Pregnant (3)

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie orange glow across the sky, Hyunjin found himself standing outside the labor and delivery wing of the hospital. His heart thudded in his chest, his palms sweat, and his stomach churned with an unsettling mix of anticipation and fear. It was the eve of Seungmin's due date, and the thought of becoming a father filled him with equal parts excitement and terror. He clutched the younger boy's hand, their fingers intertwined, trying to find some semblance of calm amidst the chaos of his racing thoughts.

The automatic doors of the hospital slid open, and Hyunjin felt a shiver run down his spine. He took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves as he led Seungmin inside. The sterile smell of antiseptic and the fluorescent lighting made the air feel heavy, almost suffocating. They made their way through the maze-like hallways, passing by room after room filled with anxious parents and medical staff. Each turn brought them closer to the room where their lives would change forever.

Finally, they arrived at Seungmin's room. It was a small, private space with soft lighting and soothing music playing in the background. The hospital bed was topped with crisp white sheets, and a framed photo of the couple rested on the nightstand. As they entered the room, a warm, friendly nurse greeted them and showed them where to sit. She explained the procedures and what would happen next, but Hyunjin couldn't help but feel detached, as if he were watching a movie unfold.

Time seemed to stand still as they waited for news. Every creak of the door, every footstep in the hallway outside sent a shiver down Hyunjin's spine. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dr. Mo (Bunnies should know this(iykyk) appeared in the doorway. Her face lit up with a reassuring smile. "Seungmin, it's time," she said gently. "I'll be right here with you every step of the way."

And with that, the journey began. Hours passed as Seungmin labored, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Hyunjin held his hand, feeling helpless and terrified but also excited. He couldn't believe this tiny person was about to come out of his beloved Seungmin. The room seemed to spin, time itself losing its meaning as they were engulfed in a world of pain and determination.

An hour later, Seungmin started to cry out in a new kind of agony. Dr. Mo and a group of student doctors rushed into the room, their faces set in determined lines. "Okay, Seungmin," Dr. Mo said gently. "You're doing great. Just remember to push when you feel the urge." She placed a cool hand on Seungmin's sweaty forehead, offering a reassuring smile.

The minutes stretched into eternity as Seungmin pushed with all his might. Hyunjin clutched his hand, feeling every contraction through their joined flesh. Suddenly, there was a wet, squishy sound, and Dr. Mo's face broke into a wide grin. "That's it, Seungmin! One more push and she'll be here!"

With a final, agonizing push, Seungmin bore down, and a tiny, wailing form emerged from between his legs. A baby girl, her skin still wet and covered in a sheen of vernix caseosa. Dr. Mo placed the newborn on Seungmin's chest, and for a moment, the only sound in the room was the gentle cry of their daughter. Hyunjin's heart swelled with love and pride as he gazed down at the two of them, their bond already unbreakable. "Congratulations, Seungmin," Dr. Mo said warmly. "You did it."

"She's beautiful, so beautiful," the younger said with teary eyes. "Let's name her Yunchae."

1. Sorry guys for not updating as often.  Yesterday I was SO FUCKING SAD because Karina and Lee Jae Wook broke up. Like, WHYYYY 😭😭😭??? They were perfect for each other and those "fans" ruined it!

2.You want a face reveal? Or do you want me to show some of my drawings?
