Strange Intruders

You woke up and the first thing this morning, you set sail to go back to the island.

You went to your almost completion raft and collected the resources you need.
"I got food, pure clean water, and rope." You approached the white-haired boy and dropped your items.

You pulled back your (h/l) (h/c) hair and fan yourself with some leaves, it's hot out. Then you noticed something critical. Where's Sora?

Riku became aware of what you're doing or who you're looking for when you pause for a moment.

"You thinking about Sora?" Riku questioned before gathering the items you left him

"Hm?" You look at Riku as he plastered a smile on his face. "Kinda. I mean he promises to help with the raft maybe he just overslept or something." You added folding your arms, you look dreamy at the sky.

"That's putting it one way in his perspective," Riku said, "or you don't want to admit sharing a paopu fruit with him." Riku snickered

You shrug.

"I didn't hear a no!" Riku teased

You look at Riku, your tormenter, with a neutral expression.

"Fine. If you don't wanna admit it, I'll have to find another way." Riku spotted a wooden sword inches away

Sora came to he walks up to the raft, stretching and yawning like he's half asleep.

"Hey, Sora, good timing. How about a spar?" Riku challenged

Sora gave a questionable look.
"What for?"

"Just for fun. I wanna know who wins this fight given our history. We all know who will win it in the end." Riku taunted

You know Sora couldn't refuse a challenge like that, he wanted to beat Riku just once. Sora grabs his wooden sword and attacks Riku, Riku parried his attempt at a solid critical hit.

You watch the two rivals collide their swords together. What were they fighting for? While they were fighting something caught your eye, your vision became blurry, and two completely different figures were fighting in front of you. One was a tall, muscular guy with dark brown hair, and another one had blonde spiky hair he had a light and dark outfit. You rubbed your eyes to make your illusions disappear.

In the end, Sora's sword fell out of his grasp when Riku knocks it out of his hand.

"Looks like I won. So then Kanna?"

Riku glances over to where you stood but you were gone. He looks around for you to find you tending to a beat-down Sora.

"Sora, are you alright?" You asked lifting him off the ground

"Yeah. I'm fine. What was all that about challenging to a fight?" Sora questioned you

You shrug and rub your neck, sheepishly. Riku glares between you and Sora with a look you can't describe it.

"We're done for today. We finished the raft after today we're out of here." Riku drops his sword and walked away

You can only look at his back as he got enough distance. You can't help but feel sorry.

Sora reaches out to Riku then a thought crosses his mind, "After today, huh?" He looks at you before walking off somewhere.

You look between the two boys as they walk different ways and you are trapped in the middle.

You raced towards Riku, he's working on the raft.

"Riku, what was that for, challenging Sora?" You questioned

"I did that because you need to decide, you always thinking about Sora, not yourself. If that's what you feel then you can share a paopu fruit with him." Riku said

"No, that's not it." You protested, you slap your cheeks to cover the redness of your face

"Then you wouldn't mind sharing it with someone else?" He asked, looking at your (e/c) orbs

You blink a few times before answering.
"Like who?"

"Who else?" Riku responded

You let it sink in for a moment then you covered your mouth, he's mentioning you, you stop and think for a moment but it all makes sense, why he asked you questions about your relationship and why he challenged Sora to a duel.

You didn't know what to say, you redden and refuse to meet his baby blue eyes. He took your hand and gave you something.

You gaze at the necklace in amusement.

"It's a charm," Riku said "I was originally planning on giving it to you at sunset but now is a good time as any."

You flinched back at his confession, you didn't know what to say. You had your mouth gap open like a fish out of water.

"Okay. If you don't like it, I'm more than happy to take it back."

You shake your head and put it on.

"It looks good on you." Riku started making you blush, "But if you do managed to choose Sora, do your best and look after him."

Riku walks away leaving you to mellow out your thoughts.


The sun was setting down for another day and the water is catching the glimmer of its surface.

You ponder in thought and think about what Riku says about choosing.

~"You thinking about Sora?"~

~"I did that because you need to decide, you always thinking about Sora, not yourself. If that's what you feel then you can share a paopu fruit with him."~

You look at the sunset, there was an unsettling feeling like you have seen this before.

"Kanna?" You heard a voice call for you, you turn to the source

"Oh, Sora." You look at him expectedly, you can't shake the strange feeling off

"I have a question for you."

You acknowledge him for his question.

"Are you sure you don't remember anything before you wind up on the beach?"

You thought for a moment and shake your head knowing you can't remember anything.

"Pretty sure. Why you asked?" You questioned

"Because I went inside that cave," Sora mentioned

"The one with the mysterious door. The Secret Place." You said

"Someone else was there wearing a cloak. He was strange and on top of it, he was asking about you, saying something that 'you'll be the savior that will free them from salvation'."

You tilt your head, shaking the thought.
"What does that mean?"

"I don't know seems ominous if you ask me." Sora said placing a hand on your shoulder, "If anything happens, I'm here for you." He walks away to the boat ready to go home

You followed before glancing at the cavern hidden behind vines and leaves. You jump in the boat and head home.


It was night, you were in bed looking up at your astronomy-themed ceiling, you didn't know why but looking at the stars clears your mind. In your thoughts, you heard a crash of thunder and lightning, you jump up from your bed and look out the window, giant clouds were forming together.

You spring into action by jumping out the window, racing towards your boat, you have to save the raft. You went onshore and notice that you were not the only one there. Sora, Kairi, and Riku's boat were anchored. You caught something crawling on the ground, they pop up these shadow creatures with glowing, yellow eyes.

You didn't know what to do, you back away when Sora was there on the beach whacking them with his wooden sword, it's not doing any good they had no effect.

"Sora!" You run to him

"Kanna!" Sora called "What are they?" He started when you're in hearing range

You look at the people's fruit tree and see someone standing there. It's Riku. You and Sora raced to the tree and see Riku but he looks weird. From what you can tell this storm is far from normal, it's unnatural.

"Where's Kairi? I thought she was with you." Sora cried through the raging storm

"The door has opened..." Riku said you tilted your head

"What?" Sora questioned

"The door has opened, Sora, Kanna! Now we can visit the outside world!" Riku proclaimed

"What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi!"

"Kairi's coming with us!" Riku exclaimed

You look at Riku like he lost his mind but he did something unexpected, he extend a hand to you.

"Kanna, now's the time to decide. Join it's either me or Sora?" Riku questioned

You look between the two and walk towards Riku, you shoved him away.
"I can't abandon everyone to come with you. Something's wrong. Sorry, but I'm staying." You said

"Scaredy cat! Fine so be it. You two are alike." Riku expressed

You squinted when darkness start to engulf Riku, you tried to reach him but the darkness went towards you and Sora as well, it drags you down.

"Use the power... NOW!"

When you blink a light shines down on you. You came back to your senses and look at your hands holding something.

"It's a keyblade. Use it to fight through the darkness."

You look over at Sora, he too, receives a keyblade.

The left blade is dark and has a lunar surface, for the right blade is the complete opposite it's all light and a bit dim. You admire your blades with gleaming eyes. You don't know why but it feels familiar like you've done this before.

You suddenly felt light-headed, a creature jumps up about to lunge at you. You quickly turn and slashes it, it turns into nothing but dark ashes, Riku disappeared.

You slash your way through the creatures, as Sora runs over to the Secret Place.

You spotted a figure, they turn it was Kairi.

"Kairi!" Sora called

"Sora..." Kairi said she sounds sick and out of energy

The door behind her blew open and she flew through Sora.

You and Sora get blown away too. You landed outside and see something unbelievable, everything is getting sucked up in the storm of darkness. You were standing on what's left of the island, no palm trees, no ocean, nothing!

Tons of shadow creatures appeared, you could take them on easily suddenly they merged and formed a greater monster.

You look at the creature's towering figure, it pulled back its first and strikes down making little creatures crawl out. You whack the smaller creatures as Sora attack the towering monster, it leaned back and punches the ground again allowing more creatures to slip through. You dodge attacks and certain critical blows, Sora runs on its shadow arm and strikes its head eventually defeating the monster, the storm above you grew stronger than before and unstable, sucked up the monsters.

Sora grabs the first thing he sees, a discarded driftwood, you managed to hold on for a bit before letting go by the force and Sora followed after.

You struggled for a bit but everything turned dark. You were lost.


Goofy and Donald look up to witness a star going out. They walk around the new town looking for Leon as part of King Mickey's orders as well as a "Key" following Pluto, King Mickey's dog.

"Where's that key..." Donald grumbled

"Hey, ya know, maybe we ought to go find Leon," Goofy suggested

They walk up the steps when Pluto sniffs his way into an alley.

"Uh, Donald. Ya know, I betcha that..." Goofy pointed in Pluto's direction

"Aw, what do you know, you big palooka?" Donald shrugged him off and walk away

Goofy followed him, calling for Pluto to follow.


You were lying down in a certain boy's lap. You struggled to wake up when something unexpected caught your eye. It was a random dog pushing itself on Sora and licking your face waking you up.

Sora opened his eyes with a half-awake look.

"What a dream."

"Sora..." You whispered

You look at your position and crawl away, your heart quicken. The dog bounce on Sora's stomach, finally waking him.

"This isn't a dream!"

You got up and look at your new environment.

"Where are we?" Sora asked, you shrugged.

Sora turns to the dog and bends down.
"Do you know where we are?"

The dog's ear alerted to something and he ran away, you and Sora followed and land your sights at the new surroundings.

"This is another world." You announced
