Reviewer: Riptideinker007
Story reviewed: Fearless
                               _ _ _

                 Overall Comments

Simply awesome. I’ve always quite loved myself a royal epic with a woman at the centre of it all. Yours was, of course, easily the most elegantly executed works of all that I’ve read until now, especially those that find their roots in the Indian origins. The princess was a beautiful character, the maid was a beautiful character and of course, a female vamp was exactly what the story needed to be the right amount of spicy.

Admittedly, I was a little skeptical about reviewing the book which is why I took so long to review it but I simply have to apologize for that because I was mistaken in my judgment.

Your work encompasses the very essence of Ancient India along with modern feminist ideas which I absolutely loved.
                              _ _ _


It’s simply amazing.



Basic plot:

Intriguing and absolutely wonderful. I won’t say it’s unique because honestly it’s basically “history repeats itself in a fictitious book" kinda case because there’s been so many female vamps that have manipulated their family members but I cannot call it a cliché because it’s more of a realistic thing, really.

Grammar + Spelling:

A bit off at certain places. I haven’t marked all of them with comments but you’ll find that I have marked maybe a few.

If you want me to, I can skim through the book again and mark the problematic areas out. Also you’ve used a word “unbefitting". Unbefitting is not a proper word, I’d suggest using “unbecoming”.

Structuring/Tone + Tense + Voice:

The structuring was pretty awesome but your description of the maid’s voice at the very beginning of the book didn’t fit well with me.

You’ve written, “The tone of her voice was of a helpless leaf caught in the wind, clinging desperately onto its branches.”

I’d suggest rephrasing it like this, “Her voice quivered- a helpless leaf caught in the wind that clung to its branches in desperation”.

It makes your statement concise, doesn’t change the air of it either and conveys the idea that she was a scared and nervous mess of a woman.

You may or may not choose to make this particular change because this is just my personal opinion but yeah.
The tone and tense were maintained throughout.

Overall score:

Brilliant book.
Thank you for choosing me.

So so sorry for being late.
Rate this review out of a 5 based on how helpful it was.

I apologize again for being late.
