on there, fuzz boy, let me guess you wanna enter the games, right?" He didn't hesitate to give Sora a ticket.
"A pass?"

Sora accepted it but you were on edge. Accepting a strange pass from a stranger especially when he has fire for hair, you have every right to be troubled.

"It's all yours. Good luck, kiddo. I'm rooting for you, little shorty."

You walk up to Sora and gave him a skeptical look.

"It's kinda strange that he happened to be here the moment we walk out. Who is he anyway?" You questioned

"He's strange but he gave me a pass for the games," Sora said

"In that case, I'll sit this one out. It's about that small goat that bothers me." You said

"What about him?"

"You don't notice how weird he was acting towards me? Like he stopped himself mid-sentence when he mentioned me." You pointed out

"That is strange. You should ask him about it."

"That's the plan. First, join the tournament. I'll handle him." You said

Sora looked between Donald and Goofy before heading back inside, he gave the small goat man his pass.

"Hey, how'd you end up getting this?"

"Does this mean we get to enter the games?" Sora presented Donald and Goofy, you look at them from afar.

"You're not gonna invite your lady friend?" He asked

"She doesn't wanna participate," Sora answered

The small goat man stroke his beard before thinking of an answer.

"Alright, I don't see why you can't join the games." He granted the boys permission

"Yes!" Sora and the others left to fight in the games leaving you with the small hybrid goat

You look at the little goat man stroking his beard. You don't know what to say.

"It's been a long time." He started


"I'm saying it's been a long time since you've been here. How long has it been, a decade? But you look younger than before."

"Sorry, I'm running a blank. Remind me, who are you?" You asked

"I guess it had been a long time. Name's Philoctetes, but everyone else just calls me Phil." Phil introduced himself

"Phil?" You repeated

"Phil, the trainer of heroes. I trained the wonder boy young Hercules and Captain Eager. None of this ring any bells, kid?" Phil said
"Captain Eager was persistent to make you go on a date with him. But he's older now way out of your league." Phil added

You shake your head.
"I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't remember."

Phil sighed in defeat. You look at the fight between Sora and a guy with a huge sword his face was covered with a red tattered scarf.

You were about to press him for more information when a roar erupts from the coliseum. There standing in front of you stood a 50-foot dog monster with three heads.

You gasp at the sudden appearance.

The three-headed dog snapped its large canines. It was gonna attack when a guy with noticeable muscles and orange hair came in just in time and held it back.

"Herc!" Phil yelled

"Phil, get them out of here!"

Phil leads you and the others inside where it's safe.

"What was that?" You asked

"That's Cerberus, The Guardian of the Underworld, Herc should be able to handle him, but then again this doesn't look good," Phil answered

You look between Phil and the entrance to the Coliseum. You walk to the entrance.

"Yo kid, this isn't a fight you can handle. It's not like any of the tournaments. This is the real deal, you'll be up against Cerberus. Are you sure you wanna go through with this?"

"I'm positive. I have to save Herc if I want more answers." You said reassuringly

"You ain't going without us," Sora spoke "When we defeat Cerberus, you can tell us if we're hero material."

You nod your head and ran out to the Coliseum just in time to see Herc backed into a corner holding an unconscious guy on his shoulder.

"Herc!" You shouted and rush to the rescue without thinking you strike Cerberus on the middle head(s) nose. Hercules sees the opportunity and ran to safety.

"Kid, I have two words for you: Attack!" Phil shouted

You nod confirming your objective. You glare at the beast in front of you, raising your light Keyblade straight at their head(s).

You run over to the left head as it turns its attention to you. You unleash a barrage of fireballs causing it to flinch. It snapped at you with its large canine teeth, three sets of them. You run as fast as you could evading their attacks when they unleash dark energy from the ground. Sora, Donald, and Goofy took the opening and do whatever it takes focus their head(s) attention on them. You launch a powerful combo attack smashing them into a wall and knocking them out flat.

~full fight mode

"Thus, I hereby dub thee, Junior Heroes, and confer upon thee full rights and privileges to participate in the games. Furthermore---"

"Why are we, junior heroes?" Donald spoke

"You rookies still don't know or have what it takes to be a true hero." Phil brushes off the remark

"So what does it take?" Goofy question

"That's just something you have to find out for yourselves. So long if you are true to yourselves and become your hero. Just the way that I did." Hercules said

"That's fair. Well, I guess we'll have to prove ourselves in the games. How about it, Kanna?" Sora questioned

It was the first time, Hercules scanned you over, you meet him eye to eye.
"Kanna?" Hercules said pointing you out but Phil stopped him, luckily, Sora and the others didn't catch on Sora was gossiping about the competition.

"Sorry, no can do kiddo, there will be no games for a while. We have to clean up from the mess Cerberus made." Phil said

"Okay. We'll come back." Sora said walking out the doors with Donald and Goofy trailing behind, but you stopped your tracks when Hercules and Phil called you.

"So it's Kanna now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Phil told me about your dilemma. How you lost your memories. You look younger than before."

"All I know is that I washed up to a place with no explanation." You mumbled to yourself pondering at the thought

You look at your feet with contempt. Then, you look at Hercules and Phil's fallen faces you got hit with your resolve.
"Yes. I don't remember anything but I do know I can't wait and do nothing. Don't worry I promise you I'll regain them. Don't mention any of this to Sora and the others I don't wanna worry them." You promised

Phil and Hercules smiled and gave you a thumbs up. You can only giggle and walk out the doors where Sora is waiting for you.

"Kanna, what happened?" Sora asked

"It's nothing you should worry about." You said patting his head to ease some tension

You walk to the exit until you come across that guy Sora faced off in the games. He had a brooding expression.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sora asked
His words caught the guy's attention.

"So why did you go along with him, anyway?"

"I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and I couldn't find the light." He stared up at the sky

You would do the same thing when you were in deep thought. On the island, you wanted to do something more and couldn't help but wonder to explore your horizon and it came true.

"You'll find it. I'm searching, too." Sora said

"For your light?" He asked

Sora nodded.
"Don't lose sight of the things most important." He said before walking away

"How about a rematch sometime? Fair and square. No dark powers involve." Sora said challenging him

Before the guy could get far, you called out to him.
"Wait I never caught your name."

"It's Cloud." He introduced

You smiled and walk out to your Gummi ship and sit on your seat. You took a deep breath and look forward to your expedition.
